



  • 軟體名稱:納米視頻
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:7.03MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
WOPP公開測試版 眼的世界:通過其他人的眼睛看世界,通過窺視孔,事情是這樣的,沒有過濾器,不變形。 一個革命性的全球通信服務,讓用戶來表達,傳播和分享他們的情感,經驗和意見,從自己的個人設備(智慧型手機,平板電腦或網路)在一個簡單的,即時的,有趣的方式。 一種創新的格式包括在納米視頻被稱為“wopps”,具有最大長度為21秒,一個圓的形狀和連線的標題和標籤。 分組按主題wopps和放置在一個視頻專題線稱為“woppline”,它們是有組織的一前一後,無論是按時間順序排列,或根據其評分。 woppline允許你觀看wopps,持續的基礎上。 ?私下向您的聯繫人列表中指定的用戶傳送wopps。 ?在一個全球化的平台上,你可以跟隨別人,並隨後發布wopps。 ?其他社會網路wopps通過共享。 ? CREATE自己的主題wopplines的,根據他們的標籤。 ?看你的wopplines持續的基礎上。 在真正通過wopplines時間找自己喜歡的主題;衝浪通過矩陣wopp內容,找出你的好友正在觀看,捕捉情緒,並分享他們重新wopp wopp,並回答,突出一個“哇”,遵循以人你找到有趣,創建你自己的公共或私人wopplines的的。 WOPP public beta The eye of the World: Look at the world through everybody else’s eyes, through a peephole, the way it is; no filters, no distortion. A revolutionary global communications service allowing users to express, disseminate and share their emotions, experiences and opinions from their own personal devices (smartphone, tablet or web) in a simple, instant, fun way. An innovative format consisting in nano-videos known as “wopps”, featuring a maximum length of 21 seconds, a round shape and attaching a title and a tag. Wopps are grouped by topics and placed in a video thematic line called the “woppline”, on which they are organised one after the other, either in chronological order or according to their rating. The woppline allows you to watch wopps on a continued basis. SEND wopps privately to specified users in your contact list. PUBLISH wopps in a global platform on which you can follow others and be followed. SHARE wopps through other social networks. CREATE your own thematic wopplines according to their tags. WATCH your wopplines on a continued basis. Find your favourite topics in real time through wopplines; surf through the matrix of wopp content; find out what your friends are watching; capture emotions and share them; wopp, re-wopp and answer, highlight with a “wow”, follow the people you find interesting and create your own public or private wopplines.


