

肖晶,臨床心理學博士 MD & PhD,首都師範大學心理系副教授、碩士生導師,首都師範大學心理與工作效能研究中心副主任,國家二級心理諮詢師認證考試面試官,佐心科技特聘專家,十餘家世界500強企業心理顧問。

學術科研方向: 1、工業與組織心理學領域:人職匹配與績效,績效預測工具研發,員工甄選與工作行為評價

2、心理健康領域:親子關係處理、青少年心理健康 、情緒發生機制、抑鬱易感性及其認知神經機制、員工幫助計畫(EAP)的理論與實踐。


  • 中文名:肖晶




(1)2014.12-2015.8:北京市團市委橫向課題——北京青少年心理健康藍皮書之北京市初高中畢業班學生壓力源及心理健康 (項目聯合負責人)
(2)2013.6-2015.6: 北京市哲學社會科學規劃北京基礎教育研究基地項目——基礎教育的新教師招聘優勢才能識別模式構建 (項目負責人)
(3)2013.6-2015.6 首都師範大學研究生院精品課程建設——套用心理學專業碩士-員工幫助計畫(EAP)精品課程建設(項目負責人)
(4)2013.6-2016.6 首都師範大學哲學社科青年學者拔尖人才培養計畫項目
(5)2013.1-2015.12國家自然科學青年基金:“最弱連線”假說在抑鬱認知易感者篩選中的套用:來自多時段追蹤與認知神經機制的新證據 (項目負責人)
(6)2013.6-2015.6 首都師範大學教務處教改項目——師範生拔尖人才選拔、培養中的優勢才能識別系統構建 (項目負責人)


1Jing Xiao, Yini He, Chad McWhinnie & Shuqiao Yao. Altered white matter integrity in individuals with cognitive vulnerability to depression: a tract-based spatial statistics study. Scientific Reports, 2015 (SCI) (accepted, Nature Publishing Group)
2Jing Xiao, Yu Bai, Yini He, Chad M. McWhinnie , Yu Ling, Hannah Smith, E. Scott Huebner. Achievement Goal Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and gender invariance in a Sample of Chinese University Students. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2015 (SSCI) (accepted, Corresponding author)
3 Tianzhu Kong, Yini He, Randy P. Auerbach, Chad M. McWhinnie,Jing Xiao. Rumination and depression in Chinese university students: The mediating role of overgeneral autobiographical memory. Personality and Individual Differences, 2015,77:221-224. (SSCI) (Corresponding author)
4 Jing Yan, Tianzhu Kong, Yini He, Chad M. McWhinnie, & Shuqiao Yao,Jing Xiao. Daily hassles and depression in individuals with cognitive vulnerability to depression: The mediating role of maladaptive cognitive emotion regulation strategies. Nordic Psychology, 2015, 67(1): 87-100. (SSCI)(Corresponding author)
5Jing Xiao, Yu Qiu, Yini He, Lixia Cui, Randy P. Auerbach, Chad M. McWhinnie, & Shuqiao Yao. ‘Weakest link’ as a cognitive vulnerability within the hopelessness theory of depression in Chinese university students. Stress and Health. Advance online publication. 2014, doi:10.1002/smi.2571 (SCI) (Corresponding author)
6 Xinyue Zheng, Danyang Wang, Yu,P., Shuqiao Yao,Jing Xiao. Low self-esteem as a vulnerability differentially predicts symptom dimensions of depression in university students in China: A 6-month longitudinal study, PsyCh Journal.2014, 3(4): 273–281. (Corresponding author)
7Jing Xiao, Tianzhu Kong, Chad M. McWhinnie, Shuqiao Yao, Xiongzhao Zhu, Shuiping Zhao, & Shu Duan. The Tripartite Model for Assessing Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety Psychometric Properties of the Chinese Version of the Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Questionnaire in Patients With Essential Hypertension.Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2015,71(7),611–617. (SCI)(Corresponding author)
8Jing Xiao, Shuqiao Yao, Xiongzhao Zhu, John R. Z. Abela, Shu Duan, Shuiping Zhao. A Prospective Study of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and depressive Symptoms in patients with Essential Hypertension. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension.2011.33(1),63-68 (SCI)
9 Xueling Zhu, Xiang Wang,Jing Xiao, Mingtian Zhong, Jian Liao, Shuqiao Yao. Altered white matter integrity in first-episode, treatment-naïve young adults with major depressive disorder: A tract-based spatial statistics study. Brain research, 2011, 22 –229. (SCI)
10 Mingtian Zhong, Xiang Wang ,Jing Xiao, Jinyao Yi, Xueling Zhu, Jian Liao, Wei Wang, Shuqiao Yao. Amygdala hyperactivation and prefrontal hypoactivation in subjects with cognitive vulnerability to depression. Biological Psychology. 2011, 88:233–242.
11Jing Xiao, Shuqiao Yao, Xiongzhao Zhu, Chenchen Zhang, Randy P. Auerbach, Chad M. McWhinnie, John R. Z. Abela. The Responses to Stress Questionnaire: Construct Validity and Prediction of Depressive and Social Anxiety Symptoms in a Sample of Chinese Adolescents. Stress and health, 2010, 26:238-249. (SCI)
12 Shuqiao Yao,Jing Xiao, Xiongzhao Zhu, Chenchen Zhang, Randy P. Auerbach, Chad M. McWhinnie, John R. Z. Abela. Coping and involuntary responses to stress in Chinese university students: Psychometric properties of the responses to stress questionnaire. Journal of Personality Assessment, 2010, 92:4, 356-361. (SSCI)
13 Shuqiao Yao, Chenchen Zhang, Xiongzhao Zhu,Jing Xiao, Chad M. McWhinnie, John R.Z. Abela. Measuring adolescent psychopathology: The psychometric properties of the self-report Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in a sample of Chinese a dolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009, 45(1), 55-62. (SCI)
14 Xiongzhao Zhu, Randy P. Auerbach, Shuqiao Yao, John R. Z. Abela,Jing Xiao, Xi Tong. Cognition & Emotion. Psychometric properties of the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire: Chinese version.2008,22(2),288-307.(SSCI)


