- 中文名:程星星
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1984年9月
- 畢業院校:東南大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
2009-2013年, 加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia), 化學與生物工程,博士學位。
研究生培養與本科教學:總計指導博士生、碩士生10餘人。主講課程為本科課程《傳熱學》、《大學計算機》等,任本科生院教師促進發展中心教學諮詢員,2010年獲得UBC的ISW(Instructional skills workshop)培訓認證。2016年獲加拿大布魯克大學的FDW(Facilitator development workshop)培訓認證。
論文論著:先後在所研究的領域獲授權和申請國家發明專利10餘項,獲授權美國發明專利專利1項;本人及所指導的研究生髮表論文總計30餘篇,其中SCI/EI收錄20餘篇,部分成果發表於Green Chemistry、Applied catalysis B: Environmental等國際頂級期刊。
a) 論文列表
[1]. Xingxing Cheng*, etc., Nitrogen oxides reduction by carbon monoxide over semi-coke supported catalysts in a simulated rotary reactor: reaction performance under dry conditions, Green Chemistry, 18, 5305-5324, 2016.
[2]. Luyuan Wang, Xingxing Cheng*, etc., Investigation on Fe-Co binary metal oxides supported on activated semi-coke for NO reduction by CO, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 201, 636-651, 2017.
[3]. Xingxing Cheng*, etc., A simulated rotary reactor for NOx reduction by carbon monoxide over Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts, Chemical Engineering Journal, 307, 24- 40, 2017.
[4]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Reaction Kinetics of Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx by Propylene over Fe/ZSM-5, Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212, 453-462, 2012.
[5]. Xingxing Cheng, Luyuan Wang, Zhiqiang Wang*, etc., Catalytic Performance of NO Reduction by CO over Activated Semicoke Supported Fe/Co Catalysts, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55 (50), 12710–12722
[6]. Xingyu Zhang, Chunyuan Ma, Xingxing Cheng*, etc., Performance of Fe-Ba/ZSM-5 catalysts in NO + O2 adsorption and NO + CO reduction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, In press.
[7]. Luyuan Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Xingxing Cheng*, etc. In situ DRIFTS study of the NO + CO reaction on Fe-Co binary metal oxides over activated semi-coke supports. RSC Advances, 2017, In press.
[8]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Modeling and simulation of nitrogen oxides adsorption in fluidized bed reactors, Chemical Engineering Science, 96, 42-54, 2013.
[9]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Hydrodynamics of an i-CFB deNOx reactor, Powder Technology, 251, 25-36, 2014
[10]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, A review of recent advances in selective catalytic NOx reduction reactor technologies, Particuology, 16, 1-18, 2014.
[11]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Catalytic NOx Reduction in a Novel i-CFB Reactor: I. Kinetics Development and Modeling of Reduction Zone, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 9365-9376, 2014.
[12]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Catalytic NOx Reduction in a Novel i-CFB Reactor: II. Modeling and Simulation of i-CFB Reactors, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, 11901-11912, 2014.
[13]. Xingxing Cheng, Xiaotao T. Bi*, Modeling NOx adsorption onto Fe/ZSM-5 catalysts in a fixed bed reactor, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 11, 1-12, 2013.
[14]. 王魯元, 程星星*,等, CeO2納米棒負載Co催化CO脫除NOx的機理, 化工學報, 67, 260-269,2016.
[15]. 王魯元, 程星星*,等. 低溫催化脫硝技術的研究進展,化工進展,35(7), 2222-2235, 2016.
[16]. Terris T. Yang, Hsiaotao T. Bi*, Xingxing Cheng. Effects of O2, CO2 and H2O on NOx adsorption and selective catalytic reduction over Fe/ZSM-5. Applied catalysis B: Environmental. 102, 163-171, 2011. (SCI, IF=8.328)
[17]. Luyuan Wang, Xingxing Cheng, Zhiqiang Wang*, etc., NO reduction by CO over iron-based catalysts supported by activated semi-coke, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/cjce.22678, 2016.
[18]. Yingjie Li*, Wenjing Wang, Xingxing Cheng, Mengying Su, etc., Simultaneous CO2/HCl removal using carbide slag in repetitive adsorption/desorption cycles. Fuel, 142: 21-27, 2015.
[19]. Qingsong Wang, Xueliang Yuan *, Xingxing Cheng, etc., Coordinated development of energy, economy and environment subsystems-A case study. Ecological Indicators. 46, 514-523, 2014.
[20]. Qingsong Wang, Ping Liu, Xueliang Yuan *, Xingxing Cheng, etc., Structural Evolution of Household Energy Consumption: A China Study. Sustainability. 7(4), 3919-3932, 2014.
[21]. 程星星, 金保升*,等.鍋爐內爆動態模擬與分析,中國電機工程學報,2010, 30(2): 46-49.
[22]. 程星星, 金保升*,等. SCR 脫硝裝置對鍋爐內爆影響的數值模擬,燃燒科學與技術,2009, 15(6): 551-556.
[23]. 程星星, 金保升,等. 一種新的氣體混合評價準則,化學工程,2009,37 (11): 32-35.
b). 已獲授權發明專利列表(國家發明專利和美國專利)
[1]. Air preheating and NOx reduction integrated reactor and reaction (美國專利)
[2].一種迴轉式HC-SCR脫硝反應器. (國家發明專利,201410153584.6)
[3]. 鋼鐵企業自給式綠色脫硝系統及工藝. (國家發明專利,201410350546.X)
[4]. 一種利用貧富氧交替反應進行煙氣脫硝的工藝(國家發明專利,201410153585.0)
[5]. 一種NOx吸附還原雙功能催化劑的分步分區製備方法. (國家發明專利,201510119805.2).
[1] Xingxing Cheng*, Ming Zhang, Peiliang Sun, etc. Nitrogen oxides reduction by carbon monoxide over semi-coke supported catalysts in a simulated rotary reactor. ACS Publications Symposium: Innovation in Molecular Science. Beijing, 2016.
[2] Zhang Xingyu#, Ma Chunyuan, Cheng Xingxing* . Performance of NO+O2 adsorption and NO reduction by CO over Fe-Ba/ZSM-5 catalysts. 11th China-Korea Clean Energy Workshop. Nanjing, 2016.
[3] Luyuan Wang#, Cheng Xingxing*, Zhiqiang Wang. Correlation of physical-chemical characteristic with CoOx supported by CeO2 nanorod for NOx removal by CO. 11th China-Korea Clean Energy Workshop. Nanjing, 2016.