- 中文名:稅兵
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:四川自貢
- 出生日期:1971年10月
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 學位/學歷:法學博士
- 專業方向:民商法學
- 職務:副教授
- 主要成就:教育部新世紀人才,江蘇省十大青年法學家
- 學術代表作:《非營利法人解釋》,《身後損害的法律擬制——穿越生死線的民法機理》,《自然資源國家所有權雙階構造說》
Shui Bing (稅 兵), specializing in the field of civil and commercial law, joined the faculty of law in 2013. He is the author of more than fourty pieces of academic papers, including a paper published at Social Sciences in China(《中國社會科學》), China’s most prestigious academic journal. Meanwhile, he has published three articles at Chinese law Journal (《法學研究》) which is the top legal journal in China. Prior to joining the University of Macau, he was a full professor at law school of Nanjing University, concurrently a professor at the Nanjing University-Johns Hopkins University Center. He also served as the vice president of Jianye district people’s court in 2012. His academic honors include the support of the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University (NECT) by the Ministry of Education in China and the First prize for Achievements of Philosophy and Social Sciences granted by the government of Jiangsu Province. He has been elected one of The Ten Outstanding Young Jurists in Jiangsu Province with an overwhelming majority of votes.
Published Books (學術著作)
1. Interpretation on Non-Profit Corporation: From the View of Civil Law(《非營利法人解釋:民事主體理論的視角》), Law Press, 2010.
2. General Rules of Civil Law(《民法總論》), co-author, Beijing Normal University Press, 2009.
3. Chinese Real Rights Legislation in Sea Area(《中國海域物權制度研究》), co-author, Law Press, 2004.
Academic Papers Published in English(英文論文)
1. “Where Law meets Culture: the Legal Protection of the Dead in China”, University of Miami International and Comparative Law Review, 2015, fall edition.
2. “Rationality or Legitimacy --- Analysis on Controversy Over Reasonable Requital for Non-state Schools”, Chinese Education and Society, M. E. Sharpe, INC, 2009. (SSCI)
3. “Gridlock and Solutions: China’s Private Education in the Period of Social Transformation”, Chinese Education and Society, M. E. Sharpe, INC, 2009. (SSCI)
Main Academic Papers Published in Chinese(中文論文)
1. “On Imperfect Solidary Obligation” (不真正連帶之債的實定法塑造), Tsinghua Law Review(《清華法學》),No. 4, 2015.(CSSCI)
2. “The Legal System of Punitive Damages: Comments on Guiding Case No.23 in China”(懲罰性賠償的規範構造), Law Science(《法學》),No. 4, 2015.(CSSCI)
3. “Effectiveness Appraisal of the Criminal Contracts”(涉罪契約的效力評價-最高人民法院公報案例“吳國軍案”評析),Macao Law Review(《澳門法學》), Issue 11, 2014.
4. “On The Legal Guarantee of the Development of China’s Satellite Navigation System”(衛星導航產業化的法律保障), Journal Of Nanjing University (Philosophy Humanities and Social Sciences)(《南京大學學報》), No. 3, 2014.(CSSCI)
5. “A Theory on State Ownership of Natural Resources”(自然資源國家所有權雙階構造說), Chinese Law Journal(《法學研究》), Issue 4, 2013.(CSSCI)
6. 《一部法律,各自表述:物權法視野下的婚姻法司法解釋》,《法律和社會科學》第9卷,蘇立主編,法律出版社2012年版。
7. “Legal Fiction of Posthumous Harm”(身後損害的法律擬制——穿越生死線的民法機理), Social Sciences in China(《中國社會科學》), Issue 6, 2011.(CSSCI)
8. “Double Moral Hazard in Contracts of Intermediation” (居間契約的雙邊道德風險——以“跳單”現象為例), Legal Studies(《法學》)Issue 11, 2011.(CSSCI)
9. “Discriminating Limitation on Freedom of Contract”(契約自由的歧視性限制——房地產限購令的民法透視), Nanjing University Law Review(《南京大學法律評論》), Spring Issue, 2011.(CSSCI)
10. “Legal path of Foundation Governance” (基金會治理的法律道路—基金會管理條例為何遭遇零適用), Legal Science(《法律科學》), Issue 6, 2010.(CSSCI)
11. “On Directors’ Duty of Nonprofit Organizations: Taking American Law as Analytic Sample” (非營利組織董事責任的嬗變與分化:以美國法為分析樣本), Political Science and Law(《政治與法律》), Issue 11, 2010.(CSSCI)
12. “Between the Phenomenon and Fact: Analysis on the Modes of Shareholder Qualification Affirmation”(在事實與表像之間:股東資格確認的模式選擇), Journal of Law(《法學雜誌》), Issue 1, 2010.(CSSCI)
13. “Clarification for the Definition of Nonprofit”(非營利法人概念疏議),Journal Of Nanjing University(《安徽大學學報》), Issue 4, 2011.(CSSCI)
14. “Possession Reformulation and Bona Fide Obtaining” (占有改定與善意取得:兼論民法規範漏洞的填補), Chinese Journal of Law(《法學研究》), Issue 5, 2009.(CSSCI)
15. “From res de facto to res in civil law: Field Analysis on Forming Mechanism of Real Right of Sea Areas” (從“事實之物”到“民法之物”:海域物權法律制度實證研究), Studies in Law and Business(《法商研究》), Issue 5, 2008.(CSSCI)
16. “Analysis on Controversy Over Reasonable Requital for Non-state Schools” (民辦學校合理回報之爭的私法破解), Legal Science(《法律科學》), Issue 5, 2008.
17. “Legal Regulation of NPO’s Over-commercial Activities” (非營利組織商業化及其法律規制), Social Sciences(《社會科學》), Issue 12, 2007.(CSSCI)
18. “On Nonprofit Corporation” (非營利法人解釋), Chinese Law Journal(《法學研究》), Issue 5, 2007.(CSSCI)
19. “On the Motivations of Chinese Contract Law Forwardly Jointing the World” (中國契約法與國際接軌的動因), Social Sciences(《社會科學》), Issue 5, 2007.(CSSCI)
20. Research on Basic Real Rights to Uninhabited Islands” (無居民海島物權基本問題研究),Civil and Commercial Law Review(《民商法論叢》), Vol. 33, Law Press, August 2005.(CSSCI)
21. “On Nonprofit Corporations: Views of Theories on the Subject of Civil Law”(《非營利法人解釋:民事主體理論的視角》), Ph.D. Dissertation, Peking University, 2006.
22. “The Interpretation of Coastal Zone Usage”(海域物權法律性質芻議), The Legislation of Sea Water Real Right(《物權法中海域物權的立法安排》), ed. Yintian, Law Press, December 2005.
23. “On Fishery Rights” (論漁業權), Modern Law Science(《現代法學》), Issue 2, 2005. (CSSCI)
24. “On the Independent Liability of Juristic Person” (法人獨立責任辨析),Sichuan University Journal (Social Science Edition)(《四川大學學報》), Issue 2, 2005.(CSSCI)
25. “Analysis of the Value of Sea Area Servitude System” (海域使用權法律制度淺析), Journal of Ocean University of China (Social Science Edition)(《中國海洋大學學報》), Issue 2, 2005.(CSSCI)
26. “On Goodwill rights” (商譽權探微), Journal of Gansu Institute of Political Science and Law(《甘肅政法學院學報》), Issue 6, 2004.(CSSCI)
27. “The Birth of Private Rights”(私權的勃興), People’s Court Daily(人民法院報), 16 June, 2004.
28. “Unscrambling the Rule of Seat Occupation From the View of Private Law”(來得早,還是來得巧?——占座規則的民法學解讀), Tsinghua Law Review(《清華法治論衡》), Vol. 7, 2005.
29. “Law and Economics Analysis on Disregarding Stockholder’s Limited Liability”(股東直索責任制度的法經濟學分析), Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economic s(《上海財經大學學報》), Issue 6, 2005.(CSSCI)
30. “Collective or State Ownership?”(集體所有,還是國家所有), China Ocean News(中國海洋報), 27, September, 2005.
31. “Conflict and Harmony between the Property Rights in Waters and Fishery”(海域使用權與傳統漁業權的衝突與協調), Chinese Theory and Practice of Sea Area Law System(《海域物權制度理論與實踐》),ed. Yintian, Law Press, October 2004.
32. “The Research on the Civil Liability of Legal Persons” (論法人獨立責任), Graduate Students’ Journal of Peking University(北京大學研究生學志), Issue 4, 2003.
Academic Awards(學術獎勵)
1. First Prize of “Civil and Commercial Law Application” Paper Competition(民商法律適用徵文大賽一等獎), China Civil Law Society, 2015.
2. The Ten Outstanding Young Jurists in Jiangsu Province(江蘇省十大青年法學家), Jiangsu Legal Association, 2013.
3. New Century Excellent Talents in University (中華人民共和國教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫), by the Ministry of Education in China, 2012.
4. First prize for achievements of philosophy and social sciences(江蘇省第十二屆哲學社會科學優秀成果一等獎), by the government of Jiangsu Province, 2012.
5. Annual Academic Award for Public Policy in China(增愛中國公益學術獎), School of Public Policy and management of Tsinghua University, 2011.
6. Excellent Academic Prize for Young Scholar(佟柔基金會青年學術成果獎), Chinese Civil Law Association, 2008.
7. Honored Teacher(南京大學法學院優秀教師), Law School of Nanjing University, 2006-2007.
8. Graduate with Honors(北京大學優秀畢業生), Peking University, 2006.