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羅建斌,男,1971年出生。1995年畢業於四川大學(原成都科技大學)套用化學系,獲理學學士學;2006年畢業於四川大學高分子科學與工程學院,獲工學博士學位;2011年-2012年在加拿大University of New Brunscwick化工系進行博士後研究。2006年7月到西南民族大學化學與環境保護工程學院任教,副教授,碩士生導師。主要從事功能高分子及納米材料的研究。近年來,主持省部級科研項目1項,企業委託項目2項;主研國家自然科學基金3項,省部級科研項目1項。以第一作者或通訊作者發表科研論文30餘篇,其中SCI收錄20餘篇。申請國家發明專利6項,獲得授權3項,轉化發明專利成果1項。


  • 中文名:羅建斌
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1971年
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師


1. 利用納米銀和雙親性PEG構建多重抗菌生物材料表面的研究,四川省科技廳套用基礎項目,經費:10萬元,2015-2017, 編號:2015JY0126, 主持
2. 抗菌水性聚氨酯,巴中方圓環保科技發展有限公司,企業委託項目,40萬元,主持
3. 從廢SCR催化劑回收鎢、釩、鈦等有價金屬的工藝開發,成都新智金森環保科技有限公司,企業委託項目,20萬,主持
4. 利用空間位阻效應製備有機無機雜化納米羥基磷灰石的新方法及其複合材料的研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,50973069,2010/01-2012/12, 32萬元,主研


1. Yongchao Yao, Deqiu Xu, Yuhong Zhu, Xin Dai,Yunlong Yu, Jianbin Luo* and Shiyong Zhang*, Dandelion flower-like micelles, Chem. Sci., 2020, 11, 757–762
2. Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao, Shaomin Song,Meihui Yin,Min Yang,Daoping Yan, Lijiao Yangand Jianbin Luo*, Gold nanorods with surface charge-switchable activities for enhanced photothermal killing of bacteria and eradication of biofilm, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2020, 8, 3138-3149
3. Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao, Yuling Su, Shaomin Song, Meihui Yin, and Jianbin Luo*,Layer-by-Layer Assembled Multilayer Films with Multiple Antibacterial and pH-Induced Self-Cleaning Activities Based on Polyurethane Micelles,ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 2019, 2, 4583−4593
4. Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao, Shaomin Song, Meihui Yin, Jianbin Luo*, Silver nanoparticles with pH induced surface charge switchable properties for antibacterial and antibiofilm applications. J. Mater. Chem. B, 2019, 7, 830-840
5. Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Deqiu Xu, Yan Yao, Shaomin Song, Meihui Yin, Jianbin Luo*, Synthesis and antifouling activities of fluorinated polyurethanes, Polym Int, 2019; 68: 1361–1366
6. Yuling Su, Lili Zhao, Fancui Meng, Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao, Jianbin Luo*, Triclosan loaded polyurethane micelles with pH and lipase sensitive properties for antibacterial applications and treatment of biofilms. Materials Science & Engineering C, 2018,93:921–930
7. Quanxin Wanga, Chunmei Ding, Yiming Zhou, Jianbin luo*, Jianshu Li*, Universal and biocompatible hydroxyapatite coating induced by phytic acidmetal complex multilayer. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2018,169:478–485
8. Lili Zhao, Chang Liu, Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao and Jianbin Luo*, Reduction responsive and surface charge switchable polyurethane micelles with acid cleavable crosslinks for intracellular drug delivery. RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 17888–17897
9. Fancui Meng, Zhuangzhuang Qiao, Yan Yao and Jianbin Luo*, Synthesis of polyurethanes with pendant azide groups attached on the soft segments and the surface modification with mPEG by click chemistry for antifouling applications. RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 19642–19650
10. Yayuan Guan, Yuling Su, Lili Zhao, Fancui Meng, Quanxin Wang, Yongchao Yao, Jianbin Luo*, Biodegradable polyurethane micelles with pH and reduction responsive properties for intracellular drug delivery. Materials Science and Engineering C, 2017, 75:1221-1230
11. Yuchen Jiang, Yuling Su, Lili Zhao, Fancui Meng, Quanxin Wang, Chunmei Ding, Jianbin Luo* and Jianshu Li*. Preparation and antifouling properties of 2-(meth-acryloyloxy)ethyl cholinephosphate based polymers modified surface with different molecular architectures by ATRP. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 156: 87–94
12. Yuling Su, Lili Zhao, Fancui Meng, Quanxin Wang, Yongchao Yao, Jianbin Luo*. Silver nanoparticles decorated lipase-sensitive polyurethane micelles for on-demand release of silver nanoparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2017, 152: 238–244
13. Deqiu Xu, Yuling Su, Lili Zhao, Fancui Meng, Chang Liu, Yayuan Guan, Jiya Zhang, Jianbin Luo*. Antibacterial and antifouling properties of a polyurethane surface modified with perfluoroalkyl and silver nanoparticles. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2017, 105(2): 531-538.
14. Chang Liu ,Yayuan Guan,Yuling Su,Lili Zhao,Fancui Meng,Yongchao Yao, Jianbin Luo*, Surface charge switchable and core cross-linked polyurethane micelles as a reduction-triggered drug delivery system for cancer therapy. RSC Advances, 2017, 7: 11021~11029
15. Yongchao Yao#, Deqiu Xu#, Chang Liu, Yayuan Guan, Jiya Zhang, Yuling Su, Lili Zhao,Fancui Meng and Jianbin Luo*. Biodegradable pH-sensitive polyurethane micelles with different polyethylene glycol (PEG) locations for anti-cancer drug carrier applications. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 97684-97693
16. Yongchao Yao, He Xu, Chang Liu, Yayuan Guan, Deqiu Xu, Jiya Zhang,Yuling Su, Lili Zhao and Jianbin Luo*. Biodegradable multi-blocked polyurethane micelles for intracellular drug delivery: the effect of disulfide location on the drug release profile. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(11): 9082-9089


