Put your Sony-Ericsson mobile phone in a bag or pocket and easily control your music and calls with the new Sony-Ericsson MH810's convenient remote control while on the go.放在一個袋子或口袋的索尼愛立信行動電話和容易控制你的音樂和新的索尼愛立信MH810方便的遠程控制要求,而在旅途中。
Answer, reject or end cell phone calls with the remote control.答,拒絕或結束手機與遠程控制要求。
Or play, pause, skip tracks, fast forward, rewind and adjust the volume on the media player.或播放,暫停,跳過曲目,快進,快退和調整的媒體播放器的音量。
Access your world of music at the touch of a button with the Sony-Ericsson MH810.進入你的世界音樂在一個與索尼愛立信MH810輕觸按鈕。