- 中文名:羅美中
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1957年
- 職業:華中農業大學教授,博士生導師
1982年湖南農學院(現湖南農業大學)植物生理生化師資班畢業,獲學士學位。1985年獲北京農業大學(現中國農業大學)植物生理生化碩士學位。1985年到1989年先後在中國農科院蔬菜所和生物技術中心工作,1989年2月赴義大利羅馬大學進修與合作研究,1995年獲義大利Pavia大學分子遺傳學博士學位,同年進入美國Clemson大學進行博士後研究,1998年被Clemson大學基因組研究所聘為研究助理教授,2002年起負責美國Arizona大學基因組研究所BAC中心,2005年3月被華中農業大學作為一級人才引進,2006年7月正式辭去Arizona大學基因組研究所BAC中心負責人職務全職回國。為美國農業部農業植物生化項目(Agricultural Plant Biochemistry Program)評審專家和BMC Genomics, Genome, Theor Appl Genet, BioTechniques等雜誌審稿人。發表SCI論文30多篇,其中包括Nature, Genome Research, PNAS, Plant Cell等國際一流刊物。
Meizhong Luo(通訊作者), Yeisoo Yu, HyeRan Kim, Dave Kudrna, Yuichiro Itoh, Robert J. Agate, Esther Melamed, José L. Goicoechea, Jayson Talag, Christopher Mueller, Wenming Wang, Jennifer Currie, Nicholas B. Sisneros, Rod A. Wing and Arthur P. Arnold (2006) Utilization of A Zebra Finch BAC library to determine the structure of an Avian Androgen receptor. Genomics 87: 181-190. Meizhong Luo(通訊作者), HyeRan Kim, Dave Kudrna, Nicholas B. Sisneros, So-Jeong Lee, Christopher Mueller, Kristi Collura, Andrea Zuccolo, E. Bryan Buckingham, Suzanne M. Grim, Kazuyo Yanagiya, Hidetoshi Inoko, Takashi Shiina, Martin F. Flajnik, Rod A. Wing and Yuko Ohta (2006) Construction of a nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library and a preliminary genome survey. BMC Genomics 7:106. Jetty S.S.Ammiraju, Meizhong Luo(並列第一作者), José L. Goicoechea, Wenming Wang, Dave Kudrna, Christopher Mueller, Jayson Talag, HyeRan Kim, Nicholas B. Sisneros, Barbara Blackmon, Eric Fang, Jeffery B. Tomkins, Darshan Brar, David MacKill, Susan McCouch, Nori Kurata, Georgina Lambert, David W. Galbraith, K. Arumuganathan, Kiran Rao, Jason G. Walling, Navdeep Gill , Yeisoo Yu, Phillip SanMiguel, Carol Soderlund, Scott Jackson and Rod A. Wing (2006) The Oryza bacterial artificial chromosome library resource: Construction and analysis of 12 deep-coverage large-insert BAC libraries that represent the 10 genomes types of the genus Oryza. Genome Research 16: 140-147. Meizhong Luo and Rod A. Wing (2003) An improved method for plant BAC library construction. In Grotewold E. (ed): Plant Functional Genomics: Methods and Protocols, pp 3-19. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 236. Humana Press Inc. Totowa, NJ. Meizhong Luo, Yi-Hong Wang, David Frisch, Tarek Joobeur, Rod A Wing and Ralph A Dean (2001) Melon bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library construction using improved methods and identification of clones linked to the locus conferring resistance to melon Fusarium Wilt (Fom-2). Genome 44: 154-162. Meizhong Luo (通訊作者), Jon Weinstein and Caroline Walker (1999) Magnesium chelatase subunit D from pea: Characterization of the cDNA, heterologous expression of an enzymatically active protein and immunoassay of the native protein. Plant Molecular Biology 41: 721-731.