- 中文名:美國食品技術協會
- 地點:美國
- 時間:1939年成立
- 總部:芝加哥

食品技術專家協會發布了各種食品工業的資料,包括食品科技和食品科學雜誌。 食品技術專家協會同時就食品種植栽培,加工處理,製造加工,銷售分布及全球範圍內的食品食用等問題每年召開世界最大的年會.。
IFT Founded in 1939, the Institute of Food Technologists is a nonprofit scientific society with 22,000 members working in food science, food technology, and related professions in industry, academia, and government.
IFT publishes various resources for the food industry, including Food Technologyand theJournal of Food Science. IFT also conducts the world's largest annual convention on food grown, processed, manufactured, distributed, and eaten worldwide: the IFT Annual Meeting & Food ExpoSM.
As the authoritative voice of food science and technology, IFT contributes to public policy and opinion at national, state, and local levels. IFT's Office of Science, Communications, and Government Relations advocates the scientific perspective on food science and technology issues.
Through the IFT Foundation , IFT supports programs such as undergraduate scholarships, graduate fellowships, science-based communications to media and policy makers, career guidance programs, and food science awards.