Unit 1 The New World 1 The First People That Arrived in the New World 最早來到新大陸的人們/1 2 Early European Explorations 早期歐洲人的探險活動/5 3 English Settlements in North America 英國在北美洲的殖民開拓/9 4 Clashes Between the Settlers and the Natives 定居者與土著人之間的衝突/13Unjt 2 The Colonial Times 5 Colonial Expansion:The Northeastern America 殖民地在東北部地區的擴張/17 6 Colonial Expansion:The South 殖民地在南部地區的擴張/21 7 Slavery Coming to America 奴隸制來到美洲/25 8 The French and Indian War 法英七年戰爭/319Unit 3 The American Revolution 9 The Road to Revolution 通往革命之路/34 10 The Birth of the Declaration of Independence 《獨立宣言》的誕生/39 11 The American Revolution:Whose Side Are YOU On7 美國革命:你究竟站在哪一邊?/45 12 Winning the War for Independence 贏得獨立戰爭/49Unit 4 Creating a Nation 13 The Birth of the Constitution(Part 1) 憲法的誕生(一)/53 14 The Birth 0f the Constitution(Part 2) 憲法的誕生(二)/57 15 The Birth of the Constitution(Part 3) 憲法的誕生(三)/61 16 The Birth of the Constitution(Pa rt 4) 憲法的誕生(四)/65Unit 5 The Growth of a New Nation(1) 17 George Washington 喬治·華盛頓/69 18 The Formation of a Two—Pa rty System and the First Inaugu ral Speech of Thomas Jefferson 兩黨制的形成和傑斐遜的第一屆就職演說/73 19 Lewis and Clark Expedition(Part 1) 劉易斯與克拉克遠征探險(一)/77 20 Lewis and Clark Expedition(Part 2) 劉易斯與克拉克遠征探險(二)/81Unit 6 The Growth of a New Nation(2) 21 The Last Days of Thomas Jefferson 托馬斯·傑斐遜最後的日子/85 22 The War of 1812 and the Birth of the National Anthem 1812年戰爭與國歌的誕生/89 2 3 “Remember the Alamo!” “牢記阿拉莫!”/94 24 The Mexican War 墨西哥戰爭/99Unit 7 A Nation Divided(1) 25 The Coming of the Civil War 內戰的來臨/102 26 John Brown’s Raid at Harpers Ferry 約翰·布朗襲擊哈珀斯渡口/106 27 The First Shots of the Civil War 內戰第一槍/110 28 The Battle of ShiIoh 西洛大戰/114Unit 8 A Nation Divided(2) 29 The Emancipation Proclamation 《解放宣言》/120 30 The Gettysburg Address 葛底斯堡演說/124 31 The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln 林肯總統遭遇暗殺/129 32 The End ofthe Civil War 內戰的結束/134Unit 9 Settling the West 33 The Gold Rush and the Story of Cowboys 淘金熱與牛仔的故事/138 34 Early Country Music:Cowboy Songs 美國早期鄉村音樂:牛仔歌曲/142 35 The Indian Wa rs ofthe West(Part 1) 西部印第安戰爭(一)/148 36 The Indian Wars of the West I Par[2) 西部印第安戰爭(二)/152Unit 10 Becoming an Industrial Giant 37 Cultivation of the West and the Story of the Statue of Liberty 西部的農業化和自由女神銅像的故事/156 38 Industrial Revolution and Mass Immigration 工業革命與移民浪潮/160 39 The Spanish-American War 美西戰爭/163 40 The Progressive Movement 進步運動/167Unit 11 An Age of Changes 41 The United States in World War I 第一次世界大戰中的美國/171 42 The Roa ring Twenties and the Scopes Trial 喧囂的二十年代與斯科普斯審判案/175 43 The Arts of the 1920s 20世紀20年代的藝術/180 44 The Black History of the 1920s 20世紀20年代的黑人歷史/184 Unit 12 A Nation Crippled and Desperate 45 The Stock Market Crash of 1929 1929年股票市場崩潰/188 46 The Great Depression 大蕭條/192 47 The Hundred Days of Franklin Roosevelt’S Administration 羅斯福當政100天/197 48 The Development of Arts and Popular Culture During the Great Depression 大蕭條時期藝術與流行文化的發展/201Unit 13 Fighting in WOrld War II 49 The Road to Pearl Harbor 通往珍珠港之路/205 50 From Pearl Harbor to Europe 從珍珠港到歐洲/210 51 The War in EUrope 歐洲戰事/214 52 The War in the Pacific 太平洋地區戰事/218Unit 14 The Civil Rights Movement 53 The America in the 1950s 20世紀50年代的美國/222 54 Rosa Parks:The Woman Who Started the American Civil Rights Movement “美國民權運動之母”羅莎·帕克斯/227 55 The Struggle for Racial Equality 為爭取種族平等而鬥爭/231 56 Martin Luther King Jr.:“I Have A Dream” 馬丁·路德·金: “我有一個夢想”/236Unit 15 Troubled Waters 57 John Kennedy:A New Beginning 約翰·甘迺迪:新的開端/243 58 The Space Race 太空競賽/248 59 Troubled Times:The 1960s 動盪的20世紀60年代/252 60 Richard Nixon’s Achievements and the Watergate Case 理察·尼克森的成就與水門事件/257Unit 16 Heading for a New Century 61 A Period of Change:The Social and Cultural Issues of the 1970s and ‘80s 一個改變的時期:20世紀70和80年代的美國社會與文化/263 62 The Reagan Revolution 里根革命/267 63 The 1990s:One of the Best Periods in American History 20世紀90年代:美國歷史上最繁榮時期之一/271 64 George W.Bush and the“War on Terror” 喬治·布希與反恐戰爭/276APPENDIX A Declaration of Independence/282APPENDIX B Constitution of the United States/284APPENDIX C List of Presidents of the United States/297