聖·托馬斯大學(St. Thomas University)創建於 1910 年,位於新不倫瑞克省 的費雷德里克頓市。聖托馬斯大學聖·托馬斯大學傳統的人文教學是加拿大其他學St. Thomas University校不可以媲美的。學校每個班級都配有教學老師,而不是助教。學校給予本科學生的關注和別的學校的研究生所受到學校的關注是一樣的。學校不但以文科見長,還側重於發展綜合型學科,將文學學科與時間培訓相結合。另外,學校也提供一流的教育和機會。
STU markets itself to prospective students as a 'small scale university with a big scale reputation.' STU's marketing campaign prides itself on its small school approach with a big school feel. While keeping class sizes small (the biggest class size at STU is at the most 60, with about 30 students in each class the norm), they are able to offer students a library and athletic facilities on par with larger institutions thanks to its partnership with UNB. STU's current advertising slogan is 'Think for yourself,' and is meant to highlight its commitment to the liberal arts. The 2007 Maclean's University rankings, released on November 8th, 2007, rates STU 18th out of 21 undergraduate universities surveyed.
STU offers the following programmes to students: Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Arts, Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Social Work.
STU offers the following degrees to students: Anthropology, Aquinas, Catholic Studies, Co-op Programme, Core, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Economics, Education, English Language and Literature, English as a Second Language, Environment and Society, Fine Arts, French, Gerontology, Great Ideas, History, Human Rights,Humanities, Italian, Interdisciplinary Studies, Irish Studies, Journalism, Latin, Mathematics, Media Studies, Native Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Romance Languages, Science and Technology Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Spanish, Women's Studies and Gender Studies.
Campus Life
There are six academic buildings on campus housing classrooms and faculty offices. They are: James Dunn Hall, Edmund Casey Hall, George Martin Hall, Brian Mulroney Hall, Holy Cross House, and Margaret Norrie McCain Hall.
STU's athletic facility is called the J.B. O'Keefe Centre.
There are five residence buildings at St. Thomas University. Three are located on campus (Harrington and Vanier Halls, and Holy Cross House), while two are located a short distance away (Chatham and Rigby Halls).
The university maintains its own campus police force. Campus police members are students who are hired annually by the University to maintain security at campus events.
The student newspaper, The Aquinian, is available on campus and around the city during the regular academic year.