



  • 軟體名稱:義大利介紹與問候
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.08MB
  • 運行環境:iOS2.0及以上
從ITUNES上下載免費今天!想打動一些朋友與一個外國語言嗎常用的問候怎么樣當你訪問羅馬為下一次藝術進站皮卡介紹您將使用幾乎和每個人都和融入文化。忘記文化衝擊和忘記不知道一個單詞的義大利,甚至自我介紹用。 這個新手收藏的義大利問候和介紹的短語,你就可以向你的朋友炫耀,工人,性感的日期,和戰勝專橫的人可愛,飛義大利字就在他們的頭,但讓你看起來像你知道第二語言。偉大的作為一個有趣的玩笑或惡作劇在你最好的朋友誰認為他們總是知道你但更鼓舞孩子的或你的男朋友或女朋友去學習一個新的語言像義大利,甚至乘飛機去義大利你的下一個大學的春假! 只是震動iPhone或iPod顯示一個新的祝福。這使它有趣的學習新的東西,它將永遠像一個驚喜,你會看到在你的單詞在螢幕上隨著翻譯和聽一個有趣的男人講的話聽起來(他們甚至希望有一點點的樂趣與您在一個短語或兩個!)。這個短語是隨機顯示的,所以你永遠是驚訝於下一個短語! 所以學習一些義大利介紹今天午休的。忘記了書,剛剛開始學習用這個簡單的指南在您的下一個國家去! 免費今天從ITUNES ! 關鍵字:義大利、語言、義大利、義大利語、羅馬、演講、外交、紅酒、藝術品、威尼斯、梵蒂岡,羅馬,歐洲,歐洲,歐盟 DOWNLOAD FOR FREE FROM ITUNES TODAY! PERFECT FOR A QUICK BEGINNER REFERENCE TO ITALIAN INTRODUCTIONS & GREETINGS! Ever wanted to impress some friends with a foreign language How about common useful greetings for when you're visiting Rome for your next art pit stop Pickup introductions you'll be using nearly with everyone and blend in with the culture. Forget about culture shock and forget about not knowing a single word of Italian to even introduce yourself with. With this beginner collection of Italian greetings and intro phrases, you'll be able to show off to your friends, workers, sexy dates, and win over bossy people with cute Italian words that will fly right over their head, but make you look like you know a second language. Great as a funny joke or prank on your best friends who thought they always knew you but even better for inspiring children or your boyfriend or girlfriend to learn a new language like Italian and maybe even take a flight to visit Italy for your next college spring break! Simply shake the iPhone or your iPod to reveal a new greeting. This makes it fun to learn something new, it will always be like a surprise, and you'll see the words played out for you on the screen along with the translation and hear a fun sounding man speak the words (they even like to have a bit of fun with you on a phrase or two!). The phrases are displayed randomly, so you'll always be surprised on what's the next phrase! So learn some Italian introductions during your lunch break today. Forget the books, just starting learning with this simple guidebook on your next country to visit! AVAILABLE FOR FREE TODAY FROM ITUNES! Keywords: Italian,language,italy,italiano,rome,speech,foreign,wine,art,venice,vatican,roman,european,europe,eu


