



  • 中文名:程衛東
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 性別:男


Name: Weidong Cheng
職 務:教授


Research Interests:
The cooperation of Chinese and Western medicine treats common disease。


2010.10 ---至今 教授,蘭州大學基礎醫學院。 2003.05---2010.10 副教授,蘭州大學基礎醫學院。
2000.12---2003.04 副主任醫師,蘭州醫學院。
1997.12---2000.12 副主任醫師,甘肅省建職工醫院。
1989.12---1997.11 主治醫師,甘肅省建職工醫院。
1984.07---1989.11 住院醫師,甘肅省建職工醫院。
2008.09 ---2010.10 博士後,北京師範大學。
2009.06---2009.12 大連外國語學院培訓日語。
2002.09---2005.06 博士,北京中醫藥大學
1999.09---2002.04 碩士,蘭州醫學院。
1979.09---1984.06 學士,甘肅省中醫學院。
Oct/2010---present: Professor, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China。
May/2003---Oct/2010:Associate Professor, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China。
Nov/2000---Apr/2003: Assistant director doctor,Lanzhou Medical College, China。
Nov/1997---Nov/2000:Assistant director doctor,Gansu Province constructs the workers' hospital ,China。
Dec./1989---Nov/1997:Doctor in charge, Gansu Province constructs the workers' hospital, China。
Jul./1984---Dec/1989: Resident, Gansu Province constructs the workers' hospital ,China。
Sept /2008---Oct/2010: post-doctoral fellow, Beijing Normal University,China。
June/2009---Nov/2009: Studying in Dalin university of Foreign Languages。
Sept/2002---June/2005: Ph.D, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,China。
Sept/1999---July/2002: Master, Lanzhou Medical College, Lanzhou, China 。
Sept/1981---uly /1984: Bachelor, T.C.M Gansu province, China。
程衛東(通訊作者),初探異葉敗醬提取物對雞胚翅芽發生中基因表達模式的作用[J], 中藥材,2010,33(11):1764-1767.
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author);Extracts from Patrinia heterophylla Bunge Affects Gene Expression Patterns during Morphogenesis of Chicken limb Buds in vivo
程衛東; 王永炎; 藺海明; 劉學周; 楊建軍; 紅芪生長和乾物質規律及對施坡縷石和肥料的回響 中藥材, 2010,33(5):657-661。
CHENG Wei-dong; WANG Yong-yan; LINHai-ming; LIU Xue-zhou; YANG Jian-jun;Response ofApplying Palygorskite and Fertilization on Growth Rules ofRadix Hedysari; Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials; 2010,33(5):657-661。
程衛東; 王永炎; 藺海明; 楊建軍; 劉學周; 施肥對栽培紅芪中多糖和總黃酮含量影響研究 中藥材, 2010,33(6):847-850。
CHENGWei-dong; WANG Yong-yan; LINHai-ming; YANG Jian-jun; LIU Xue-zhou; Study on Effects ofFertilizer on Polysaccharide and Flavonoids of Radix Hedysari in D ifferentGrowth Stage; Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials; 2010,33(6):847-850。
程衛東; 馬周旺; 楊俊傑; 耿文;強肝丸對肝纖維化大鼠肝組織膠原表達的影響 北京中醫藥大學學報,2008,31(6):389-391。
CHENG Wei-dong; MA Zhou-wang;YANG Jun-jie;DE Wen;Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2008,31(6):389-391。
程衛東; 李立;墓頭回提取物誘導K562細胞凋亡的實驗研究 北京中醫藥大學學報,2007,30(1):51-57。
CHENG Wei-dong; LI Li;Back to the tomb of the first extract of K562 cells induced apoptosis Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007,30(1):51-57。
程衛東等,複方丹參、當歸注射液與抗休克血管活性藥物及抗膽鹼藥物配伍可行性研究 北京中醫藥大學學報,2005,28(1):78-80。
CHENG Wei-dong;Danshen, Angelica injection of vasoactive and anti-shock drugs and anticholinergic drugs combined feasibility study Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005,28(1):78-80。
程衛東; 趙健雄; 李元青; 王學習;,扶正抑瘤顆粒含藥血清對小鼠肝癌H22細胞p53和Caspases-3蛋白表達的影響 四川中醫,2005,23(2):17-19。
CHENG Wei-dong;Zhao JX; Li Yuanqing;Wang XX; Fuzheng Yiliu Granule-containing serum on mouse hepatoma H22 cells p53 and Caspases-3 protein expression Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005,23(2):17-19。
程衛東; 趙健雄; 徐瑞峰; 王學習; 李元青; 扶正抑瘤顆粒對小鼠肝癌細胞H22凋亡的影響 中國中醫藥科技,2005,12(3):146-147。
CHENG Wei-dong;Zhao JX; Xu Ruifeng;Wang XX;Li Yuanqing;Fuzheng Yiliu Granule on H22 mouse hepatocellular carcinoma cell apoptosis Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Science and Technology,2005,12(3):146-147。
程衛東(通訊作者),坡縷石與氮磷鉀配施對紅芪乾物質積累及多糖含量的影響 安徽農業科學;2010,38(9):4536-4538。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author); Effect ofPalygorskite Adding NPK Fertilizer on PlantDryM atter Accumulation and Polysaccharide Content ofRadixHedysari; 2010,38(9):4536-4538。
程衛東(通訊作者),穴位捏提法配合針刺治療強直性脊柱炎 北京中醫藥大學學報(中醫臨床版);2009,16(4):36-37。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author); Ankylosing spondylitis cured with acupoint lifting-pinching manipulation accompanied by acupuncture; Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine(Clinical Medicine); 2009,16(4):36-37。
程衛東(通訊作者),玫參膠囊對去卵巢大鼠生殖內分泌系統影響的實驗研究 新中醫,2008,40(7):98-99。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author);Mei capsule in ovariectomized rats on reproductive endocrine system of experimental study Journal of New Chinese Medicine, 2008,40(7):98-99。
程衛東(通訊作者),玫參顆粒治療圍絕經期綜合徵30例療效觀察 新中醫,2008,40(10)59-60。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author);Mei Participation particle treatment of perimenopausal syndrome Clinical Observation of 30 Cases Journal of New Chinese Medicine, 2008,40(10)59-60。
程衛東(通訊作者),強肝丸預防四氯化碳誘導大鼠肝纖維化的實驗研究 陝西中醫,2007,28(11):1561-1563。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author);Strong pill to prevent carbon tetrachloride-induced liver in rat liver fibrosis in rats Shaanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2007,28(11):1561-1563。
程衛東(通訊作者),玫參膠囊對雌性去卵巢大鼠性激素與下丘腦神經遞質調節作用的實驗研究 陝西中醫,2009,30(3):356-357。
CHENG Wei-dong(Corresponding Author);Mei capsule of female sex hormones in ovariectomized rats and the regulation of hypothalamic neurotransmitters in rats Journal of New Chinese Medicine,2009,30(3):356-357。


