箭牌在全世界擁有19家工廠,公司總部設在美國芝加哥,1891年4月1日由小威廉·瑞格理先生(Mr. William Wrigley Jr.)創立。箭牌Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company)是國際糖果業界的領導者之一和全球最大的口香糖生產及銷售商。箭牌中國現為中國最大的口香糖生產廠商和最大的糖果業者,箭牌目前在廣州經濟技術開發區、廣州市番禺區和上海市松江工業區擁有三家工廠。
Our mission is to achieve generational growth and prosperity for our stakeholders. We will continue to expand our core chewing gum business while establishing new business platforms that build on our company strengths. We will achieve our growth through internal development and strategic acquisitions.
To gain sustainable global competitive advantage, we will aggressively pursue excellence in execution, innovation, brand building, product quality, worldwide distribution and merchandising.
Our hallmarks will be branding that is pervasive and captures our consumers' minds and hearts; products that provide added value; and strong customer relationships built on a foundation of mutual understanding and benefit.
Fundamental to our success is a high performance organization that believes in the power of our people who, in turn, embrace our shared values.
芝加哥河畔聞名遐邇的箭牌大廈依然巍然矗立,箭牌大廈的綺燈華采依然夜夜裝扮著芝加哥的那道絢麗風景線,而時光荏苒,1891年4月1日由小威廉.瑞格理先生(Mr. William Wrigley Jr.)創立的箭牌公司,經過100多年苦心孤詣的經營,已經崛起為世界的口香糖王國。雖然箭牌公司1923年起就已經公開上市了,但引領箭牌公司締造了輝煌的,是瑞格理家族的四代商業領袖,他們薪火傳承,為箭牌公司股東們創造了世代相傳的業務成長和企業繁榮。