


作為主要負責人所開發的生物統計和數據分析軟體(ForStat)已推廣到國內外80餘所高等院校和科研院所使用。《Methods in Ecology and Evolution》、《Forest Ecology and Management》、《International Journal of Biomathematics》、《Journal of Applied Statistics》、《林業科學》、《生態學報》、《北京林業大學學報》等20餘個期刊審稿專家。


  • 中文名:符利勇
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:湖南省耒陽市人
  • 出生日期:1984年9月
  • 職業:研究室副主任、副研究員
  • 畢業院校:中國林業科學研究院



2009.09–2012.07, 中國林業科學研究院, 森林經理學, 博士,研究方向為非線性混合效應模型算法及其套用,師從著名林業科學家唐守正院士
2007.09–2009.07, 南京林業大學, 森林經理學, 碩士,研究方向為套用數理統計
2003.09–2007.07, 山西農業大學, 林學, 學士






[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,含隨機效應和度量誤差的生物量相容性方程系統研究、2016/01-2019/12、在研、主持
[2] 國家自然科學基金面上項目子課題,林業中含度量誤差的非線性混合效應模型研究、2015/01-2018/12、在研、主持
[3] “十三五”國家重點研發計畫“陸地生態系統碳源匯監測技術及指標體系”子任務,新增林地區域的確定及其碳匯潛力評估、2017/01-2020/12、在研、主持
[4] 林業公益性行業科研專項子課題,太行山西側生態公益林提質增效關鍵技術研究、2014/01-2017/12、在研、主持
[5] 中國林科院所基金重點項目,基於輕小型無人機平台的多尺度森林生物量估計、2016/01-2018/12、在研、主持
[6] 河南省省院合作項目,河南省天然林立地質量評價和生產力估計研究、2017/01-2019/12、在研、主持
[7] 河南省重點實驗室開放課題,含度量誤差的生物量相容性模型構建、2016/01-2017/12、在研、主持
[8] 中國林科院基本科研業務費專項資金項目,氣候變化下的生物量可加性模型構建、2017/01-2017/12、在研、主持
[9] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,林業中含度量誤差的非線性混合效應模型研究、2014/01-2016/12、已結題、主持
[10] 中國林科院基本科研業務費專項資金項目,氣候變化下的落葉松地上生物量模型構建、2014/08-2017/02、已結題、主持
[11] 河南省省院合作項目,河南省主要人工用材林木材造材最優方案、2012/01-2014/12、已結題、主持
[12] 中國林科院資源信息研究所所基金,隨機效應的森林立地指數模型和套用研究、2013/09-2015/10、已結題、主持


[1] Fu, L., Jiang, L, Ye, M, Sun, L., Tang, S., Wu, R. 2017. How trees allocate stem carbon for optimal growth: Insight from a game-theoretic model. Briefings in Bioinformatics, online, (SCI, IF=8.40,一區).
[2] Fu, L., Sharma, R. P., Hao, K., Tang, S. 2017. A generalized interregional nonlinear mixed-effects crown width model for Prince Rupprecht larch in northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 384, 34-43. (SCI, IF=3.06,二區)
[3] Fu, L., Zhang, H., Sharma, R. P., Pang, L., Wang, G. 2017. A generalized nonlinear mixed-effects height to crown base model for Mongolian oak in northeast China. Forest Ecology and Management, 384, 34-43. (SCI, IF=3.06,二區)
[4] Fu, L., Sharma, R. P., Wang, G., Tang, S. 2017. Modelling a system of nonlinear additive crown width models applying seemingly unrelated regression for Prince Rupprecht larch in northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 386:71-80. (SCI, IF=3.06, 二區)
[5] Fu, L., Lei, X., Hu, Z., Zeng, W., Tang, S., Marshall, P., Cao, L., Song, X., Yu, L., Liang, J. 2017. Integrating regional climate change into allometric equations for estimating tree aboveground biomass of Masson pine in China. Annals of forest science, 74:42, 1-15. doi: 10.1007/s13595-017-0636-z (SCI, IF=2.09,二區)
[6] Fu, L., Zeng, W., Tang, S. 2017. Individual tree biomass models to estimate forest biomass for large spatial regions developed using four pine species in China. Forest Science, online, DOI: (SCI, IF=1.78, 三區)
[7] Fu, L., Lei, X., Zhu, G., Li, H., Hong, L., Guo, H., Duan, G., Shen, C., Lei, Y., Li, Y., Tang, S. 2017. Dominant height–diameter models for estimating forest site productivity in natural uneven-aged pure stands. Forest Science, accepted. (SCI, IF=1.78, 三區).
[8]Fu, L., Lei, X., Sharma, R. P., Li, H., Zhu, G., Hong, L., You, L., Duan, G., Guo, H., Lei, Y., Li, Y., Tang, S. Comparing height–age and height–diameter modelling approaches for estimating site productivity of natural uneven-aged forests. Forestry, accepted. (SCI, IF=2.23,二區).
[9] Zhu, G., Fu, L*(通訊作者). K-Step Adaptive Cluster Sampling with Horvitz-Thompson Estimator. International Journal of Biomathematics, accepted. (SCI, IF=1.01,三區).
[10] Fu, L., Wang. Q., Xiang W., Hao, K., Tang, S. 2017. Additive-crown-width models comprising nonlinear simultaneous equations for Prince Rupprecht larch (Larix principis-rupprechtii) in northern China. Trees, online (SCI, IF=1.71,二區)
[11] Zeng, W., Fu, L., Xu, Ming., Wang, X., Chen, Z., Yao, S. 2017. Developing individual-tree- based models for estimating aboveground biomass of five key coniferous species in China. Journal of Forestry Research, accepted. (SCI, IF=0.67, 四區)
[12] Fu, L., Sharma, R.P., Zhu, G., Li, H., Hong, L., Guo, H., Duan, G., Shen, C., Lei, Y., Li, Y., Lei, X., Tang, S. 2017. A basal area increment-based approach of site productivity evaluation for multi-aged, mixed forests. Forests, 8(4), 119; doi:10.3390/f8040119. (SCI, IF=1.58,三區)
[13] Fu, L., Sun, W., Wang, G. 2017. A climate-sensitive aboveground biomass model for three larch species in northeastern and northern China. Trees, 31: 124-131. (SCI, IF=1.71,二區)
[14] Fu, L., Lei, Y., Wang, G., Bi, H., Tang, S., Song, X. 2016. Comparison of seemingly unrelated regressions with error-invariable models for developing a system of nonlinear additive biomass equations. Trees, 30: 839-857. (SCI, 二區,IF=1.71)
[15] Pang, L., Ma, Y., Sharma, R.P., Shawn, R., Song, X., Fu, L*(通訊作者). 2016. Developing an improved parameter estimation method for the segmented taper equation through combination of constrained two-dimensional optimum seeking and least square regression. Forests, 7: 194, doi:10.3390/f7090194. (SCI, IF=1.58,三區)
[16] Hu, Z., Liu, S., Liu, X., Fu, L., Wang, J., Liu, K., Huang, X., Zhang, Y., He, F. 2016. Soil respiration and its environmental response varies by day/night and by growing /dormant season in a subalpine forest. Scientific report, 6:37864, doi 10:1038/srep37864. (SCI, IF=5.23,二區)
[17] Cao, L., Coops, N. C., Innes, J. L., Sheppard, S.R.J.,Fu, L., Ruan, H., She, G. 2016. Estimation of forest biomass dynamics in subtropical forests using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 178: 158-171. (SCI, IF=5.88,一區)
[18] Fu L., Zhang H., Lu J., Zang H., Lou M., Wang G. 2015. Multilevel Nonlinear Mixed-Effect Crown Ratio Models for Individual Trees of Mongolian Oak (Quercus mongolica) in Northeast China. PLoS ONE, 10(8): e0133294. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone. 0133294. (SCI, IF=3.06, 三區)
[19]Fu,L.,Wang,M.,Lei,Y.,Tang,S.2014.Parameter estimation of two-level nonlinear mixed effects models using first order conditional linearization and the EM algorithm. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis ,69 : 173-183.
[20]Fu,L.,Zeng,W.,Zhang,H.,Wang,G.,Lei,Y.,Tang,S.2014. Generic linear mixed-effects individual-tree biomass models for Pinus massoniana Lamb. in Southern China. Southern Forests 76(1) : 47-56.
[21]Fu,L.,Tang,S.,Sharma,R.P.,Zhang,H.,Liu,Y.,Lei,Y.,Wang,H.2014. Developing, testing and application of rodent population dynamics and capture models based on an adjusted leslie matrix-based population. International Journal of Biomathematics ,7(2):1-15.
[22] Diao, J., Lei, X., Wang, J., Lu, J., Guo, H., Fu, L., Shen, C., Ma, W., Shen, J. 2014. Quantifying the variability of internode allometry within and between trees for Pinus tabulaeformis Carr. using a multilevel nonlinear mixed-effect model. Forests 5, 2825-2845; doi:10.3390/ f5112825. (SCI, IF=1.58,三區)
[23] Fu L., Lei Y., Sharma R. P., Tang S. 2014. Parameter estimation of nonlinear mixed- effects models using first-order conditional linearization and the EM algorithm. Journal of applied statistics, 40(2): 252-265. (SCI, IF=0.42,四區)
[24] Fu L., Sun H., Sharma R. P., Lei Y., Zhang H., Tang S. 2013. Nonlinear mixed-effects crown width models for individual trees of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) in south-central China. Forest Ecology and Management, 302: 210-220. (SCI, IF=2.83,二區)
[25].Fu,L.Y.,Zeng,W.S.,Tang,S.Z.,Sharma,RP.,andLi,HK.2012.Using Linear Mixed Model and Dummy Variable Model Approaches to Construct Compatible Single-Tree Biomass Equations at Different Scales—A Case Study for Masson Pine in Southern China. Journal of Forest Science ,58(3):101-115.
[26] 符利勇,唐守正,基於多水平非線性混合效應蒙古櫟林單木斷面積模型,林業科學研究,2015,28(1):23-31.
[27] 符利勇,唐守正,東北地區兩個主要樹種地上生物量通用方程構建,生態學報,2015,35(1):1-10.
[28] 符利勇,雷淵才,曾偉生,幾種相容性生物量模型及估計方法的比較,林業科學,2014,(06):42-54.
[29] 符利勇,雷淵才,孫偉,唐守正,曾偉生,不同林分起源的相容性生物量模型構建,生態學報,2014,(06):1461-1470.
[31] 符利勇,孫華,基於混合效應模型的杉木單木冠幅預測模型,林業科學,2013,(08):65-74.
[32] 符利勇,張會儒,李春明,唐守正,非線性混合效應模型參數估計方法分析,林業科學,2013,(01):114-119.
[33] 符利勇,李永慈,李春明,唐守正,利用2種非線性混合效應模型(2水平)對杉木林胸徑生長量的分析,林業科學,2012,(05):36-43 .
[34] 符利勇, 張會儒, 唐守正. 基於非線性混合模型的杉木林優勢木平均高,林業科學,2012,48(7): 66-71.
[35] 符利勇, 唐守正, 劉應安. 關帝山天然次生針葉林林隙徑高比, 生態學報,2011,31(5):1260-1268.
[36] 符利勇, 曾偉生, 唐守正. 利用混合模型分析地域對國內馬尾松生物量的影響,生態學報,2011,31(19):5797-5808.
[37] 符利勇, 李永慈, 李春明, 唐守正. 兩水平非線性混合模型對杉木林優勢高生長量研究,林業科學研究,2011,24(6):720-726.
[38] 唐守正,李勇,符利勇生物數學模型的統計學基礎,高等教育出版社,310頁,2015.


[3]第四屆“中國林科院傑出青年” 中國林業科學研究院(2014)
[4] 第六屆梁希青年論文獎一等獎(2016). 國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[5] 第五屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎(2014). 國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[6] 第四屆梁希青年論文獎二等獎(2012). 國家林業局科學技術委員會、中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[7] 中國林學會青年科技優秀論文獎(2012). 中國林學會. (排名:1/1)
[8] 2013年度所青年優秀論文二等獎(2013). 中國林科院資源信息研究所. (排名:1/1)
[9] 2012年度所青年優秀論文二等獎(2012). 中國林科院資源信息研究所. (排名:1/1)
[10] 2011年度所青年優秀論文二等獎(2011). 中國林科院資源信息研究所. (排名:1/1)


