


  • 中文名:羅皎
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:材料科學與工程
  • 任職院校:西北工業大學


工作經歷 Work Experience
2018 08 - 至今,西北工業大學,材料學院,教授
2016 12 - 2017 12,凱斯西儲大學,訪問學者
2013 04 - 2018 07,西北工業大學,材料學院,副教授
2012 11 - 2013 03,西北工業大學,材料學院,講師
2010 10 - 2012 10,西北工業大學,材料學院,博士後
教育經歷 Education Experience
2006 9 - 2010 9,西北工業大學,材料加工工程,博士,導師:李淼泉教授
2004 9 - 2007 3,西北工業大學,材料加工工程,碩士,導師:李淼泉教授
2000 9 - 2004 7,西北工業大學,材料成型及控制工程,學士,導師:詹梅教授




主要從事鈦合金鍛造全過程中微觀組織形態演變機理、多尺度建模與宏微觀耦合數值模擬、複雜構件鍛造全過程成形 成性一體化主動調控技術研究。


取得的主要成果是:(1)鈦合金鍛造過程微觀組織協同演化機制;(2)鈦合金鍛造全過程微觀組織演變的三尺度(巨觀-微觀-納觀)數學模型;(3)基於微觀組織演變數值模擬的塑性加工過程最佳化設計方法;(4)鈦合金鍛造全過程成形 成性一體化主動調控理論與方法。
在國家自然科學基金面上、青年科學基金、陝西省自然科學基金、陝西省創新人才推進計畫“青年科技新星”、總裝“十二五”預研、國防技術基礎、博士後科學基金、西北工業大學中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金、大飛機材料專項等項目的資助下,在國內外核心刊物上發表學術論文60餘篇,SCI收錄47篇,其中以第一作者在Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Mechanics of Materials、Materials and Design、Materials Science and Engineering A, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Materials Characterization, Computers, Materials, & Continua和Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences(中國科學E輯: 技術科學)等國際重要學術刊物上發表學術論文35篇,SCI收錄30篇。論文得到了國內外同行的廣泛正面引用和高度評價,包括美、英、德、法、日、俄、加、澳、韓、新等23個國家和地區,英國皇家科學院和工程院院士曼徹斯特大學教授P J Withers、澳大利亞技術科學與工程院院士迪肯大學教授P D Hodgson、英國皇家科學院和工程院院士劍橋大學教授H K D H Bhadeshia等著名學者正面他引709次,SCI他引508次,引文包含了本領域大多數頂級雜誌,如IJP(5次),Acta Mater (3次)等,其中J Luo M Q Li, X L Li, Y P Shi Mechanics of Materials, 2010, 42(2): 157-165,他引66次;J Luo, M Q Li, H Li, W X Yu Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009, 505(1 2): 88-95,他引60次。2012年,獲國家技術發明二等獎1項(第5完成人)。2016年,獲陝西省高等學校科學技術一等獎1項(第2完成人)。此外,出版《鈦合金精密鍛造》學術專著1部,研究成果授權發明專利3項,登記計算機軟體著作權9項。
學術文獻 Academic Literature
1 材料塑性成形時敏感性分析研究現狀 , 2016,30(17),51-56 ,DOI:10 11896 j issn 1005-023X 2016 017 007, ISSN:1005-023X
2 熱加工過程中2種原始組織的Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr合金變形行為 , 2016,26(2),414-422 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
3 熱加工過程中2種原始組織的Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr合金變形行為 , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2016,26(2),414-422 ,DOI:10 1016 S1003-6326(16)64130-4, ISSN:1003-6326
4 The correlation between the flow behavior and the microstructure evolution during hot working of TC18 alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2016,654,213-220 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2015 12 040, ISSN:0921-5093
5 The flow behavior and the deformation mechanisms of Ti-6Al-2Zr-2Sn-2Mo-1 5Cr-2Nb alloy during isothermal compression , Elsevier Ltd,2016,667,44-52 ,DOI:10 1016 j jallcom 2016 01 164, ISSN:09258388
6 A constitutive equation coupling the grain size during the high temperature deformation of Ti-6 62Al-5 14Sn-1 82Zr alloy , TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2007,561-565(PART 1),155-158 ,DOI:, ISSN:0255-5476
7 A Multi-Scale Constitutive Model in High Temperature Deformation of Near Alpha Ti-5 6Al-4 8Sn-2 0Zr Alloy , TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS LTD,2010,654-656,1598-1601 ,DOI:10 4028
8 TC4鈦合金葉片鍛造過程中晶粒尺寸的數值模擬 , 2009,44(2),101-104 ,DOI:10 3969 j issn 1672-0121 2009 02 040, ISSN:1672-0121
9 Modeling of constitutive relationships and microstructural variables of Ti-6 62Al-5 14Sn-1 82Zr alloy during high temperature deformation , ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2008,59(10),1386-1394 ,DOI:10 1016 j matchar 2007 12 005, ISSN:1044-5803
10 Internal state variable models for microstructure in high temperature deformation of titanium alloys , SCIENCE CHINA PRESS,2008,51(11),1921-1929 ,DOI:10 1007 s11431-008-0113-x, ISSN:1006-9321
11 Effect of the strain on processing maps of titanium alloys in isothermal compression , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2009,504(1-2),90-98 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2008 10 020, ISSN:0921-5093
12 Effect of the strain on the deformation behavior of isothermally compressed Ti-6Al-4V alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2009,505(1-2),88-95 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2008 11 001, ISSN:0921-5093
13 Constitutive model for high temperature deformation of titanium alloys using internal state variables , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2010,42(2),157-165 ,DOI:10 1016 j mechmat 2009 10 004, ISSN:0167-6636
14 The variation of strain rate sensitivity exponent and strain hardening exponent in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2010,31(2),741-748 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2009 09 055, ISSN:0261-3069
15 FE-based coupling simulation of Ti60 alloy in isothermal upsetting process , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2010,20(5),849-856 ,DOI:10 1016 S1003-6326(09)60225-9, ISSN:1003-6326
16 Prediction of flow stress in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using fuzzy neural network , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2010,31(6),3078-3083 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2010 01 005, ISSN:0261-3069
17 Deformation behavior in isothermal compression of the TC11 titanium alloy , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2010,31(6),2851-2857 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2009 12 051, ISSN:0261-3069
18 Effect of deformation parameters on the precipitation mechanism of secondary alpha phase under high temperature isothermal compression of Ti-6A1-4V alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,527(16-17),4210-4217 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2010 03 024, ISSN:0921-5093
19 Prediction of the mechanical properties of the post-forged Ti-6Al-4V alloy using fuzzy neural network , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2010,31(7),3282-3288 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2010 02 009, ISSN:0261-3069
20 Efficiency of Power Dissipation and Instability Criterion for Processing Maps in Hot Forming , TECH SCIENCE PRESS,2010,18(3),271-299 ,DOI:, ISSN:1546-2218
21 An adaptive constitutive model in the isothermal compression of Ti600 alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,527(21-22),5924-5929 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2010 05 075, ISSN:0921-5093
22 Effect of the hydrogen content on the deformation behavior in the isothermal compression of Ti600 alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,527(24-25),6626-6632 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2010 07 005, ISSN:0921-5093
23 Characterization of the forgeability of 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV steel using processing map , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2010,527(24-25),6505-6510 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2010 07 003, ISSN:0921-5093
24 Microstructure evolution in the high temperature compression of Ti-5 6Al-4 8Sn-2 0Zr alloy , NONFERROUS METALS SOC CHINA,2010,29(5),533-537 ,DOI:10 1007 s12598-010-0163-7, ISSN:1001-0521
25 Thermomechanical coupling simulation and experimental study in the isothermal ECAP processing of Ti-6Al-4V alloy , NONFERROUS METALS SOC CHINA,2010,29(6),613-620 ,DOI:10 1007 s12598-010-0180-6, ISSN:1001-0521
26 The correlation model between the hydrogen content and the flow stress in the isothermal compression of Ti600 alloy , PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD,2011,36(1),1006-1013 ,DOI:10 1016 j ijhydene 2010 09 028, ISSN:0360-3199
27 Numerical simulation and defect elimination in the casting of truck rear axle using a nodular cast iron , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2011,32(3),1623-1629 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2010 11 009, ISSN:0261-3069
28 Effect of the delta phase on the deformation behavior in isothermal compression of superalloy GH4169 , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2011,528(13-14),4723-4731 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2011 02 081, ISSN:0921-5093
29 The growth behavior of austenite grain in the heating process of 300M steel , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2011,528(15),4967-4972 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2011 02 089, ISSN:0921-5093
30 Modeling of grain size in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using fuzzy neural network , NONFERROUS METALS SOC CHINA,2011,30(6),555-564 ,DOI:10 1007 s12598-011-0429-8, ISSN:1001-0521
31 The correlation between flow behavior and microstructural evolution of 7050 aluminum alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2011,530(1),559-564 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2011 10 019, ISSN:0921-5093
32 The deformation behavior and processing maps in the isothermal compression of 7A09 aluminum alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2012,532,548-557 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2011 10 120, ISSN:0921-5093
33 3D finite element simulation of microstructure evolution in blade forging of Ti-6Al-4V alloy based on the internal state variable models , SPRINGER,2012,19(2),122-130 ,DOI:10 1007 s12613-012-0526-1, ISSN:1674-4799
34 Variation effect of strain rate on microstructure in isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy , NONFERROUS METALS SOC CHINA,2012,31(1),7-11 ,DOI:10 1007 s12598-012-0452-4, ISSN:1001-0521
35 The deformation behavior in isothermal compression of 300M ultrahigh-strength steel , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2012,534,314-322 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2011 11 075, ISSN:0921-5093
36 Strain rate sensitivity and strain hardening exponent during the isothermal compression of Ti60 alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2012,538,156-163 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2012 01 021, ISSN:0921-5093
37 Microstructure and mechanical properties of 7A09 aluminium alloy after isothermal compression and solution treatment , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2012,212(5),1039-1048 ,DOI:10 1016 j jmatprotec 2011 12 012, ISSN:0924-0136
38 The fuzzy neural network model of flow stress in the isothermal compression of 300M steel , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2012,41,83-88 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2012 04 043, ISSN:0261-3069
39 The modelling of dynamic recrystallization in the isothermal compression of 300M steel , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2013,574,1-8 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2013 03 011, ISSN:0921-5093
40 Deformation behavior in the isothermal compression of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2014,589,15-22 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2013 09 066, ISSN:0921-5093
41 The flow behavior and processing maps during the isothermal compression of Ti17 alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2014,606,165-174 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2014 03 103, ISSN:0921-5093
42 Flow softening mechanism of Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr with different initial microstructures at elevated temperature deformation  , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2015,628,11-20 ,DOI:10 1016 j msea 2015 01 034, ISSN:0921-5093
43 Quantitative analysis of microstructure and deformation mechanisms during isothermal compression of Ti-5Al-5Mo-5V-1Cr-1Fe alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC,2015,108,115-123 ,DOI:10 1016 j matchar 2015 09 003, ISSN:1044-5803
44 Effect of the alpha grain size on the deformation behavior during isothermal compression of Ti-6Al-4V alloy , ELSEVIER SCI LTD,2015,88,32-40 ,DOI:10 1016 j matdes 2015 08 130, ISSN:0261-3069
45 熱加工過程中兩種原始組織的Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr合金變形行為(英文) , 2016,(02),1-17 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
46 高性能整體葉盤製造技術研究進展 , 2015,7(6),1-7,24 ,DOI:10 3969 j issn 1674-6457 2015 06 001, ISSN:1674-6457
47 熱處理Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr合金的顯微組織與力學性能 , 2015,25(9),2893-2900 ,DOI:, ISSN:1003-6326
48 Ti-6Al-4V鈦合金等通道轉角擠壓有限元模擬 , 2008,33(5),102-106 ,DOI:10 3969 j issn 1000-3940 2008 05 028, ISSN:1000-3940
49 塑性變形時的微觀組織模擬 , 2008,22(3),102-106 ,DOI:10 3321 j issn:1005-023X 2008 03 025, ISSN:1005-023X
50 鈦合金高溫塑性變形時的內變數微觀組織模型 , 2009,39(1),135-140 ,DOI:, ISSN:1006-9275
51 TC4鈦合金高溫變形時的微觀組織演變 , NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2010,39(8),1323-1328 ,DOI:, ISSN:1002-185X
52 工藝參數對TC6合金葉片鍛造變形的影響 , 2010,35(4),160-165 ,DOI:10 3969 j issn 1000-3940 2010 04 036, ISSN:1000-3940
53 航空發動機雙性能盤製造技術與機理的研究進展 , Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 37 Xueyuan Road, Beijing, 100191, China,2012,32(6),37-43 ,DOI:10 3969 j issn 1005-5053 2012 6 005, ISSN:1005-5053
54 TC4鈦合金高溫變形行為及其流動應力模型 , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2008,18(8),1395-1401 ,DOI:10 3321 j issn:1004-0609 2008 08 005, ISSN:1004-0609
55 熱變形條件對Ti60合金微觀組織的影響 , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2007,17(1),53-58 ,DOI:10 3321 j issn:1004-0609 2007 01 008, ISSN:1004-0609
56 基於應變影響的7A09鋁合金等溫壓縮流動應力模型 , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2011,21(5),954-960 ,DOI:, ISSN:1004-0609
57 High temperature deformation behavior of TC4 titanium alloy and its flows stress model , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2008,18(8),1395-1401 ,DOI:, ISSN:10040609
58 The advance in the plastic forming theory and technology of titanium alloys , Science Press, 18,Shuangqing Street,Haidian, Beijing, 100085, China,2012,1,244-251 ,DOI:, ISSN:9787030338990
59 Numerical study of liquid core solidification in influence of soft reduction deformation on steel slab continuous casting process , Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Laubisrutistr 24, Stafa-Zuerich, CH-8712, Switzerland,2008,575-578 PART 1,80-86 ,DOI:, ISSN:
60 7050合金的精密鍛造工藝研究 , 2013,,156-160 ,DOI:, ISSN:
61 Effect of processing parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties in high temperature deformation of Ti-6Al-4V alloy , Rare Metals Materials and Engineering Press, P O Box 51, Xi''an, 721014, China,2009,38(1),19-24 ,DOI:, ISSN:1002185X
62 Effects of deformation parameters on microstructure of Ti60 titanium alloy , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2007,17(1),53-58 ,DOI:, ISSN:10040609
63 Flow stress model considering contribution of strain in isothermal compression of 7A09 aluminum alloy , Central South University of Technology, Hunan, Changsha, 410083, China,2011,21(5),954-960 ,DOI:, ISSN:10040609
64 Study of flow stress model of the nickel-based superalloy gh4169 at high temperature deformation , Chinese Academy of Sciences, 72 Wenhua Road, Shenyang, 110015, China,2007,43(9),937-942 ,DOI:, ISSN:04121961
65 鍛造過程三維耦合數值模擬技術 , 2008,(中國江蘇鹽城),92-98 ,DOI:, ISSN:
66 熱處理Ti-5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Mo-4Cr合金的顯微組織與力學性能(英文) , ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV,2015,25(09),2893-2900 ,DOI:10 1016 S1003-6326(15)63915-2, ISSN:1003-6326
67 Efficiency of power dissipation and instability criterion for processing maps in hot forming , Tech Science Press, 5805 State Bridge Road,, suite G108, GA 30027, United States,2010,18(3),271-299 ,DOI:, ISSN:15462218
68 變形工藝參數對Ti-6Al-4V鈦合金組織和性能的影響 , NORTHWEST INST NONFERROUS METAL RESEARCH,2009,38(1),19-24 ,DOI:10 3321 j issn:1002-185X 2009 01 005, ISSN:1002-185X
69 鎳基高溫合金GH4169高溫變形流動應力模型研究 , SCIENCE CHINA PRESS,2007,43(9),937-942 ,DOI:10 3321 j issn:0412-1961 2007 09 008, ISSN:0412-1961
70 High temperature deformation behavior of near alpha Ti-5 6Al-4 8Sn-2 0Zr alloy , ELSEVIER SCIENCE SA,2007,183(1),71-76 ,DOI:10 1016 j jmatprotec 2006 10 002, ISSN:0924-0136


