


  • 中文名:肖騎彬
  • 出生日期:1974年
  • 畢業院校:長春科技大學
  • 出生地:湖北天門






1.Xiao, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, G., and Wang, J., 2013. Electrical resistivity structures northeast of the Eastern Kunlun Fault in the Northeastern Tibet: Tectonic implications. Tectonophysics,
2.Xiao, Q., Zhang, J., Wang, J., Zhao, G., Tang, J., 2012, Electrical resistivity structures between the Northern Qilian Mountains and Beishan Block, NW China, and tectonic Implications. Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 200-201: 92–104.
3.Xiao, Q., Zhao, G., and Dong, Z., 2011, Electrical resistivity structure at the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, and tectonic implications. JGR-Solid Earth, 116(B12401), doi:10.1029/2010JB008163.
4.Xiao, Q., Cai, X., Liang, G., Xu, X., and Zhang, B., 2011, Application of 2D magnetotelluric methods in a geological complex area, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 75: 19–30.
5.Xiao, Q., Cai, X., Xu, X., Liang, G., and Zhang, B., 2010, Application of the 3D magnetotelluric inversion code in a geologically complex area. Geophysical Prospecting, 58: 1177–1192.
6.Xiao, Q., Zhao, G., 2010, Comparison of finite difference numerical solutions in magnetotelluric modelling. 地球物理學報, 53(3): 622-630.
7.肖騎彬,趙國澤,等, 2008, 蘇魯造山帶深部電性結構及其動力學意義.中國科學(D輯), 38(10):1258-1267.
8.肖騎彬, 趙國澤, 等, 2007, 大別山超高壓變質帶深部電性結構及其動力學意義初步研究.地球物理學報, 50(3):812-822.
9.肖騎彬,趙國澤,等, 2007, 地震電磁衛星交變電磁場的數據處理.地球物理學進展,22(3):674-678.
10.肖騎彬, 2005, 基於資料庫平台的MT數據處理可視化方案. 物探與化探, 29(3):269-272.
11.Xiao, Q., Zhao, G., Wang, J., Tang, J., Dong, Z., 2012, New magnetotelluric data indicate weak crustal layer existing beyond the Eastern Kunlun Fault at Northern Tibet. Extended Abstract, 21st EM Induction Workshop, Darwin, Australia.
12.Xiao, Q., Zhao, G., Dong, Z., 2010, Study on the electrical structures at eastern section of the Altyn fault. 20th Workshop Abstract, IAGA WG 1.2 on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth, Giza, Egypt.
13.Xiao, Q., et al., 2008, Comparison of finite difference numerical solutions in magnetotelluric modeling. Extended Abstract of 19th EM workshop, Biejing.


