

博士,研究員,博士生導師。2000-2003,西南農業大學碩士研究生;2005-2008,西南大學博士研究生。2003-2008, 西南大學 助理研究員;2008-2015,西南大學副研究員;2011-2012, 哈佛大學醫學院訪問學者;2015-至今,西南大學研究員。


  • 中文名:程道軍
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:西南大學研究員
  • 畢業院校:西南大學,西南農業大學
  • 性別:男


2003-2008 西南大學 助理研究員。
Molecular Genetics and Genomics、Journal of Insect Science、Entomological Research、Gene等學術期刊審稿人;全國生物晶片標準化技術委員會委員、重慶市生物化學與分子生物學學會理事。




先後主持國家自然科學基金4項、重慶市自然科學基金2項、中央高校基本業務費專項1項、西南大學博士啟動基金1項,主研973、863、國家自然科學基金重點項目等課題10餘項。先後在Journal of Biological Chemistry、Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology、Insect Science、Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology、PLoS One、International Journal of Molecular Sciences等學術期刊上發表研究論文40餘篇,其中SCI論文26篇;參編《蠶的基因組》等專著3部;獲授權發明專利1項。
1. Gang X, Qian W, Zhang T, Yang X, Xia Q, Cheng D*. Aurora B kinase is required for cell cycle progression in silkworm. Gene, 2017, 599:60-67。
2. Meng M, Cheng D*, Peng J, Qian W, Li J, Dai D, Zhang T, Xia Q*. The homeodomain transcription factors Antennapedia and POU-M2 regulate the transcription of the steroidogenic enzyme gene Phantom in the silkworm. J Biol Chem, 2015, 290(40):24438-52。
3. Meng M, Liu C, Peng J, Qian W, Qian H, Tian L, Li J, Dai D, Xu A, Li S, Xia Q*, Cheng D*. Homeodomain protein Scr regulates the transcription of genes involved in juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the silkworm. Int J Mol Sci, 2015, 16(11):26166-85。
4. Qian W, Kang L, Zhang T, Meng M, Wang Y, Li Z, Xia Q,Cheng D*. Ecdysone receptor (EcR) is involved in the transcription of cell cycle genes in the silkworm. Int J Mol Sci, 2015,16(2):3335-49。
5. Cheng D, Qian W, Wang Y, Meng M, Wei L, Li Z, Kang L, Peng J, Xia Q*. Nuclear import of transcription factor BR-C is mediated by its interaction with RACK1. PLoS One, 2014, 9(10): e109111。
6. Cheng D, Meng M, Peng J, Qian W, Kang L, Xia Q*. Genome-wide comparison of genes involved in the biosynthesis, metabolism, and signaling of juvenile hormone between silkworm and other insects. Genet Mol Biol, 2014, 37(2):444-59。
7. Cheng D, Qian W, Meng M, Wang Y, Peng J, Xia Q*. Identification and expression profiling of the BTB domain-containing protein gene family in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Int J Genomics, 2014, 2014:86506。
8. Cheng D, Peng J, Meng M, Wei L, Kang L, Qian W, Xia Q*. Microarray analysis of the juvenile hormone response in larval integument of the silkworm, Bombyx mori. Int J Genomics, 2014, 2014:426025。
9. Cheng D, Xia Q*, Duan J, Wei L, Huang C, Li Z, Wang G, Xiang Z. Nuclear receptors inBombyx mori: insights into genomic structure and developmental expression. Insect Biochem Mol Biol, 2008,38(12):1130-1137。
10. Cheng D, Xia Q*, Zhao P, Wang Z, Xu H, Li G, Lu C, Xiang Z. EST-based profiling and comparison of gene expression in the silkworm fat body during metamorphosis. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol, 2006, 61(1):10-23。
11. Li Z,Cheng D, Wei L, Zhao P, Shu X, Tang L, Xiang Z, Xia Q*. The silkworm homolog ofMethoprene-tolerant(Met) gene reveals sequence conservation but function divergence. Insect Science, 2010, 17(4):313-324。
12. Li Z,Cheng D, Mon H, Tatsuke T, Zhu L, Xu J, Lee J, Xia Q, Kusakabe T*. Genome-wide identification of Polycomb target genes reveals a functional association of Pho with Scm inBombyx mori. PLoS One, 2012, 7(4):e34330。
13. Xia Q,Cheng D, Duan J, Wang G, Cheng T, Zha X, Liu C, Zhao P, Dai F, Zhang Z, et al. Microarray-based gene expression profiles in multiple tissues of the domesticated silkworm,Bombyx mori. Genome Biol, 2007,8(8): R162。
14. Wei L, Li Z,Cheng D, Kusakabe T, Pan M, Duan J, Wang Y, Lu C. RNAi silencing of the SoxE gene suppresses cell proliferation in silkworm BmN4 cells. Mol Biol Rep, 2014,41(7): 4769-81。
15. Duan J, Li R,Cheng D, Fan W, Zha X, Cheng T, Wu Y, Wang J, Mita K, Xiang Z, Xia Q*. SilkDB v2.0: a platform for silkworm (Bombyx mori) genome biology. Nucleic Acids Res, 2010,38 (Database issue):D453-456。
16. Xiang H, Zhu J, Chen Q, Dai F, Li X, Li M, Zhang H, Zhang G, Li D, Dong Y, Zhao L, Lin Y,Cheng D, Yu J, et al. Single base-resolution methylome of the silkworm reveals a sparse epigenomic map. Nat Biotechnol, 2010,28(5):516-520。
17. Xia Q, Guo Y, Zhang Z, Li D, Xuan Z, Li Z, Dai F, Li Y,Cheng D, Li R, et al. (2009) Complete resequencing of 40 genomes reveals domestication events and genes in silkworm (Bombyx). Science, 2009, 326(5951): 433-436。
18. Xia Q, Wang J, Zhou Z, Li R, Fan W,Cheng D, Cheng T, Qin J, Duana J, Xu H, et al. The genome of a lepidopteran model insect, the silkwormBombyx mori. Insect Biochem Mol Biol, 2008, 38(12):1036-1045。
19. Xia Q, Zhou Z, Lu C,Cheng D, Dai F, Li B, Zhao P, Zha X, Cheng T, Chai C, et al. A draft sequence for the genome of the domesticated silkworm (Bombyx mori). Science, 2004,306 (5703):1937-1940。


