- ISBN:9787560848693
- 頁數:748
- 定價:368.00元
- 出版時間:2012-5
K1 Analysis-by-Synthesis in Prosody Research
PS1 Speech Processing and Tools;Descriptive and Cross-linguistic Studies
PS1A Speech Processing and Tools
PS1A-l Representing the Prosodic Context of Words using Gaussian Mixture Models
PS1A-2 Prosody Modification for Vocoder Based on Amplitude Spectrum of Residual Signal
PS1A-3 ProZed:A speech prosody analysis-by-synthesis tool for linguists
PS1A-4 SPeech Phonetization Alignment and Syllabification (SPPAS):a tool for the automatic analysis of speech prosody
PS1A-5 Tone Generation by Maximizing Joint Likelihood of Syllabic HMMs for Mandarin Speech Synthesis
PS1A-6 Automatic segmentation of English words using phonotactic and syllable information
PS1A-7 Framework For Consistent Speech Databases
PS1A-8 Perception of Japanese Prosodical Phonemes through use of a Bone-conducted Ultrasonic Hearing-aid
PS1A-9 Role of pitch slope and duration in synthesized Mizo tones
PS1A-10 Automatic detection of voice creak
PS1A-11 Multi methods pitch tracking