



  • 中文名:聶儀晶
  • 畢業院校:南京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 任職院校:江蘇大學


2003/09-2007/06 四川大學 高分子科學與工程學院 學士
2007/09-2010/06 四川大學 高分子科學與工程學院 碩士
2010/09-2013/06 南京大學 化學化工學院 博士






1. 江蘇大學科研啟動基金;
2. 江蘇省博士後基金一等:聚合物玻璃化轉變協同運動機理的分子模擬研究(1402019A);
3. 國家自然科學基金青年基金:聚合物納米複合材料結晶行為的分子模擬研究(21404050);
4. 國家博士後基金一等:橡膠結構、分子運動及粘彈性能關係的實驗及模擬研究(2015M580394)。
7. 參加2016年先進熱分析技術國際研討會。
6. 參加The 3rd International Congress on Advanced Materials (AM 2016),Bangkok, Thailand,oral presentation: Restricted relaxation and improved crystallizability of oriented polymers by confinement of filler networks.
5. 參加2016年高分子結晶中原青年論壇,口頭報告:聚合物納米複合材料的結晶行為。
4. 參加中國化學會2016年軟物質理論計算與模擬學術會議,口頭報告:納米粒子誘導聚合物結晶行為的分子模擬研究。
3. 參加2015年全國高分子年會,會議論文:納米雜化串晶的成核機理;聚合物脆性指數和構象轉變之間的關係。
2. 參加2014年中國化學會大分子體系理論、模擬與計算研討會,會議論文:聚合物玻璃化轉變的蒙特卡洛模擬研究。
  1. 參加2013年全國高分子年會,會議論文:高分子拉伸誘導結晶的分子模擬;拉伸誘導無規共聚物結晶成核的分子模擬研究。
47. 徐婉珍,張梟明,黃衛紅,聶儀晶,楊文明,表面接枝法製備磁性鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯印跡聚合物及其識別性能研究,分析化學,2017
46. Nie, Yijing; Gu, Zhouzhou; Hao, Tongfan; Wang, Yue; Liu, Yong; Zhang, Ding; Wei, Ya; Li, Songjun; Zhou, Zhiping, Relaxation and Crystallization of Oriented Polymer Melts with Anisotropic Filler Networks, Journal of Physical Chemistry Part B, 2017
45. Tongfan Hao, Zhiping Zhou, Yue Wang, Yong Liu, Ding Zhang, Yijing Nie, Ya Wei, Songjun Li, Segmental dynamics in interfacial region of composite materials, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2017
44. Yijing Nie, Zhouzhou Gu, Ya Wei, Tongfan Hao and Zhiping Zhou, Features of strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber revealed by experiments and simulations, Polymer Journal, 2017
43. Zhiping Zhou, Tongfan Hao, Li Xia, Yijing Nie, Songjun Li, Preparation of a novel magnetic and thermo-responsive composite and its application in drug release, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2016
42. Tongfan Hao, Zhiping Zhou, Yijing Nie, Songjun Li, Hong Liu, The orientational orders of poly(β-phenethyl l-aspartate) in two opposite α-helical form: a molecular dynamic simulation, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 2016, accept.
41. Tongfan Hao, Zhiping Zhou, Yijing Nie*, Ya Wei, Songjun Li, Molecular simulations of crystallization behaviors of polymers grafted on two-dimensional filler, Polymer, 2016
40. Yijing Nie, Huanhuan Gao, Yixian Wu and Wenbing Hu, Effect of comonomer sizes on the strain-induced crystal nucleation of random copolymers, European Polymer Journal, 2016
39. Yijing Nie, Tongfan Hao, Ya Wei, Zhiping Zhou, Polymer Crystal Nucleation with Confinement-Enhanced Orientation Dominating the Formation of Nanohybrid Shish-Kebabs with Multiple Shish, RSC Advances, 2016
38. Tongfan Hao, Xiao Wei, Yijing Nie, Yeqing Xu, Yongsheng Yan, Zhiping Zhou, An eco-friendly molecularly imprinted fluorescence composite material based on carbon dots for fluorescent detection of 4-nitrophenol, Microchimica Acta, 2016.
37. Tongfan Hao, Xiao Wei, Yijing Nie, Yeqing Xu, Kai Lu, Yongsheng Yan, Zhiping Zhou, Surface modification and ratiometric fluorescence dual function enhancement for visual and fluorescent detection of glucose based on dual-emission quantum dots hybrid, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2016.
36. Yijing Nie,Zhiping Zhou,Tongfan Hao,Xubo Ye,Wenming Yang, The Distribution of Glass Transition Temperatures in Ultrathin Polymer Films Controlled by Segment Density or Interfacial Interaction, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2016
35. Xubo Ye, Zhiping Zhou, Yijing Nie, Ping Ma, Tongfan Hao, Wenming Yang, Haifeng Lu, Comparative study on dynamical heterogeneity of ring and linear polymers, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2016
34. 聶儀晶,周志平,分子模擬在高分子物理教學過程中的套用,廣州化工,2015年23期。
33. Haifeng Lu, Zhiping Zhou, Tongfan Hao, Xubo Ye andYijing Nie, Temperature Dependence of Structural Properties and Chain Configurational Study: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Polyethylene Chains, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2015
32. Yijing Nie, Rongjian Zhang, Kaishan Zheng, Zhiping Zhou, Nucleation Details of Nanohybrid Shish-Kebabs in Polymer Solutions Studied by Molecular Simulations, Polymer, 2015
31. Yijing Nie, Thermodynamic Description of Strain-Induced Crystallization of Natural Rubber by a Combination of the Tube Model and a Scaling Argument, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B, 2015
30. Yijing Nie, Strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber/zinc dimethacrylate composites studied using synchrotron X-ray diffraction and molecular simulation, Journal of Polymer Research 2015.
29. Yijing Nie, Xubo Ye, Zhiping Zhou, Tongfan Hao, Wenming Yang, Haifeng Lu, Structural characteristics of a cooperatively rearranging region during the glass transition of a polymer system, RSC Advances, 2015
28. Miaomiao Zhang, Liyun Zha, Huanhuan Gao, Yijing Nie, Wenbing Hu, how polydispersity of network polymers influences strain-induced crystal nucleation in a rubber, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2014
27. Yijing Nie, Xubo Ye, Zhiping Zhou, Wenming Yang, and Lu Tao, Intrinsic correlations between dynamic heterogeneity and conformational transition in polymers during glass transition, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, accepted.
26. Yijing Nie, Huanhuan Gao, Yixian Wu, Wenbing Hu. Thermodynamics of strain-induced crystallization of random copolymers, Soft Matter, 2014
25. Yijing Nie, Huanhuan Gao, Wenbing Hu. Variable trends of chain-folding in separate stages of strain-induced crystallization of bulk polymers, Polymer, 2014
24. Yijing Nie, Huanhuan Gao, Muhuo Yu, Zuming Hu, Günter Reiter, Wenbing Hu, Competition of crystal nucleation to fabricate the oriented semi-crystalline texture of polymers, Polymer,2013.
23. Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Xiaoan Wang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu. New insights into thermodynamic description of strain-induced crystallization of peroxide cross-linked natural rubber filled with clay by tube model, Polymer,2011.
22. Yijing Nie, Liangliang Qu, Guangsu Huang, Xiaoan Wang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu. Homogenization of Natural Rubber Network Induced by Nanoclay, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014
21. Yijing Nie, Liangliang Qu, Guangsu Huang*, Bingyin Wang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu. Improved resistance to crack growth of natural rubber by the inclusion of organoclay, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2012.
20. Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Structural evolution during uniaxial deformation of natural rubber reinforced with nano-alumina, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2011.
19. Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Cure kinetics and morphology of natural rubber reinforced by the in situ polymerization of zinc dimethacrylate, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010
18. Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Zhiyuan Liu, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Improved mechanical properties and special reinforcement mechanism of natural rubber reinforced by in situ polymerization of zinc dimethacrylate, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010
17. Yijing Nie, Bingyin Wang, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Relationship between material properties and fatigue crack growth characteristic of natural rubber filled with different carbon blacks, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010
16. Liangliang Qu, Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Dynamic Fatigue Behavior of Natural Rubber Reinforced with Nanoclay and Carbon Black, Journal of Macromolecule Science, Part B: polymer physics, 2011
15. Juan Li, Yijing Nie, Yu Ma, Wenbing Hu, Stress-induced polymer deformation in shear flows, Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2013
14. Liangliang Qu, Guangsu Huang, Yijing Nie, Jinrong Wu, Gengsheng Weng, Peng Zhang, Strain-Induced Crystallization Behavior of Natural Rubber and Trans-1,4-Polyisoprene Crosslinked Blends, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011
13. Liangliang Qu, Guangsu Huang, Peng Zhang, Yijing Nie, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Synergistic reinforcement of nanoclay and carbon black in natural rubber. Polymer International, 2010
12. Liangliang Qu, Guangsu Huang, Zhiyuan Liu, Peng Zhang, Gengsheng Weng, Yijing Nie, Remarkable reinforcement of natural rubber by deformation-induced crystallization in the presence of organophilic montmorillonite. Acta Materialia, 2009
11. Gengsheng Weng, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Yijing Nie, Jinrong Wu, Large scale orientation in vulcanized stretched natural rubber network: proved by the in-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction characterization. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2010
10. Gengsheng Weng, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Yijing Nie, natural rubber with low heat generation achieved by the inclusion of boron carbide. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010
9. Gengsheng Weng, Guangsu Huang, Hangxin Lei, Liangliang Qu, Yijing Nie, Jingrong Wu, Crack initiation and evolution in vulcanized natural rubber under high temperature fatigue. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2011
8. Gengsheng Weng, Guangsu Huang, Hangxin Lei, Liangliang Qu, Peng Zhang, Yijing Nie, Jingrong Wu, Crack Initiation of Natural Rubber under High Temperature Fatigue Loading. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012
7. Peng Zhang, Guangsu Huang, Xiaoan Wang, Yijing Nie, Liangliang Qu, Gengsheng Weng, The Influence of Montmorillonite on the Anti-Reversion in the Rubber–Clay Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010
6. Peng Zhang, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Yijing Nie, Gengsheng Weng, Jinrong Wu, Strain-induced Crystallization Behavior of Polychloroprene Rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011
5. Peng Zhang, Guangsu Huang, Liangliang Qu, Yijing Nie, Gengsheng Weng, Study on the Self-crosslinking Behavior Based on Polychloroprene Rubber and Epoxidized Natural Rubber. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012
4. Xiaoan Wang, Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Jinrong Wu, Kewei Xiang, Dynamic crossover of the sub-Rouse modes in the glass-rubber transition region in poly(n-alkyl methacrylates) with different side chain lengths. Chemical Physics Letters, 2012
3. Xiaoan Wang, Guangsu Huang, Jinrong Wu, Yijing Nie, and Xiaojun He, Using Two-Dimensional Correlation Dynamic Mechanical Spectroscopy to Detect Different Modes of Molecular Motions in the Glass-Rubber Transition Region in Polyisobutylene. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011
2. Xiaoan Wang, Guangsu Huang, Jinrong Wu, Yijing Nie, Xiaojun He, Kewei Xiang, Molecular motions in glass-rubber transition region in polyisobutylene investigated by two-dimensional correlation dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 2011
1. Xiaoan Wang, Kewei Xiang, Yijing Nie, Guangsu Huang, Jinrong Wu, and Zhiqing Su, Intermediate State and Weak Intermolecular Interactions of α-trans-1,4-Polyisoprene During the Gradual Cooling Crystallization Process Investigated by In situ FTIR and Two-Dimensional Infrared Correlation Spectroscopy, Macromolecular Research,2013


