胡平,華中科技大學公共衛生學院 ,副教授
2000年9月-2004年6月 南開大學 環境科學學士
2006年1月-2008年8月 美國堪薩斯州立大學 土壤微生物 碩士
2008年8月-2012年5月 美國德州農工大學土壤微生物 博士
2012年8月-2014年6月 美國維吉尼亞理工大學土壤微生態 博士後
2016年3月-2016年6月 瑞典卡羅林斯卡醫學院人體微生物組學 訪問學者
2015年8月-- 華中科技大學 公共衛生學院副教授
P. Hu*, A.S. Wang, A.S. Engledow, E.B. Hollister, K.L. Rothlisberger, J.E. Matocha, D.A. Zuberer, T.L. Provin, F.M. Hons, and T.J. Gentry. Inhibition of the Germination and Growth of Phymatotrichopsisomnivora (Cotton Root Rot) by Oilseed Meals and Isothiocyanates. 2011. Applied Soil Ecology. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2011.06.014.
Ping Hu*, Emily B. Hollister, Anil Somenahally, F.M. Hons, and T.J. Gentry. Soil bacterial and fungal communities respond differently to various isothiocyanates added for biofumigation. 2015. Frontiers in Microbiology. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00729.
Autumn S. Wang, Ping Hu, Emily B. Hollister, Katie L. Rothlisberger, Anil Somenahally, Tony L. Provin, Frank M. Hons, and Terry J. Gentry. Impact of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) and Flax (Linumusitatissimum) Seed Meal Applications on Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, and Microbial Dynamics. 2011. Applied and Environmental Soil Science.
Emily B. Hollister, Ping Hu, Autumn S. Wang, Frank M. Hons, and Terry J. Gentry. 2013. Differential impacts of brassicaceous and nonbrassicaceous oilseed meals on soil bacterial and fungal communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 83: 632-641.
Y Ma, T Gentry, P Hu, E Pierson, M Gu, S Yin. 2015. Impact of brassicaceous seed meals on the composition of the soil fungal community and the incidence of Fusarium wilt on chili pepper. Applied Soil Ecology 90: 41-48.
Ping Hu, Emily Hollister, Autumn Wang, Frank Hons, and Terry Gentry. Soil Microbial Community Changes after Oilseed Meal Application. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, USA.
Ping Hu, Frank M. Hons, and Terry J. Gentry.Metagenomic Analysis on Soil Fungal and Bacterial Communities in response to Isothiocynates application.Argonne Soil Metagenomics Workshop, Chicago, IL, USA.
Ping Hu, Mark Williams. Metatranscriptomic Study in Fe Cycling Related Rhizosphere Soil Microbial Communities.Microbial Genomic and Metagenomic Workshop by DOE-JGI, Walnut Creek, CA, USA.
Ping Hu. Invited talk/ workshop in metagenomic and metatranscriptomic research summary and analysis tools.Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China.