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肖竹,男,工學博士,現任湖南大學信息科學與工程學院副教授 ,博士生、碩士生導師。


  • 中文名:肖竹
  • 畢業院校:西安電子科技大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:下一代通信新技術(5G)、無線異構網、導航定位與位置感知等
  • 職務:導師







· 2007/03-2009/12,西安電子科技大學,綜合業務網與關鍵技術國家重點實驗室(ISN),博士,專業方向:信息與通信工程,導師:於全,易克初
· 2004.9-2007.2,西安電子科技大學,智慧型感知與圖像理解教育部重點實驗室,碩士,導師:焦李成
· 2000.9-2004.7,西安電子科技大學,工學學士


· 2010/03-目前,湖南大學,信息科學與工程學院,副教授
· 2010/05-2012/03,英國University of Bedfordshire,博士後研究
· 2009/05-2009/10,中國科學院國家天文台,合作項目研究人員
· 2006/07-2006/11,中興通訊有限公司(ZTE) 西安研究所,算法工程師


1. 下一代通信新技術/5G(Next-generationcommunications technology / 5G)
2. 異構網、小蜂窩網路(Heterogeneous networks and small cells)
3.無線定位與位置感知(Wireless localization and location awareness)
4. 車聯網(Internet of Vehicle),大數據挖掘(Big Data mining),移動計算(Mobile computing)


(9)2013.1-2015.12.5G背景下的分散式智慧型化Small Cell網路關鍵技術問題研究,中央高校基本科研業務費。主持。




[1]Zhu Xiao, Xiangyu Shen, Fanzi Zeng, Vincent Havyarimana, DongWang, Weiwei Chen, and Keqin Li. SpectrumResource Sharing in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks: A Non-CooperativeGame-Theoretic Approach with Correlated Equilibrium,IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Oct. 2018, Vol. 67,No. 10,
[2]Zhu Xiao; Pingting Li; Vincent Havyarimana; Hassana MaigaryGeorges; Dong Wang; Keqin Li. GOI: A Novel Design for Vehicle Positioning andTrajectory Prediction under Urban Environments.IEEE Sensors Journal, July, 2018, Vol. 18, No. 13, pp: 5586-5594.
[3]Vincent Havyarimana,Zhu Xiao*, Alexis Sibomana, Di Wu, and Jing Bai. A Fusion Framework based on Sparse Gaussian-WignerPrediction for Vehicle Localization using GDOP of GPS Satellites.IEEE Transactions onIntelligent Transportation Systems,21 January 2019,pp: 1-10, onlinefirst. DOI:
[4]ZhijingQin, Di Wu,Zhu Xiao, Bin Fu, and ZhijinQin. Modeling and Analysis of Data Aggregation from Convergecast in MobileSensor Networks for Industrial IoT,IEEETransactions on Industrial Informatics, Jun. 2018,Vol. 14, No. 10, pp: 4457-4467.
[5]Jianhua Xiao,Zhu Xiao*,Dong Wang, Jing Bai, Vincent Havyarimana, Fanzi Zeng. Short-term traffic volume prediction byensemble learning in concept drifting environments.Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 164, 15 January 2019, Pages 213-225.(中科院SCI 2區,JCR 1區)
[6]Jie Chen,Dong Wang,Zhu Xiao*and Vincent Havyarimana. OCT: A Novel OpportunisticCompression and Transmission Approach for Private Car Trajectory Data. DataCompression Conference, IEEE, DCC2018, 27th-30th March2018, Salt Lake City, USA.(CCFB類會議)
[7]JieChen;Zhu Xiao*;DongWang;DaiwuChen;Vincent Havyarimana;Jing Bai;Hongyang Chen. Towards Opportunistic Compression and Transmission for PrivateCar Trajectory Data Collection.IEEE SensorsJournal,March 1, 2019, 19(5): 1925-1935,
[8]Dong Wang ; Jiaojiao Fan ;Zhu Xiao*; Hongbo Jiang ; HongyangChen ; Fanzi Zeng ; Keqin Li. Stop-and-Wait: Discover Aggregation Effect Basedon Private Car Trajectory Data.IEEETransactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,2018 ,
[9]Zhiyang Xiang,Zhu Xiao, Dong Wang, Xiaohong Li. AGaussian mixture framework for incremental nonparametric regression with topologylearning neural networks[J].Neurocomputing,Volume 194, 19 June 2016, Pages 34–44. (SCI)
[10]Vincent Havyarimana,Damien Hanyurwimfura, Philibert Nsengiyumva,Zhu Xiao. A novel hybrid approach based-SRG modelfor vehicle position prediction in multi-GPS outage conditions [J].Information Fusion, Volume 41, May 2018, Pages1-8. (SCI 1)
[11]Jianhua Xiao, ZhiyangXiang, Dong Wang,Zhu Xiao.Nonparametric kernel smoother on topology learning neural networks forincremental and ensemble regression [J].Neural Computing and Applications, Published online: 14 October 2017. (SCI,中科院2區)
[12]Fanzi Zeng, Qiao Li,Zhu Xiao*, Vincent Havyarimana and Jing Bai. APrice-based Optimization Strategy of Power Control and Resource Allocation inFull-Duplex Heterogeneous Macrocell-Femtocell Networks,IEEE Access, Jul. 2018, Vol. 6, pp: 42004-42013.
[13]Zhu Xiao,Hongjing Liu,Vincent Havyarimana, Tong Li and Dong Wang*.Analytical Study on Multi-Tier 5G Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks: CoveragePerformance and Energy Efficiency. Sensors, 2016, 16(11), 1854. 17 pages. doi:10.3390/s16111854(SCI)
[14]Dong Wang, QianLiu,Zhu Xiao*, Jie Chen, YourongHuang and Weiwei Chen. Understanding Travel Behavior of Private Cars viaTrajectory Big Data Analysis in Urban Environments, 3rd Internationalconference on Big Data Intelligence and Computing (DataCom),2017, IEEE, Nov.6-10 in Orlando, Florida, U.S.A., pp. 917-924, DOI:10.1109/DASC-PICom-DataCom-CyberSciTec.2017.154
[15]Zhu Xiao, Shuangchun Li, Tong Li, and Dong Wang. On Enhancing Energy Efficiencyvia Elastic Cell-Zooming Algorithm in Three-Tier Heterogeneous WirelessNetworks, WASA 2017, LNCS 10251, pp. 1–15, 2017. Springer InternationalPublishing AG 2017,
[16]Zhu Xiao, Shuangchun Li, Xiaochun Chen, Dong Wang, Wenjie Chen. Aload-balancing energy consumption minimization scheme in 5G heterogeneous smallcell wireless networks under coverage probability analysis, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2017, Vol. 31, No. 7, 21 pages.
[17]Zhiyang. Xiang,Zhu Xiao, Dong Wang, JianhuaXiao. Gaussian kernel smooth regression with topology learning neural networksand Python implementation,Neurocomputing, 2017,
[18]Hassana Maigary Georges,Zhu Xiao,and Dong Wang. Hybrid Cooperative Vehicle Positioning using DistributedRandomized Sigma Point Belief Propagation on Non-Gaussian Noise Distribution[J].IEEE Sensors Journal, 2016, 16(21):7803-7813. (SCI)
[19]Zhu Xiao,Vincent Havyarimana,Tong Li and Dong Wang*, A Nonlinear Framework of Delayed Particle SmoothingMethod for Vehicle Localization under Non-Gaussian Environment[J]. Sensors, 2016, 16(5),692,16 pages; doi:10.3390/s16050692(SCI
[20]Xiang, Zhiyang;Xiao, Zhu; Wang, Dong; Georges, HassanaMaigarya. Incremental semi-supervised kernel construction with self-organizingincremental neural network and application in intrusion detection. Journal ofIntelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 815-823, 2016.(SCI)
[21]ZhuXIAO, Tong Li, Wei Ding,Dong Wang, Jie Zhang. Dynamic PCI allocation on avoiding handover confusion viacell status prediction in LTE heterogeneous small cell networks[J]. WirelessCommunications and Mobile Computing, Volume 16, Issue 14, October 2016, pp:1972-1986, 2016
[22]Zhu Xiao, Tong Li, Wenchi Cheng, Dong Wang. Apollonius Circles Based OutboundHandover in Macro-Small Wireless Cellular Networks. 2016 IEEE GlobalCommunications Conference (GLOBECOM), 4-8 Dec. 2016, Washington D.C. Pages: 1 –6.
[23]Zhu Xiao, Yu Jianzhi, Tong Li, Zhiyang Xiang, Dong Wang, Wenjie Chen. ResourceAllocation via Hierarchical Clustering in Dense Small Cell Networks: ACorrelated Equilibrium Approach, IEEE 27th Annual IEEE International Symposiumon Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, IEEE PIMRC2016, 4-7September 2016, Valencia, Spain.
[24]ZhuXiao, Zhongfeng Li, XuZhang, Enjie Liu and Kechu Yi. An Efficient Interference Mitigation Approachvia Quasi-Access in Two-tier Macro-Femto Heterogeneous Networks[J]. International Journal of CommunicationSystems, 2015, 28(5): 901-909. (SCI)
[25]Hangyu Gu, Shuangchun Li, Vincent Havyarimana, DongWang, Zhu Xiao*. Analytical Study on Inter-Cell Handover via Non-Concentric Circles in WirelessHeterogeneous Small Cell Networks, KSII Transactions on Internet andInformation Systems, May. 2018, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp: 2029-2043.
[26]Tong Li,Zhu Xiao*, Hassana Maigary Georges, Zhinian Luo and Dong Wang, "Performance Analysis of Co- andCross-tier Device-to-Device Communication Underlaying Macro-small Cell WirelessNetworks", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 10,no. 4, pp. 1481-1500, 2016. (SCI)
[27]Vincent Havyarimana,Zhu Xiao,and Dong wang, "A Hybrid Approach-based Sparse Gaussian Kernel Model forVehicle State Estimation during the Free and Complete GPS Outages[J]. ETRIJournal, Volume 38, Number 3, June 2016, pp: 578-587. (SCI)
[28]Xu Zhang,Zhu Xiao, Shyam Babu Mahato, EnjieLiu, Ben Allen, Carsten Maple. Dynamic UE-based Hysteresis-adjusting Algorithmin LTE Femtocell Network[J]. IET Communications, 2014, 8(17): 3050-3060. (SCI)
[29]Zhiyang Xiang,Zhu Xiao*, Yourong Huang, Dong Wang, Bin Fu, and Wenjie Chen.Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Dimensionality Reduction with Self-OrganizingIncremental Neural Network and Graph Similarity Constraints. The 20th PacificAsia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD), April 19-22, 2016,Auckland, New Zealand.
[30]Dong Wang, Jie Xiong,Zhu Xiao, Xiaohong Li. Short-term Traffic Flow Prediction based onEnsemble Real-time Sequential Extreme Learning Machine under Non-stationaryCondition. 2016 IEEE 83rd Vehicular Technology Conference. VTC2016-Spring, 15-18May 2016, Nanjing, China.
[31]Hassana Maigary Georges, Dong Wang,Zhu Xiao,Jie Chen. Hybrid global navigation satellite systems, differential navigationsatellite systems and time of arrival cooperative positioning based oniterative finite difference particle filter.[J]. IET Communications, 2015,Vol.9, Iss. 14, pp: 1699 – 1709.(SCI)
[32]Vincent Havyarimana, DongWang, andZhu Xiao.A novel Probabilistic Approach for Vehicle Position Prediction in Free, Partialand Full GPS Outages[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015, Volume 2015, Article ID 189282, 13 pages.(SCI)
[33]X. Zhang, E.J. Liu,Z. Xiaoand J. Zhang. Dynamic PCI assignment in two-tier networksbased on cell activity prediction [J]. Electronics Letters. 21st November 2013,Vol. 49 No. 24 pp. 1570–1572
[34],陳杰,王東,李曉鴻,李仁發.嚴重遮擋非視距環境下的三維定位方法[J].通信學報,2015,(36)8: 68-75.
[35]肖竹,王東,李仁發,易克初.物聯網定位與位置感知研究[J].中國科學:信息科學, 2013, 43(10): 1265-1287.
[36]肖竹,譚光華,李仁發,張小明.無線感測器網路中基於UWB的TOA/AOA聯合定位研究[J].計算機研究與發展, 2013, 50(3): 453-460
[37]肖竹,李仁發,易克初,張傑.兩層異構網路中Femtocell研究進展與展望[J].通信學報, 2013, 34(2): 156-169
[38]Xiao Zhu, Bai Jing, Ma Guanyi, Fan Jiangtao. Researchon Positioning Enhancement Scheme of CAPS via UWB Pseudolite[J]. SciChina-Phys Mech Astron. 2012, 55(4): 733-737.(SCI).
[39]肖竹,王勇超,田斌,於全.超寬頻定位研究與套用:回顧和展望[J].電子學報,2011, 39(1): 133-141
[40]肖竹,黑永強,於全,易克初.脈衝超寬頻定位技術綜述[J].中國科學F輯:信息科學,2009, 39(10):1112-1124.
[41]肖竹,於全,易克初,王勇超.適用於NLOS環境的UWB定位研究.通信學報, 2008, 29(4): 1-7.


