Towards understanding the basic mechanism underlying Perovskite oxide behavior, by means of first-principle calculations:
Material design of functional Perovskite oxides, including ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials for the energy application.
Structural driven phase-transition phenomenon of Perovskite oxide thin films and heterostructures.
Developing ab initio-derived phenomenological Landau formalism to identify the structural phase transitions in complex oxides.
Feb/2012 – Jan/2017
Group Leader II (研究小組主任 (II類)),Multidisciplinary Materials Research Center (MMRC),Frontier Institute of Science and Technology (FIST), Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), Xi’an, China
Sep/2009 – Sep/2011
Postdoctoral research scholar, (Adviser: Prof. Andrew M. Rappe)
The Makineni Theoretical Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, US
1. 自然基金青年項目,《鈣鈦礦 LaNiO3 外延薄膜中結構耦合的金屬-絕緣體轉變的第一性原理研究》,11204230,2013.1-2015.12,25萬;
2. 西安交通大學基本科研業務費國際科技合作項目, 2014.1-2015.12,8萬;
3. 自然基金面上項目,《新型鈣鈦礦鐵電光伏材料的理論設計》, 11574244, 2016.1-2019.12, 73.6萬
,17 peer-reviewed research articles with H-index 9