- 中文名:羅文海
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1989年
- 職業:講師
- 畢業院校:長春師範大學,中國農業大學,澳大利亞伍倫貢大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:環境工程
2007.09-2011.07 長春師範大學 環境科學與工程系 本科 理學學士
2011.09-2013.07 中國農業大學 環境科學與工程系 工學碩士
2013.09-2016.12 澳大利亞伍倫貢大學 市政採礦與環境工程系 工學博士
2017.04- 中國農業大學 資源與環境學院 講師
近5年來,已在國內外期刊發表相關學術論文25篇,其中作為第一作者/通訊作者在Environmental science & technology、Water Research、Bioresource Technology等環境工程領域頂級期刊發表論文12篇。作為項目主持人申請的2017年國家自然科學基金青年基金已獲批准。
1.Luo, W*., et al., An Osmotic Membrane Bioreactor - Membrane Distillation System for Simultaneous Wastewater Reuse and Seawater Desalination: Performance and Implications. Environmental science & technology, 2017.
2.Zhang, B.; Luo, W*.,et al., Osmotic membrane bioreactors for wastewater reuse: Performance comparison between cellulose triacetate and polyamide thin film composite membranes. JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 2017. 539: p. 383-391.
3. Luo, W., Phan H.V., Xie M., Hai, F.I.; Price, W.E.; Elimelech, M.; Nghiem, L.D., Osmotic versus conventional membrane bioreactors integrated with reverse osmosis for water reuse: Biological stability, membrane fouling, and contaminant removal. Water Research. 2017, 109, 122-134.
4. Xie, M.; Luo, W.; Gray, S. R., Synchrotron Fourier transform infrared mapping: A novel approach for membrane fouling characterization. Water Research. 2017, 111, 375-381.
1. Luo, W.; Phan, H. V.; Hai, F. I.; Price, W. E.; Guo, W.; Ngo, H. H.; Yamamoto, K.; Nghiem, L. D., Effects of salinity build-up on the performance and bacterial community structure of a membrane bioreactor. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 200, 305-310.
2. Luo, W.; Hai, F. I.; Price, W. E.; Guo, W.; Ngo, H. H.; Yamamoto, K.; Nghiem, L. D., Phosphorus and water recovery by a novel osmotic membrane bioreactor – reverse osmosis system. Bioresource Technology.2016, 200, 297-304.
3. Luo, W.; Xie, M.; Hai, F.I.; Price, W.E.; Nghiem, L.D., Biodegradation of cellulose triacetate and polyamide forward osmosis membranes in an activated sludge bioreactor: Observations and implications. Journal Membrane Science. 2016, 510, 284-292.
4. Luo, W.; Hai, F.I.; Price, W.E.; Nghiem, L.D.; Elimelech, M., Evaluating ionic organic draw solutes for osmotic membrane bioreactors in water reuse. Journal Membrane Science. 2016, 514, 636-645.
5. Yuan, J.; Chadwick, D.; Zhang, D.; Li, G.; Chen, S.; Luo, W.; Du, L.; He, S.; Peng, S. Effects of aeration rate on maturity and gaseous emissions during sewage sludge composting. Waste Management. 2016, 56, 403 – 410.
1. Luo, W.; Hai, F. I.; Price, W. E.; Nghiem, L. D., Water extraction from mixed liquor of an aerobic bioreactor by forward osmosis: Membrane fouling and biomass characteristics assessment. Separation and Purification Technology. 2015, 145, 56-62.
2. Luo, W.; Hai, F. I.; Kang, J.; Price, W. E.; Nghiem, L. D.; Elimelech, M., The role of forward osmosis and microfiltration in an integrated osmotic-microfiltration membrane bioreactor system. Chemosphere. 2015, 136, 125-132.
3. Luo, W.; Hai, F. I.; Kang, J.; Price, W. E.; Guo, W.; Ngo, H. H.; Yamamoto, K.; Nghiem, L. D., Effects of salinity build-up on biomass characteristics and trace organic chemical removal: Implications on the development of high retention membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology. 2015, 177, 274-281.
4. Yuan, J.; Yang, Q.; Zhang, Z.; Li, G.; Luo, W.; Zhang, D., Use of additive and pretreatment to control odors in municipal kitchen waste during aerobic composting. Journal of Environmental Science. 2015, 37, 83-90.
1. Luo, W.; Hai, F. I.; Price, W. E.; Guo, W.; Ngo, H. H.; Yamamoto, K.; Nghiem, L. D., High retention membrane bioreactors: Challenges and opportunities. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 167, 539-546.
2. Luo, W.; Yuan, J.; Luo, Y. M.; Li, G. X.; Nghiem, L. D.; Price, W. E., Effects of mixing and covering with mature compost on gaseous emissions during composting. Chemosphere. 2014, 117, 14-19.
3. 袁京, 楊帆, 李國學, 李寧, 羅文海. 非正規填埋場礦化垃圾理化性質與資源化利用研究. 中國環境科學. 2014, 34 (7), 1811-1817.
1. Yang, F.; Li, G. X.; Yang, Q. Y.; Luo, W., Effect of bulking agents on maturity and gaseous emissions during kitchen waste composting. Chemosphere. 2013, 93, 1393-1399.
2. Luo, Y.; Li, G.; Luo, W.; Schuchardt, F.; Jiang, T.; Xu, D., Effect of phosphogypsum and dicyandiamide as additives on NH3, N2O and CH4 emissions during composting. Journal of Environmental Science. 2013, 25 (7), 1338-1345.
3. 楊帆, 歐陽喜輝, 李國學, 羅文海, 楊青原. 膨鬆劑對廚餘垃圾堆肥CH4、N2O和NH3排放的影響. 農業工程學報. 2013, 29 (18), 226-233.
1. 羅一鳴, 李國學, Frank Schuchardt, 王坤, 江滔, 羅文海. 過磷酸鈣添加劑對豬糞堆肥溫室氣體和氨氣減排的作用. 農業工程學報. 2012, 28 (22), 235-242.