



  • 中文名:美國文化與電影
  • 作者:洪娜、張建青、李佳
  • 出版社:中央民族大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566014306


《美國文化與電影》是針對已通過英語四級的非英語專業學生,也適合英語專業基礎階段的學生和英語愛好者學習使用。《美國文化與電影》共分為12章,以美國文化為主線,主要涉及美國的歷史、政治、經濟、宗教、地理、教育、文學、藝術、風俗節日、體育、旅遊等重要主題。每個單元包括pre-reading activities、Text A、Text B、Text C以及more to learn四大部份。在more to learn部分對教學內容及重難點有一定的延伸和拓展,並選取與每個章節主題相關的經典影視作品片段,包括該電影的主要內容、節選片段的主要表達及台詞理解、文化注釋及可供學生討論的話題。最後推薦類似主題的電影素材。


Unit One History
TEXT A The Age of Early and Colonial America
TEXT B The Road to Independence
TEXT C The Significance of the American Revolution
Unit Two Geography
TEXT A American Geography
TEXT B Houston
TEXT C Philadelphia
Unit Three Government and Politics
TEXT A U.S. Government: A Brief Introduction
TEXT B The American Two-party System
TEXT C House of Cards
Unit Four Economy
TEXT A Economy of America
TEXT B Wall Street
TEXT C The Recovery of U. S. Economy
Unit Five Arts
TEXT A Lady Gaga, a Star Surrounded by Controversy
TEXT B Guggenheim Museum, USA
TEXT C Shirley Temple: Our Little Girl Forever
Unit Six Religion
TEXT A The American Religious Heritage
TEXT B Ten Facts about Religion in America
TEXT C Religious Diversity in the United States: A SpiritualKaleidoscope
Unit Seven American Values
TEXT A Why Do Americans Act Like That
TEXT B American Love and Marriage
TEXT C Raising Children
Unit Eight Education
TEXT A Public Universities in the United States
TEXT B What is a Large, Private Research University
TEXT C U.S. Community Colleges: A Gateway to Higher Educationfor Many
Unit Nine Literature
TEXT A A Survey of American Literature(I)
TEXT B A Survey of American Literature(II)
TEXT C The Road Not Taken
Unit Ten Sports
TEXT A American Sports
TEXT B Michael Jordan
TEXT C American Football
Unit Eleven Travel
TEXT A Best Places to Visit in the USA(Excerpt)
TEXT B The Best USA Guided Tour for Every Personality
TEXT C Traveling in the U.S.
Unit Twelve Holidays & Customs
TEXT A Holidays——What They Are And How They Are Celebrated
TEXT B The Nastiness That Lies Beneath "Have a Nice Day"
TEXT C Valentine's Day
Key for Reference


