













1985/9-1989/8: 中國海洋石油勘探開發研究中心工作,從事地震數據處理,任特殊處理組組長。
2002/8-2003/3:加州大學地球和行星物理研究所(IGPP), 訪問研究員;



(3)數學地球物理與計算地球物理:邊界元法,廣義Lipmann-Schwinger 積分方程,分區非均勻中的波傳播,崎嶇表面上波的散射,單程波傳,拋物方程理論,積分方程的Born序列逼近,介質與波場的尺度表達。


研究興趣包括區域地震相和地殼地震波傳播,崎嶇地表統計、波場回響特徵及強地振動模擬,勘探地震三維觀測系統設計,複雜構造地震模擬與成像,廣義非線性地震反演,儲層橫向預測風險評估,深部高壓結構地震回響特徵及反演等。在計算地震學方向主要研究邊界元法,廣義Lipmann-Schwinger 積分方程法,分區非均勻中波傳播模擬,崎嶇表面上波的散射,積分方程的Born序列逼近,介質與波場的尺度表達等。。




863 計畫主題項目“現代三維地震觀測系統設計技術及軟體系統開發”,2013-2016年;


Yu G.X. and Fu L.Y. Approximate solutions to the boundary–volume integral equation for wave propagation in piecewise heterogeneous media. Pure and Applied Geophysics
Sun W.J. and Fu L.Y. Two effective approaches to reduce data storage in reverse time migration. Computers & Geosciences
Qin N. and Fu L.Y. Reliability measurement of joint seismic inversion based on seismic-to-well correlation. Exploration Geophysics
符力耘,肖又軍,孫偉家,吳 超,管西竹,張敬洲.庫車坳陷複雜高陡構造地震成像研究. 地球物理學報
孫偉家,符力耘,管西竹,魏 偉. 頁岩氣地震勘探中頁岩各向異性的地震模擬研究.地球物理學報
何彥鋒,孫偉家,符力耘.複雜介質地震波傳播模擬中邊界元法與有限差分法的比較研究. 地球物理學進展,
Yu G.X. and Fu L.Y.. Rytov series approximation for rough surface scattering. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Pei Z.L., Fu L.Y., Sun W.J., Jiang T., and Zhou B.Z. Anisotropic finite-difference algorithm for modeling elastic wave propagation in fractured coalbeds. Geophysics,
Wei W., Fu L.Y., and Blacquiere G. Fast multifrequency focal beam analysis for 3D seismic acquisition geometry. Geophysics
Sun W.J. and Fu L.Y. Compensation for transmission losses based on one-way propagators in the mixed domain. Geophysics
Sun W.J., Fu L.Y., and Zhou B.Z. Common-angle image gathers for shot-profile migration: an efficient and stable strategy Exploration Geophysics
駱宗強, 魏偉, 孫偉家, 管西竹, 符力耘. 三維地震觀測系統採集腳印定量分析.地球物理學進展
Yu G.X. and Fu L.Y. Iterative convergence of boundary-volume integral equation method. Earthquake Science
Sun W.J., Fu L.Y., Wei W., and Zhou B.Z. Seismic illumination analysis with one-way wave propagators coupled with reflection transmission coefficients in 3D complex media. in Imran Ahmad Dar and Mithas Ahmad Dar, Ed., Earth and Environmental Sciences. InTech Publishers
董文, 符力耘, 肖又軍, 管西竹, 吳超. 庫車坳陷高陡構造地震勘探複雜性定量分析. 地球物理學報
管西竹, 符力耘, 陶毅, 於更新. 複雜地表邊界元—體積元波動方程數值模擬.地球物理學報
孫偉家, 符力耘, 胡善政, 崔永福. 基於相位編碼的Fourier變換波動方程三維地震照明分析. 地球物理學進展,
李緒宣, 於更新, 符力耘, 溫書亮, 管西竹. 複雜海底地震散射特徵分析. 中國海上油氣
Wu H.Z., Fu L.Y., and Ge H. K. Quantitative analysis of basin-scale heterogeneities using sonic log data in the Yanchang Basin. J. Geophys. Eng
Yu G.X., Fu L.Y., and Guan X.Z. BEM+Born series modeling schemes for wave propagation and their convergence analysis. Earthquake Science
Yu G.X., Fu L.Y., and Yao Z.X. Comparison of different BEM+Born series modeling schemes for wave propagation in complex geological structures. Geophysic
Sun W.J., Zhou B.Z., and Fu L.Y. Dip angle-compensated one-way wave equation migration. Exploration Geophysics
Sun W.J., Zhou B.Z., Hatherly P., and Fu L.Y. Seismic wave propagation through surface basalts – implications for coal seismic surveys. Exploration Geophysics
Fu L.Y. Quantitative assessment of the complexity of geological structures in terms of seismic propagators. Sci China Earth Sci
符力耘. Born序列頻散方程和Born-Kirchhoff傳播運算元. 地球物理學報
張魯新, 符力耘. 裴正林. 不分裂卷積完全匹配層與旋轉交錯格線有限差分在孔隙彈性介質模擬中的套用. 地球物理學報
苑聞京, 魏 偉, 符力耘, 王秀明. 地層孔隙壓力的地球物理回響特徵分析-以澳大利亞西北大陸架卡拉汶盆地超壓地層為例. 石油物探
盧回憶, 符力耘, 蔣 韜. 快速Fourier變換波動方程基準面校正方法研究. 地球物理學進展
陶 毅, 符力耘, 孫偉家, 孫秋霞. 地震波干涉法研究進展綜述. 地球物理學進展
Zhang M.G., Fu L.Y., Li X., and Li X.F. 2D efficient ray tracing with a modified shortest path method. Exploration Geophysics
Pei Z.L., Fu L.Y., Yu G.X., and Zhang L.X. A wavelet-optimized adaptive grid method for finite-difference simulation of wave propagation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Guo M.Q., Fu L.Y., Jing B. Comparison of stress-associated coda attenuation and intrinsic attenuation from ultrasonic measurements. Geophys. J. Int.
Hu S.Z., Fu L.Y., and Yao Z.X. Comparison of various approximation theories for randomly rough surface scattering. Wave Motion
魏 偉, 符力耘, 蔣 韜. 複雜構造三維地震觀測系統設計的共聚焦解析度分析. 地球物理學報
胡善政, 符力耘, 裴正林. 基流體飽和多孔隙介質彈性波方程邊界元解法研究. 地球物理學報
孫偉家, 符力耘, 姚振興. 基於耦合反射/透射係數單程波傳播運算元的地震波模擬研究. 地球物理學報
李維新, 秦 楠, 吳 梅, 王 紅, 符力耘, 姚振興. 岩性物性高解析度非線性聯合反演技術在南黃海和遼東灣複雜隱蔽岩性儲層預測中的套用研究. 石油物探
張益明, 李緒宣, 符力耘. 瞬時子波吸收分析技術在中國近海天然氣檢測中的套用. 石油物探
於更新, 李東平, 符力耘, 蔣韜. 複雜地質構造的邊界元—體積元波動方程數值模擬. 石油地球物理勘探
張金陵, 符力耘, 孫秋霞, 裴正林. 基於地震剖面瞬時峰值能量頻率的衰減分析與氣藏預測方法. 地球物理學進展,
Sun W.J., Fu L.Y., and Wu R. S. 2.5D SH Wave Propagation in Heterogeneous Crustal Wave Guides Using the Phase Screen Method. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
吳 梅, 符力耘, 李維新. 高解析度非線性儲層物性參數反演方法和套用. 地球物理學報
Zhang J., Wang W., Fu L.Y., and Yao Z. 3D Fourier finite-difference migration by ADI plus interpolation. Geophysical Prospecting
郭夢秋, 符力耘. 利用地震觀測資料預測震源區應力變化研究進展綜述. 地球物理學進展
於更新, 樓 海, 王椿鏞, 符力耘, 張建國, 秦嘉波, 楊潤海,李海鷗. 昆明市區淺部速度結構與隱伏斷裂特徵. 地震學報
蔣 韜, 符力耘, 碗學檢. 基於波動方程模擬的目標導向觀測系統設計方法研究. 地球物理學進展
馬義忠, 魏 偉, 孫偉家, 符力耘. 南陽凹陷高精度三維地震採集觀測系統設計. 石油物探
吳何珍, 符力耘, 蘭曉雯. 基於隨機介質模型的儲層非均質性分析. 地球物理學進展
馬義忠, 於更新, 符力耘. 複雜地表低信噪比地震數據處理研究. 地球物理學進展
符力耘. Born頻散方程和Born-Kirchhoff傳播運算元. 中國地質地球物理研究進展-慶賀劉光鼎院士八十華誕, 海洋出版社
符力耘. 地震波探測地質構造複雜性的定量分析方法. 勘探地球物理學進展文集-慶賀賀振華教授從事地球物理工作50周年,中國石油工業出版社
魏偉, 符力耘, 蔣 韜. 複雜構造三維地震觀測系統設計的共聚焦解析度分析. 勘探地球物理學進展文集-慶賀賀振華教授從事地球物理工作50周年, 中國石油工業出版社
Guo M.Q. and Fu L.Y. Stress associated coda attenuation from ultrasonic waveform measurements. Geophysical Research Letters
Wu H.Z., Fu L.Y., and Meng X.H. Blind deconvolution of seismic signals of non-white reflectivity. Exploration Geophysics
符力耘, 孫偉家, 李東平. 退化的Fourier偏移運算元及其在複雜斷塊成像中的套用. 地球物理學報
崔炯成, 吳 媚, 李維新, 符力耘. 高解析度非線性地震波阻抗反演方法和套用. 石油物探
吳 媚, 李維新, 符力耘. 基於測井曲線分頻分析的地震反演. 石油地球物理勘探
孫偉家, 符力耘, 碗學檢. 基於相位編碼的地震照明度分析. 石油地球物理勘探
Fu L.Y. Comparison of different one-way propagators for wave forward propagation in heterogeneous crustal wave guides. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Fu L.Y. Rough surface scattering: Comparison of various approximation theories for 2D SH waves. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Fu L.Y. Broadband constant-coefficient propagators. Geophysical Prospecting
Ge Z., Fu L.Y., and Wu R.S. P-SV wave-field connection technique for regional wave propagation simulation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Fu L.Y. Wavefield interpolation in the Fourier wavefield extrapolation. Geophysics
Fu L.Y. Joint inversions of seismic data for acoustic impedance. Geophysics
Fu L.Y. and Bouchon M. Discrete wavenumber solutions to numerical wave propagation in piecewise heterogeneous media – I. Theory of two-dimensional SH case. Geophys. J. Int
符力耘. 崎嶇地殼波管地震散射的各種逼近理論比較研究. 中國大陸地球深部結構與動力學研究-慶賀滕吉文院士從事地球物理研究50周年, 科學出版社
Fu L.Y. Numerical study of generalized Lipmann-Schwinger integral equation including surface topography. Geophysics
Fu L.Y. An information integrated approach for reservoir characterization, in Sandham, W. and Leggett, M., Ed., Geophysical Applications of Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands
Fu L.Y. Seismogram synthesis for piecewise heterogeneous media: Geophys. J. Int
Fu L.Y., Wu R.S., and Campillo M. Energy partition and attenuation of regional phases by random free surface. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
Fu L.Y. Joint Lithologic Inversion, in Wong, P., Aminzadeh, F., and Nikravesh, M., Ed., Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling: Springer-Verlag Publishers
Urosevic, M., Fu, L.Y., and Dodds K. Seismic expression of abnormal geo-pressure in the Barrow Sub-Basin. APPEA JOURNAL
Fu L.Y. and Wu R.S. A hybrid BE-GS method for modeling regional wave propagation. Pure and Applied Geophysics
Wang X., Fu L.Y., Dodds K., and Zeng Y. Effects of the traction-free surface with a rugged topography on seismic wave propagation: numerical modeling. Exploration Geophysics
Fu L.Y. Caianiello neural network method for geophysical inverse problems, in Poulton, M., Ed., Computational Neural Networks for Geophysical Data Processing. Pergamon Publishers
Fu L.Y. and Wu R. S. Infinite boundary element absorbing boundary for wave propagation simulations. Geophysics
符力耘, 楊慧珠, 牟永光. 非均勻介質散射問題的體積分方程法. 力學學報
Fu L.Y., Mu Y.G., and Yang H.J. Forward problem of nonlinear Fredholm integral equation in reference medium via velocity-weighted wavefield function. Geophysics
符力耘, 程 勝, 段 玉. 地震波阻抗反演的ANNLOG技術及其套用效果. 石油地球物理勘探
段 玉, 符力耘, 劉德健. 利用FKSUB消除局部規則干擾波. 石油地球物理勘探
符力耘, 牟永光. 彈性波邊界元法正演模. 地球物理學報


