

約翰·薩克林Sir John Suckling (1609-1642) 英國詩人和朝臣,其作品機智自然,包括《詩人的集會》 和《阿格勞拉》 (均作於1637年)。


  • 中文名:約翰·薩克林
  • 外文名:Sir John Suckling 
  • 出生日期:1609
  • 逝世日期:1642
  • 代表作品:《詩人的集會》 和《阿格勞拉》
  • 時代:英國查理一世時代


一生寫有劇本4部,其中最能表現他的才華的是悲劇《阿格勞拉》(Aglaura),1637年舉行盛大的演出,頗為壯觀。他最為成功的作品則是生動活潑的喜劇《妖精》(The Goblins,1638)。《詩人盛會》(1637)為一部有趣的諷刺劇,也許是從義大利作家博卡利尼(Traiano Boccalini)的一部作品得到啟發,但本身成為17、18世紀一系列同類詩作的原型。他的傑作無疑是《婚禮歌謠》,系按當時街頭謠曲的風格和韻律寫成。尚存的信札用生動活潑的口語散文寫成,開王政復辟時期眾才子的先河。


English poet and courtier whose witty, unaffected works include Session of the Poets and Aglaura (both 1637).
SUCKLING, SIR JOHN (1609-1642)
Poet, s. of a knight who had held office as Sec. of State and Comptroller of the Household to James I., was b. at Whitton, Middlesex, ed. at Camb., and thereafter went to Gray's Inn. On the death of his f. in 1627, he inherited large estates. After travelling in France and Italy, he is said to have served for a short time under Gustavus Adolphus. On his return he was knighted, and went to Court, where his wealth, generosity, and wit made him a general favourite. When Charles I. was moving against the Scots S. fitted out a gorgeously appointed troop for his service which, however, were said to have fled at first sight of the Scots army at Duns, an exploit which is ridiculed in the ballad of Sir John Suckling's Campaign. He got into trouble in connection with a plot to rescue Strafford from the Tower, and fled to the Continent. He d. at Paris, it is now believed by his own hand. He was a noted gambler, and has the distinction of being the inventor of the game of cribbage. He wrote four plays, Aglaura (1637), Brennoralt (1646), The Goblins, and The Sad One (unfinished), now forgotten; his fame rests on his songs and ballads, including The Wedding, distinguished by a gay and sparkling wit, and a singular grace of expression.


