





2015-2016,挪威科技大學,土木與交通工程,訪學,Amund Bruland教授團隊。










13.多學科交叉複合的機械設計製造及其自動化專業建設探索與實踐(教改項目),中央高校, 2018.4-2020.4.


[36]張興宇,耿麒,葉敏,賀飛,張大慶,2023. 全斷面岩石隧道掘進機刀盤結構形式對出碴性能的影響[J]. 陝西公路科技,40(1):54-61.
[35]寧向可,耿麒,盧智勇,於慶增,2023. 全斷面隧道掘進機錐面刀盤滾刀破岩機制研究[J]. 現代隧道技術,60(2):73-83.
[34] 耿麒,張興宇,賀飛,齊志沖,汪學斌,葉敏,張大慶,2023. TBM兩級螺旋式刀盤出碴機制數值模擬研究[J]. 現代隧道技術,60(2):84-93+124.
[33] Geng Q*, He F, Ma M, Liu X, Wang X, Zhang Z, Ye M (2022) Application of full-scale experimental cutterhead system to study penetration performance of tunnel boring machines (TBMs). ROCK MECH ROCK ENG.
[32]Shi M*, Geng Q, Lv L, Zhang S (2022). A decision tree-assisted polynomial regression model with application in the cutting force analysis of cutters of tunnel boring machine. Engineering Optimization.
[31] Geng Q*, He F, Lu Z, Liu X, Wang X, Ye M (2022) Geometry evolution of mesoscopic mechanical structures during the rock fragmentation process induced by tunnel boring machine (TBM) cutters. Royal Society Open Science 9:1-23.
[30] 耿麒*,張俊傑,汪珂,路宇峰,謝立揚,葉敏 (2022) 基於FEM-SPH耦合的TBM滾刀切削模擬與試驗研究. 山東大學學報(工學版) 52(1):93-102.
[29] 路宇峰,謝立揚,耿麒*. 多功能縮尺破岩實驗台的設計[J]. 南方農機,2022,53(3):118-120.
[28]GENG Qi*, MA Maoxun, RENQIAN Longzhu, HUI Jizhuang, YE Min, WANG Xuebin, ZHANG Zeyu (2022) Numerical and experimental study on the dynamic penetration performance of TBM cutterhead using a FEA-SPH coupling method. Paper presented at the 4th international conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications As ISRM Specialized conference, Xuzhou.
[27] Geng Q*, Shi M, Liu X, Lu Y, Zhang J, Ye M (2022) Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) Cutter Spacing Design based on Simulations of Rock Breaking Process Using a FEM-SPH Coupling Method. Paper presented at the 2021 International Conference of Mechanical Design & the 21th Mechanical Design Annual Conference (ICMD2021), Changsha.
[26] Xu H*, Geng Q, Sun Z, Qi Z (2021) Full-scale granite cutting experiments using tunnel boring machine disc cutters at different free-face conditions. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 108: 103719.
[25] Sun JQ, Li XA*, Geng Q, Zhu TT (2021) Effect of loess particle shape on its performance under biaxial compression. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences.
[24] 耿麒,盧智勇,張澤宇*,汪學斌,馬茂勛,葉敏 (2021) 全斷面隧道掘進機滾刀預切槽破岩數值模擬. 西安交通大學學報 55(9):9-19.
[23] Geng Q*, Ye M, Lu Z, Liu X, Wang X (2021) Numerical Study on Free Face-Assisted Rock Fragmentation Induced by a TBM Disk Cutter. Paper presented at the 11th Conference of Asian Rock Mechanics Society, Beijing.
[22] 耿麒*,謝立揚,張澤宇,葉敏,姚永春 (2020) 全斷面隧道掘進機刀盤刮碴鏟斗結構對出碴性能的影響. 西安交通大學學報 54(11):149-157.
[21] Liu X*, Geng Q (2020) Effect of contact characteristic on the self-rotation performance of conical picks based on impact dynamics modelling. Royal Society Open Science 7:1-14.
[20] Geng Q*, Zhang HJ, Liu XH, et al (2019). Numerical study on the rock muck transfer process of TBM cutterhead with clump strategy based on discrete element method [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 91: 103000.
[19] Liu X*, Tang P, Geng Q, Li X, Tian M (2019) Numerical research on wear mechanisms of conical cutters based on rock stress state. Engineering Failure Analysis 97:274-287 doi:10.1016/j.engfailanal.2019.01.045.
[18] Liu X*, Tang P, Geng Q, Wang X (2019) Effect of Abrasive Concentration on Impact Performance of Abrasive Water Jet Crushing Concrete. Shock and Vibration 2019:1-18.
[17] Geng Q*, Bruland A, Macias FJ. Analysis on the Relationship Between Layout and Consumption of Face Cutters on Hard Rock Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs) [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51: 281-297.
[16] 耿麒*,魏正英,任軍輝. 基於能量法的TBM滾刀磨損機理分析研究[J].機械工程學報,2018,54(1):36-43.
[15] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Ren JH, et al. Influence of Free Face Direction on Rock Breaking by TBM Disc Cutters[C]. Tunnel Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds 2017, Wuhan: 1-9.
[14] Wei ZY*, Ren JH, Geng Q*, Wu HH. Numerical and in-site research on the detritus discharging process of tunnel boring machine (tbm) in highly fractured rock ground conditions [C]. Tunnel Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds 2017, Wuhan: 1-9.
[13] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Ren JH (2017). New rock material definition strategy for FEM simulation of the rock cutting process by TBM disc cutters [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 65: 179-186.
[12] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H, et al. Free-face-Assisted Rock Breaking Method Based on the Multi-stage Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49:4459-4472.
[11] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H (2016). An experimental research on the rock cutting process of the gage cutters for rock tunnel boring machine[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 52: 182-191.
[10] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H, et al. Mechanical performance of TBM cutterhead in mixed rock ground conditions[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2016, 57: 76-84.
[9] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H, et al. Numerical and experimental research on the rock breaking process of the TBM normal disc cutters[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016, 30(4):1733-1745.
[8]Meng H,Wei ZY, Geng Q*. Optimization design of pilot hole’s diameter for the pilot-enlargement tunneling strategy based on seismic energy release analysis [C]. Tunnel Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds 2015, Singapore: 320-327.
[7] Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H. Analysis of Cutterhead's Mechanical Performance in Mixed Rock Ground Conditions for TBMs[C]. Tunnel Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds 2015, Singapore: 530-540.
[6] 耿麒*,魏正英,孟昊,等. TBM的平面刀盤與兩級刀盤的力學特性對比分析[J]. 西安交通大學學報,2015,49(3):121-128.
[5]Geng Q*, Wei ZY, He F, et al. Comparison of the mechanical performance between two-stage and flat-face cutter head for the rock tunnel boring machine (TBM) [J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015, 29(5): 2047-2058.
[4]Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Meng H. Numerical and experimental method to determine the boring diameters of a two-stage TBM cutterhead to prevent rock burst[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(11):4613-4620.
[3]耿麒*,魏正英,杜軍,等. 基於灰關聯分析的全斷面岩石掘進機滾刀布局最佳化方法[J]. 機械工程學報,2014,50(21):45-53.
[2]Geng Q*, Wei ZY, Du J, et al. A Cutter Layout Optimization Method for Full-face Rock Tunnel Boring Machine[C]. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications 2013,Busan: 727-737.




