


  • 中文名:紅警遇上Nobody
  • 歌曲原唱:吃素的獅子
  • 音樂風格:流行
  • 歌曲語言:英語
Sir I'm getting chaotic reading from locations in Sydney
Yuri must deploy his chaos drones
If our forces get too close to those drones they'll go berserk
Be careful commander
Let's rock and roll
On my way on my way
Battle control terminated
On my way on my way
Commencing assault
Our base is under attack
We are being attack
Hooah ready sir sir yes sir
On my way on my way
You got it
Piece by piece
Fires on confirmed
Need a repair pair
You have lost
Happy birthday
Yeah baby
Low power
Hornets in the air
Ha ha
I can go anywhere
Rocket's red glare
Helium mix optimal
Destination commander
High speed low drag
Our miner under attack
Target sighted
Traitors must be eliminated
Constructions complete
Conscript reporting
Target confirmed
As quickly as possible
Unable to comply building in progress
Fire on side yes sir
On my way on my way
Yes commander
You are sure
Yes sir
On my way on my way
Changing position
Yes commander yes sir
Waiting orders moving forward
Waiting orders cancel yes sir
On my way on my way
Location confirmed yes sir
On my way on my way
New constructions options
On my way on my way
Show me the way
Yes sir yes sir
Navigations systems ready
Main engines engaged yes sir
On my way on my way
Building online
High speed low drag
Fires on confirmed yes sir
Let's clear the air
No fear Tanya's here yes sir
Steady as she goes
Securing position
Taking position
Good to go
Maneuvers in progress need conversion
Setting new goals moving
Yes commander
Making tracks
For home country country
Firing tower
Kirov reporting
Yes comrade
Maneuver props engaged
Missiles launched
Yes commander
Pride of the working class
Help me Romanov
Let's go
On my way on my way
Our miner under attack yes sir
On my way on my way
Building infiltrated
Yeah baby
Calibrating airspeed
Good day commander
In on time at all yes sir
On my way on my way
Battle control terminated
Aegis reporting
New technology required
A line is broken
Ready comrade tell me your wish
Let's take the scenic route
Desolator ready
Order received
You are sure
Target acquired
Building offline
Yes sir
On my way on my way
Unable to comply building in progress
On my way on my way
New rally point established
Rudder set for new heading
Let's loose the allied fury
On my way on my way
Open fire
Battle fortress on the alert
We will trample our enemies
Nothing can can can stop us
Preparing for ba ba battle
Let's make a a warpath
Let's see some action
Battle control terminated


