


  • 中文名:羅昔聯
  • 畢業院校:日本理化學研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 職稱:副教授




2.2007/09 -2009/09,日本理化學研究所,VCAD模型研究所,聯合培養博士生


1. 主持陝西省重點科研創新團隊項目:館藏遺址文物保護與環境適宜性技術研究創新團隊(項目編號:2016KCT-14,執行年限:2016/05-2019/05),經費50萬元;
2. 主持北京建築大學高精尖實驗室開放課題:大空間建築遺址文物保存局部環境調控技術研究(執行年限:2017/12-2019/12),經費10萬元;
3. 主持中國自然科學青年基金:土遺址文物多相介質非均勻遷移特性及文物原位環境重建(項目編號:51306150,執行年限:2014/1-2016/12),經費25萬元;
4. 主持國家文物局科學基金:漢陽陵博物館文物土環境失水機理診斷及補水保護研究(項目編號:2013-YB-HT-014,執行年限:2014/01-2016/12),經費26.4萬元;
5. 主持中國博士後特別資助科學基金:葬坑式遺址博物館文物區保存局部環境獨立調控研究(編號:2016T60923,執行年限:2016/07-2017/12),經費15.0萬元;
6. 主持橫向課題:成都地區磚石質遺址保存環境狀況調查研究(執行年限:2016/03-2017/03),經費15萬元;
7. 主持中國博士後科學基金:大空間遺址博物館環境隔離調控與土遺址乾裂機理研究(編號:2014M552454,執行年限:2014/05-2016/12),經費5.0萬元;
8. 主持陝西省博士後基金:葬坑類遺址博物館空間分異與文物保存局部環境調控研究(執行年限:2014/10-2016/12),經費4萬元;
9. 主持陝西省自然基金項目:遺址博物館內原位保存出土文物及其土環境補水保護研究(項目編號:2014Jm2-5071,執行年限:2014/05-2016/04),經費2萬元。


1. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu, Wei Tian. Experimental study of a local ventilation strategy to protect semi-exposed relics in a site museum. Energy and Buildings (accepted).
2. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu, Chuck Yu, et al. Preservation of in situ artefacts by local heating in earthen pit in archaeology museum in cold winter. Building and Environment. 2016 (99):29-43.
3. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu, Zanshe Wang, et al. An independent and simultaneous operational mode of air conditioning systems for visitors and relics in archaeology museum . Applied Thermal Engineering. 2016(100):911-924
4. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu, Chuck Yu, et al. Efficacy of an air curtain system for local pit environmental control for relic preservation in Archaeology Museums . Indoor and Built Environment. 2016 (25):29-40
5. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu,Tianyu Li, et al. Environmental control strategies for the in situ preservation of unearthed relics in archaeology museums. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2015 (16):790-797.
6. Xilian Luo, Zhaolin Gu, Chuck Yu. Desiccation cracking of earthen sites in archaeology museum- a viewpoint of chemical potential difference of water content. Indoor and Built Environment, 2015 (24):147-152.
7. Mingxu Zhang, Xilian Luo,Tianyu Li, et al. From dust devil to sustainable swirling wind energy. Scientific Reports. 2015(5): 8322
8. Min Zhao,Weibin Kang, Xilian Luo, et al. Performance comparison of capillary mat radiant and floor radiant heating systems assisted by an air source heat pump in a residential building. Indoor and Built Environment, 2017 (26) :1292-1304.
9.Xilian Luo,Qibo Hou,Yuanguang Wang,et al. Experimental on a novel solar energy heating system for residential buildings in cold zone of China.Procedia Engineering, 2017 (205):3061-3066.
10.Penglong Song,Xilian Luo,Tian Wei,et al. Numerical simulation of environmental control for relics preservation in the funerary pit by air curtain system.Procedia Engineering, 2017(205):265–272.
11.Xilian Luo,Tian Wei,Penglong Song,et al. Independent Environmental Control for Relics Preservation and Visitors’ Thermal Comfort in Archaeology Museums.Procedia Engineering,2017(205): 259–264
12. Xilian Luo, Qibo Hou, et al. Independent preservation environment control for in-situ relics in Archaeology Museum. Procedia Engineering. 2015(121) :2217–2223.
13. Xilian Luo, Liwen Wu, Yuehui Yu, Liwen Jin, Zhaolin Gu. An energy efficient strategy for local environment control of relics preservation in archaeology museums with funerary pits. Energy Procedia. 2016, 88:271-276.
14. Xilian Luo, Penglong Song, Yike Wang, Zhaolin Gu. Design of an energy-saving environmental control system for relics preservation in archaeology museum. Energy Procedia. 2016, 104:431-436.
1. 羅昔聯,顧兆林等.一種空氣傘隔離式葬坑局部環境調控系統及調控方法. 中國發明專利,專利授權號:ZL201410032269.8, 2014.
2. 羅昔聯,顧兆林等.一種館藏出土遺址文物原位環境補水保護系統及補水方法. 中國發明專利,專利授權號:ZL201410032696.6, 2014.
3. 羅昔聯,喻躍輝等.一種遺址博物館葬坑環境置換通風調控與淨化保護裝置. 中國發明專利,申請授權號:ZL.201510119673.3, 2015.
4. 羅昔聯,汪怡珂等.一種遺址博物館開放式葬坑文物保存局部富氮保護系統.中國發明專利,申請號:201611111799.7, 2016.
5. 羅昔聯,宋朋龍等. 一種遺址博物館遊客廊道局部環境調控系統.中國發明專利,申請號:201611111800.6, 2016.
6. 羅昔聯,顧兆林等. 一種遺址文物保存環境雙空隙層玻璃隔離調控系統.中國發明專利,申請號:201611110636.7, 2016.


