童舒平,男,浙江富陽人。現任復旦大學上海醫學院特聘教授,博士生導師;美國布朗大學/ 羅德島醫院肝臟研究中心教授。童舒平教授是不表達e抗原的HBV突變株發現者之一。最早揭示HBV基因型的生物學意義。對鴨子肝炎病毒進入肝細胞的機製做過一系列的工作。是Journal of Hepatology和Journal of Virology 的編委。
1. *Tong S, Li J, Wands J, Wen Y. Hepatitis B virus genetic variants: Biological properties and clinical implications (review). Emerging Microbes & Infections 2: e10; doi:10.1038/emi. 2013.
2. Qin Y, Tang X, Garcia T, Hussain M, *Zhang J, Lok A, Wands J, Li J, *Tong S. Hepatitis B virus genotype C isolates with wild-type core promoter sequence replicate less efficiently than genotype B isolates but possess higher virion secretion capacity. J. Virol.85: 10167-10177. 2011.
3. Huang Y, Tong S, Tai A, *Lok S. Hepatitis B virus core promoter mutations contribute to hepatocarcinogenesis by deregulating SKIP2 and its target, p21. Gastroenterology 141: 1412-1421. 2011.
4. Qin Y, *Zhang J, Garcia T, Ito K, Gutelius D, Li J, Wands J, *Tong S. Improved method for rapid and efficient determination of genome replication and protein expression of clinical hepatitis B virus isolates. J. Clin. Microbiol.49: 1226-1233. 2011.
5. Tsai A, Kawai S, Kwei K, Gewaily D, Hutter A, Tong D, Li J, Wands J, *Tong S. Chimeric constructs between two hepatitis B virus genomes confirm transcriptional impact of core promoter mutations and reveal multiple effects of core gene mutations. Virology 387: 364-372. 2009.
6. Garcia T, Li J, Sureau C, Ito K, Qin Y, Wands J, *Tong S. Drastic reduction in the production of subviral particles does not impair hepatitis B virus virion secretion. J. Virol. 83: 11152-11165. 2009.
7. *Tong S, Li J. Identification of NTCP as an HBV receptor: the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning (editorial) Gastroenterology, doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2014.02.024. [Epub ahead of print]. 2014.
8. Huang Y, Tai A, *Tong S,Lok A. HBV core promoter mutations promote cellular proliferation through E2F1-mediated upregulation of S-phase kinase associated protein 2 transcription. J. Hepatol. 58: 1068-1073.2013.
9. Kwei K, Tang X, Lok AS, Sureau C, Garcia T, Li J, Wands J, *Tong S. Impaired virion secretion by hepatitis B virus immune escape mutants and its rescue by wild-type envelope proteins or a second-site mutation. J. Virol. 87: 2352-2357. 2013.
10.*Tong S. Hepatitis B virus, a sex hormone-responsive virus (editorial). Gastroenterology 142: 696-699. 2012.
11.Gutelius D, Li J, Wands J, *Tong S. Characterization of the pleiotropic effects of the genotype G-specific 36-nucleotide insertion in the context of other hepatitis B virus genotypes. J. Virol.85: 13278-13289. 2011.
12.Ito K, Qin Y, Guarnieri M, Garcia T, Kwei K, Mizokami M, Zhang J, Li J, Wands J, *Tong S. Impairment of hepatitis B virus virion secretion by single amino acid substitutions in the small envelope protein and rescue by a novel glycosylation site. J.Virol. 84: 12850-12861. 2010.
13.Ito K, Kim K-H, Lok A, *Tong S. Characterization of genotype-specific carboxyl-terminal cleavage sites of hepatitis B virus e antigen precursor and identification of furin as the candidate enzyme. J. Virol. 83: 3507-3517. 2009.