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  • 中文名:經濟學原理
  • 作者:譚亮主編
  • 出版時間:2017年
  • 出版社:重慶大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787568901161
  • 類別:經濟管理類圖書
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝


譚亮主編的這本《經濟學原理(英文版)》共三個部分,十五個章節。**部分是導言,共兩章,分別是“經濟學概要”和“經濟學分析框架”,介紹經濟學的研究對象以及研究方法。第二部分是個體經濟學,共六章,分別是“需求、供給與彈性”、“消費者理論”、“廠商理論”、“完全競爭和壟斷”、“ 壟斷競爭和寡頭”和“博弈論與信息經濟學”。第三部分是總量經濟學,共七章,分別是“國民收入”、 “通貨膨脹與失業”、“經濟成長”、“總需求與總供給”、“短期經濟波動”、“中國在世界經濟中的位置”和“國際經濟學”。本書從全英文經濟學教學的實際需求出發,力求用精練的語言闡明基本的理論,簡化數學推導,並在每章都附有補充閱讀材料,其中大部分是與中國經濟有關的案例分析,這樣*能體現本書洋為中用的指導思想。本書可作為本科院校經濟管理、國際商務和企業管理等相關專業的經濟學原理課程教材,也可作為有興趣學習經濟學原理的相關人員的學習用書。


Chapter 1 Introduction to Economics
1.1 Definitions of Economics
1.1.1 Adam Smith
1.1.2 Alfred Marshall
1.1.3 John Maynard Keynes
1.2 Ten Concepts of Economics
1.2.1 Concept #1 : Choice
1.2.2 Concept #2: Opportunity Cost
1.2.3 Concept #3: Marginal Analysis
1.2.4 Concept #4 : Incentive
1.2.5 Concept #5 : Trade
1.2.6 Concept #6 : Market
1.2.7 Concept #7 : Government
1.2.8 Concept #8 : Productivity
1.2.9 Concept #9 : Inflation
1.2.10 Concept #10: Short-run vs. Long-run
Key Concepts
Questions for Review
Supplementary Reading Nobel Prizes in Economics (1969——2000)
Chapter 2 Economic Analysis Framework
2.1 Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
2.1.1 Microeconomics
2.1.2 Macroeconomics
2.2 Positive Economics and Normative Economics
2.2.1 Positive Economics
2.2.2 Normative Economics
2.3 Goals of Economic Policy
2.3.1 Economic Growth
2.3.2 Full Employment
2.4 Economic System
2.4.1 Capitalism
2.4.2 Socialism
2.4.3 Mixed Economy
2.4.4 Planned Economy
2.4.5 Market Economy
2.5 Economic Analysis
2.5.1 General Equilibrium Analysis
2.5.2 Partial Equilibrium Analysis
Key Concepts
Questions for Review
Supplementary Reading New Method of Economic Analysis
Chapter 3 Demand, Supply and Elasticity
3.1 Demand
3.1.1 Determinants of Demand
3.1.2 Demand Curve
3.1.3 Shifts in Demand Curve
3.2 Supply
3.2.1 Determinants of Supply
3.2.2 Supply Curve
3.2.3 Shifts in Supply Curve
3.3 Market Equilibrium
3.3.1 Equilibrium Price
3.3.2 Changes in Equilibrium
3.4 Elasticity
3.4.1 Price Elasticity of Demand
3.4.2 The Total Revenue
3.4.3 Determinants of Demand Elasticity
3.4.4 Other Demand Elasticity
3.4.5 Price Elasticity of Supply
3.4.6 Determinants of Price Elasticity of Supply
Key Concepts
Questions for Review
Chapter 4 Theory of the Consumer
Chapter 5 Theory of the Firm
Chapter 6 Perfect Competition and Monopoly
Chapter 7 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
Chapter 8 Game Theory and Information Economics
Chapter 9 National Income
Chapter 10 Inflation and Unemployment
Chapter 11 Economic Growth
Chapter |2 Aggregate Demand and Supply
Chapter 13 Short-run Economic Fluctuations
Chapter 14 China in the World Economy
Chapter 15 International Economics


