模擬聯合國 (Model United Nations),簡稱模聯(MUN),是對聯合國大會和其它多邊機構的仿真學術模擬,是為青年人組織的公民教育活動。在活動中,青年學生們扮演不同國家或其它政治實體的外交代表,參與圍繞國際上的熱點問題召開的會議。代表們遵循議事規則,在會議主席團的主持下,通過演講闡述觀點,為了“國家利益”辯論、磋商、遊說。他們與友好的國家溝通協作,解決衝突;通過寫作決議草案和投票表決來推進國際問題的解決。在模擬聯合國,青年學生們通過親身經歷熟悉聯合國等多邊議事機構的運作方式、基礎國際關係與外交知識,並了解世界發生的大事對他們未來的影響,了解自身在未來可以發揮的作用。
In late 2013, Ukraine’s cabinet abandoned an agreement on establishing closer trade ties with the European Union while seeking closer co-operation with Russia. Small protests started. From then on, the Crimea crisis and the MH17 air crash made the situation in Ukraine more complicated.
The United Nations made an immediate reaction, as the UN Secretary-General called for full respect for and preservaton of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. Also he asked for an immediate restoration of calm and direct dialogue between all concerned parties to solve the crisis.
However, the historical background and the multi-party’s conflict of interest, all made the crisis remain unsolved. Ukraine attracts the whole world’s attention and the world is waiting for the resolution from the Security Council. How to rebalance the interests of all parties and pass a constructive resolution that gains the support of the Ukrainian people are both the challenge and the mission of the Security Council.
International and regional legal instruments have clarified the obligations of States to prevent, eradicate and punish violence against women and girls. The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) requires that signatories of the Convention take all appropriate steps to end violence. However, the continued prevalence of violence against women and girls demonstrates that this global pandemic of alarming proportions is yet to be tackled with all the necessary political commitment, action and resources.
Countries have made some progress and initiatives developed to address and prevent violence against women and girls have increased throughout the world in recent years. However, gaps still remain in too many countries.
Non-communicable disease, or NCD, is a medical disease, which is non-infectious and not transferrable among human beings. The main causes of NCDs include random genetic abnormalities, heredity, lifestyle, environment, etc. It is distinguished only by non-transmissible cause. Their durations can vary greatly, from long duration and slow progression to more rapid death such as types of sudden stroke.
According to World Health Statistics 2014, half of the top 20 causes of premature deaths are infectious diseases, and maternal, neonatal and nutritional causes, while the other half are due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) or injuries. Globally, of the 36 million people who died from NCDs in 2005, around half of them are women and half of them are under 70. Out of the 57 million people died in 2008, 36 million of them died from NCDs, meaning that NCDs are responsible for approximately 63% of total deaths worldwide. Even worse, it is calculated by WHO that NCD deaths are projected to increase from 36 million in 2010 to 44 million in 2020. Researchers estimated that, if present growth trend are maintained, by the year of 2020, 7 of every 10 people’s deaths will be caused by NCDs, killing 52 million people annually. With such data being exposed, there is no surprise that NCDs’ preventions and controls are worked with world’s high priority.
During this conference, our committee hopes to establish a tangible solution with instructive measures to cease the growing tendency of NCD spreading and offer supports to the NCD patients. Delegates are expected to establish a more comprehensive plan based on current efforts of the UN and effective domestic policies.