


  • 中文名:程志寶
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:建築結構
  • 就職學院:北京交通大學 



2004-2008 湖南大學 土木工程專業
2008-2009 北京交通大學 橋樑與隧道工程
2009-2014 北京交通大學 防災減災及防護工程 導師:石志飛教授
2012-2013 University of Houston(USA) Visiting scholar working with Prof. Y.L. Mo


2019.01-至今 北京交通大學 結構工程 副教授
2018.12-2019.12 義大利博洛尼亞大學 結構工程 訪問學者(合作者: Prof. Alessandro Marzani)
2014.07-2018.12 北京交通大學 結構工程 講師
2018.06-2018.06 美國科羅拉多州立大學 結構工程 訪問學者(合作者:Prof. G.F. Jia)
2014.07-2016.07 北京交通大學 交通運輸工程 博士後 (合作者:徐宇工教授)
2011.06-2012.01 北京市教育委員會 基本建設處 處長助理(掛職鍛鍊)


  1. 2016, Member of the 14 International Symposium on Structure Engineering, Sponsored by NSFC;
  2. 2015-2019, 北京交通大學2015級土木08班 班主任;
  3. 2015-2016, 北京交通大學土木建築工程學院科研工作室指導老師;
  4. 2018-, Elected Member of ASCE-EMI-SHM;
  5. 2018-, Member of ASCE-EMI;
  6. 2018-, Member of ASCE;
  7. 2017-, Member of IEEE-UFFC;
  8. 2017-, Member of IEEE;
  9. 國家自然科學基金面上/青年/地區基金項目評審專家(2019);
  10. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions評審委員會(2019);
  11. 國內外期刊審稿:
    《Composite Structures》(2020(1));
    《Soil dynamics and Earthquake Engineering》(2020(1), 2019(5));
    《Journal of Sound and Vibration》(2019(1));
    《Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamic》(2018(1));
    《Journal of Structure Engineering-ASCE》(2018(1));
    《Journal of Engineering Mechanics-ASCE》(2018(1));
    《Engineering Structures》(2018(1),2019(2),2020(1));
    《Composite part B:Engineering》(2019(1));
    《European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering》(2015(1));
    《Extreme Mechanics Letters》(2015(1));
    《International Journal of Mechanics Science》(2016(1),2019(3));
    《Journal of Vibration and Control》(2015(1), 2016(1),2017(1),2019(1));
    《Journal of Applied Physics》(2015(3), 2017(2), 2018(3));
    《Journal of Vibration and Acoustic》(2017(1));
    《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》(2016(1));
    《Shock and Vibration》(2017(1));
    《Advances in Civil Engineering》(2018(1));
    《European Physical Journal Plus (EPJP)》(2019(1));
    《Engineering Computations》(2018(1));
    《建築結構》(2020(1), 2019(3));


  • 建築結構


1.彈塑性力學 研究生秋季學期 48學時(2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-2018, 2018-2019)
2. 建築結構抗震 本科生秋季學期 32學時(2015-2016,2016-2017)
3. 工程圖學基礎(B) 本科生秋季學期 32學時 (2017-2018, 2018-2019)
4. 單廠工業廠房結構課程設計 本科生秋季學期 (2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-2018)
5. 建築工程專業認知實習 本科生(暑期國小期) (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
6. 建築工程專業實習本科生 (暑期國小期) (2016)
1. 2014.07-2014.12, 青年教師能力提升培養模式的探索與實踐,校級,8/9
2. 2017.06-2018.12, 工程製圖類課程教學資源建設與教學過程控制,院級,?/7



  1. 國家自然科學基金'面上'基金,聲子晶體型混凝土板結構減振性能及設計方法研究(51878031), 60萬, 主持人, 201901~202212
  2. 北京市自然科學基金'面上'基金, 基於超材料理論的新型混凝土減振板結構研究(8182045), 20萬, 主持人, 201801~202012
  3. 北京交通大學基本科研業務費, 高層建築結構動力特性近似計算新方法研究(2016JBM035), 12萬,主持人, 201601~201807
  4. 國家自然科學基金青年基金, 阻尼對周期性隔震基礎濾波特性的影響研究(51508023), 20萬, 主持人, 201601~201812
  5. 博士後科研基金一等獎勵基金, 三維周期性基礎隔震性能及設計方法研究(2015M580041), 8萬, 主持人, 201509~201607
  6. 北京交通大學基本科研業務費(啟動基金), 三維周期性基礎隔震性能分析(2014RC017), 10萬,主持人, 201407~201607
  1. European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement,Protecting structures from ground-induced hazards.(No INSPIRE-813424),2019-2023.
  2. Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe,Resonant metamaterial-based earthquake risk mitigation of large-scale structures and infrastructure systems: assessment of an innovative proof-of-concept via medium-size scale testing(SERA TA Project # 38), 25,000 Euro, 4/4, 201901-2019.12
  3. 國家自然科學基金‘面上基金’, 基於超材料的交通環境隔振減振波屏障研究(51878030), 60萬, 第2參與人, 201901~202212
  4. 國家自然科學基金‘面上基金’, T型肋加勁低屈服點鋼板剪力牆結構體系損傷控制與性能設計方法研究(51778042), 60萬, 第3參與人, 201801~202112
  5. 國家自然科學基金‘面上基金’, 飽和土中周期結構的衰減域及其在環境減振中的套用研究(51678046), 66萬, 第4參與人, 201701~202012
  6. 國家自然科學基金‘面上基金’, 密肋複合牆結構體系火災災變機理及安全評估研究(51678031), 62萬, 第3參與人, 201701~202012
  7. 國家自然科學基金‘青年基金’, 基於能量法的超高巨型結構功能可恢復抗震設計與評估(51408034), 25萬, 第3參與人, 201501~201712
  1. 教育部-中國移動聯合基金, 大型數據中心油機組荷載作用下建築結構設計及減振隔震技術研究(MCM20130531), 98萬, 第8參與人, 201405~201605
  1. 國家重點研發計畫, 跨國互聯互通列車系統主動運維技術研究(M17B500150), 40.7萬, 第2參與人, 201607-202006
  1. 北京交通大學中鐵五局建築工程有限公司,具有超長通道的高鐵站隧一體化綠色施工技術(C19L00610),60萬, 第3參與人, 201905~202104.
  2. 北京交通大學中鐵二院項目, 大跨度拱橋防屈曲支撐減震耗能裝置的試驗研究(C18L00781), 40萬, 第4參與人, 201801~201903
  3. 北京交通大學-北京市政路橋股份公司, 高架共構結構架梁工藝及綠施規劃研究(C18L00130), 50萬, 第6參與人, 201708~201809
  4. 北京交通大學中鐵二院項目, 高烈度地震區鐵路橋墩抗震綜合試驗之二:鐵路橋墩塑性鉸區抗剪性能擬靜力試驗(C16L00251), 266萬, 第5參與人, 201601~201612
  5. 北京交通大學中鐵二院項目, 高烈度地震區大跨度鐵路橋樑抗震設計理論與關鍵技術研究-高烈度地震區大跨度鐵路橋樑減隔震設計方法研究(C15D00091), 45萬,第7參與人, 201511~201812
  6. 北京交通大學-北京清華同衡規劃設計研究院, 基於BIM的建築與環境節能信息系統資料庫的開發與最佳化(C15L00690), 20萬, 第3參與人, 201501~201712


Journal Papers:
  1. Lingkai Meng, Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi*. Vibration Mitigation in Saturated Soil by Periodic In-filled Pipe Pile Barriers. 2020 (submitted).
  2. Zhibao Cheng*, Zhifei Shi, Antonio Palermo, Hongjun Xiang, Wei Guo, Alessandro Marzani.Seismic Vibrations Attenuation Via Damped Layered Periodic Foundations. Engineering Structure, 2020,
  3. Zhibao Cheng*, Antonio Palermo, Zhifei Shi, Alessandro Marzani*. Enhanced Tuned Mass Damper using an Inertial Amplification Mechanism.Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020,
  4. L.K. Meng, Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi*. Vibration Mitigation in Saturated Soil by Periodic Pile Barriers. Computers and Geotechnics. 2020
  5. Min Li, Zhibao Cheng, Gaofeng Jia*, Zhifei Shi. Dimension reduction and surrogate based topology optimization of periodic structure. Composite Structures, 2019,
  6. 程志寶*,林文凱,石志飛, 黃中原. 框架結構水平向動力頻散特性研究.振動工程學報.2019, 32(1):1-8.(EI)
  7. 張孝榮,馮斕夢,程志寶*. 框架剪力牆結構的濾波減振特性研究.瀋陽建築大學學報(自然科學版).2018,
  8. L.K. Meng, Z.F. Shi*, Z.B.Cheng. A new perspective for analyzing complex band structures of phononic crystals.Journal of Applied Physics, 2018,
  9. Z.B. Cheng*, W.K. Lin, Z.F. Shi. Wave dispersion Analysis of Multi-story Frame Building Structures Using the Periodic Structure Theory. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018,
  10. Zhibao Cheng*, Zhifei Shi, Y.L. Mo. Complex Dispersion Relations and Evanescent Waves in Periodic Beams Via the Extended Differential Quadrature Method. Composite Structures, 2018,
  11. Zhibao Cheng*, Zhifei Shi.Composite periodic foundation and its application for seismic isolation. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 2018,
  12. Zhibao Cheng*, Wenkai Lin, Zhifei Shi. Dispersion Differences and Consistency of Artificial Periodic Structures. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2017,
  13. X.N. Liu, Z.F. Shi*, Y.L. Mo, Z.B. Cheng. Effect of initial stress on attenuation zones of layered periodic foundations. Engineering Structures, 2016,
  14. Z.B. Cheng*, Y.G. Xu, L.L. Zhang. Analysis of Flexural Wave Bandgaps in Periodic Plate Structures using Differential Quadrature Element Method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2015,
  15. Y Yan, Z.B. Cheng F Menq, Y L Mo, Y Tang and Z Shi. Three dimensional periodic foundations for base seismic isolation. Smart material and Structure, 2015,
  16. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Vibration Attenuation Properties of Periodic Rubber Concrete Panels. Construction & Building Materials, 2014,
  17. Zhifei Shi, Zhibao Cheng, Hongjun Xiang. Seismic Isolation Foundation with effective attenuation Zones. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2014,
  18. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi*. Multi-mass-spring model and Energy Transmission of One-dimensional Periodic Structures, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2014
  19. Y.Q. Yan, A. Laskar, Z.B. Cheng, F. Meng, Y. Tang, Y.L. Mo*, Zhifei Shi. Seismic isolation of two dimensional periodic foundations, Journal of Applied Physics, 2014,
  20. H.J. Xiang, Z.B. Cheng, Z.F. Shi, X.Y. Yu. In-plane band gaps in a periodic plate with piezoelectric patches. Journal of Solid Mechanics, 2014,
  21. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Influence of parameter mismatch on the convergence of the band structures by using the Fourier expansion method, Composite Structures, 2013,
  22. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Novel Composite Periodic Structures with Attenuation Zones, Engineering Structures, 2013,
  23. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi, Y.L. Mo, Hongjun Xiang. Locally resonant periodic structures with low-frequency band gaps. Journal of Applied Physics, 2013,
  24. 程志寶*, 石志飛, 向宏軍. 層狀周期結構動力衰減域特性研究, 振動與衝擊, 2013,
Conference Papers and Presentations:
  1. Antonio Palermo, Farhad Zeighami, AthanasiosVratsikidis,Zhibao Cheng, DimitrisPitilakis,Alessandro Marzani*. Design of a medium-scale test for the assessment of a resonant seismic barrier within the ReWarD Project. 15th International Conference on Dynamic System-Theory and Application(15th DSTA).Lodz, Poland,Dec.2-5, 2019.
  2. 程志寶. 阻尼對周期性隔震基礎濾波特性的影響研究. 國家自然科學基金委第一屆土木工程青年學者論壇. 長沙, 湖南, 中國, 11月09-11日, 2018.
  3. Z.B. Cheng*, Z.Y. Huang, Z.F. Shi. Vertical vibration propagation in periodic frame structure. ISEV-2018, Changsha, China, Oct. 26-28. (ISTP).
  4. H. Yao, Z.B. Cheng*, Z.F. Shi. Study on the Vibration Reduction Performance of a Periodic Layered Slab Track. ISEV-2018, Changsha, China, Oct. 26-28. (ISTP).
  5. Z.B. Cheng*, Z.F. Shi. Seismic Isolation and Vibration Attenuation by Using Periodic Foundations. Engineering Mechanics InstituteConference 2018, MIT, Boston, USA, May 29-June 2, 2018.
  6. 張孝榮,馮斕夢, 程志寶* .框架剪力牆結構的濾波減振特性研究.第十屆全國減震控制學術會議. 大連-中國.10月14-16日, 2017(會議論文由編輯部轉投瀋陽建築大學學報-見上).
  7. Z.B. Cheng*, W.K. Lin, Z.F. Shi. Periodic foundation and Periodic building structures in Civil Engineering. The 4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics, Changsha, China, Jun. 4-9, 2017.
  8. Z.B. Cheng*, XX Yu, Z.F. Shi. Influences of the materials damping on the isolation performances of one-dimensional periodic foundation. The 14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Beijing, China, Oct. 12-15, 2016. (WOS:000389166200163,ISBN:978-7-03-050125-7, ISTP)
  9. Weiyuan DOU, Lele ZHANG*, Yugong XU,Zhibao CHENG. Dynamic Analysis of Local Structure of High-speed EMU by Using the Multi Sub-model Method.The Proceedings of International Symposium on Seed-up and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems : STECH, Japan,2015,
  10. Y.Yan, A. Laskar, Z.B. Cheng, F. Menq, Y. Tang, Y.L. Mo, Z.F. Shi. Periodic materials-based 3D seismic base isolators for nuclear power plants. Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Pressre Vessels & Piping Division Conference PVP2014, Anaheim, California, USA, July 20-24, 2014.
  11. 石志飛*,程志寶, Y.L. Mo. 周期性隔震基礎的理論與實驗研究進展, 地震工程與工程振動, 2014, 34(增刊): 763-768/第九屆全國地震工程會議, 2014,哈爾濱,黑龍江, 中國.
  12. Y. Yan, S.J. Wang, Z.B. Cheng, F.Menq, Y. Tang, Y.L. Mo* and Kenneth H. Stokoe, II. Periodic Material-Based Seismic Isolation For Structures. The 5th Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering, October 16-18, 2014.
  13. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi. Application of periodic foundation in civil engineering, Program and Book of Abstracts pp: 64-66. International Symposium on the Theory and Application of Artificial Periodic Structures, Changsha, China, October 18-20, 2013.
  14. Zhibao Cheng, Yiqun Yan, Farn-Yuh Menq, Y.L. Mo, H.J. Xiang, Z.F. Shi and Kenneth H. Stokoe, II. 3D Periodic Foundation-based Structural Vibration Isolation, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2013, 2206(1): 1797-1802.//Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2013, Vol III, London, U.K., July 3-5, 2013.
  15. Y.Q. Yan, Z.B. Cheng, Farn-Yuh Menq, Y.L. Mo, Z.F. Shi and Kenneth H. Stoko, II. Seismic isolation with two-dimensional periodic foundations. 22th Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, California, UAS, 2013.
  16. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi and Huangjun Xiang. Vibration Attenuation by Periodic foundations, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2012.
  17. Zhibao Cheng, Zhifei Shi, Application of periodic structure: a kind of isolation foundation, Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2010,32(2):448-450.//The 8th Nation Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2010, Chongqing, China.
  18. Shi Zhifei, Cheng Zhibao, Xiong Chen. A New Seismic Isolation Method by Using a Periodic Foundation, ASCE Earth and Space 12th Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, UAS, March 15-17, 2010.


1. 石志飛,程志寶,向宏軍. 周期結構理論及其在隔震減振中的套用. 科學出版社. 2017.


1. 程志寶*,林文凱,石志飛, 黃中原. 框架結構水平向動力頻散特性研究.振動工程學報. 2019, 32(1):1-8.(EI)
2. Z.B. Cheng*, Z.Y. Huang, Z.F. Shi. Vertical vibration propagation in periodic frame structure. ISEV-2018, Changsha, China, Oct. 26-28. (ISTP).
林文凱(15125858,工程碩士), 2015-2017
1. Zhibao Cheng, Wenkai Lin, Zhifei Shi. Dispersion Differences and Consistency of Artificial Periodic Structures. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control. 2017,
2. Z.B. Cheng, W.K. Lin, Z.F. Shi. Periodic foundation and Periodic building structures in Civil Engineering. The 4th International Conference on Phononic Crystals/Metamaterials, Phonon Transport/Coupling and Topological Phononics, Changsha, China, Jun. 4-9, 2017.
3. Z.B. Cheng, W.K. Lin, Z.F. Shi. Wave Dispersion Analysis of Multi-story Frame Building Structures Using the Periodic Structure Theory. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2018,
4. 程志寶*,林文凱,石志飛, 黃中,結構水平向動力頻散特性研究.振動工程學報.2019,


1. 2018 指導第十二屆全國土木工程大學生結構建模大賽北京賽區獲二等獎;
2. 2017 指導土木工程專業大學生結構建模大賽北京賽區獲三等獎;
3. 2016 北京交通大學土建學院講課比賽二等獎;
4. 2016 指導土木工程專業大學生結構建模大賽全國賽區獲二等獎;
5. 2016 指導土木工程專業大學生結構建模大賽北京賽區獲一等獎(第一名);
6. 2016 北京交通大學土木建築工程學院優秀共產黨員;
7. 2015 入選北京交通大學首批‘青年英才II類’ 人才培養計畫;
8. 2014 北京交通大學優秀博士學位論文(全校10篇);
9. 2014 北京市優秀畢業研究生;
10.2014 北京交通大學優秀畢業研究生。


