

秦曦明安徽大學健康科學研究院教授。2016年入選安徽省第五批“百人計畫”。2001年本科畢業於山東大學,碩士畢業於清華大學,於2010年在美國范德堡大學獲博士學位。主要從事生物晝夜節律、生物鐘與睡眠、生物螢光在生物醫學中的套用研究,近年來在國際高水平學術期刊(PLoS Biol、PNAS、J Biol Rhythms)發表學術論文多篇,取得了系列創新性研究成果,部分成果獲得國際同行廣泛關注和肯定。


  • 中文名:秦曦明
  • 畢業院校:山東大學,清華大學,美國范德堡大學
  • 職業:教師
  • 職稱:教授
2004 - 2010 美國Vanderbilt University,生物科學系 博士
2001 - 2004 清華大學, 生物科學和技術系碩士
1997 - 2001 山東大學, 生物系 學士
2010-2014 Vanderbilt University postdoctoral
2014-至今 安徽大學教授
國家自然科學基金面上項目 (31571208,2016-2019)
17.Qin X, Mori T, Zhang Y, Johnson CH (2015) PER2 Differentially Regulates Clock Phosphorylation versus Transcription by Reciprocal Switching of CK1ε Activity. J Biol Rhythms 30: 206-16. doi: 10.1177/0748730415582127.
16. Xu Y, Weyman PD, Umetani M, Xiong J, Qin X, Xu Q, Iwasaki H, Johnson CH (2013) Circadian Yin-Yang Regulation and Its Manipulation to Globally Reprogram Gene Expression. Curr Biol 23: 2365-74.
15. Villarreal SA, Pattanayek R, Williams DR, Mori T, Qin X, Johnson CH, Egli M, Stewart PL (2013) CryoEM and molecular dynamics of the circadian KaiB-KaiC complex indicates that KaiB monomers interact with KaiC and block ATP binding clefts. J Mol Biol 425:3311-24.
14. Edgar RS, Green EW, Zhao Y, van Ooijen G, Olmedo M, Qin X, Xu Y, Pan M, Valekunja UK, Feeney KA, Maywood ES, Hastings MH, Baliga NS, Merrow M, Millar AJ, Johnson CH, Kyriacou CP, O'Neill JS, Reddy AB (2012) Peroxiredoxins are conserved markers of circadian rhythms. Nature 485:459-64.
13. Egli M, Mori T, Pattanayek R, Xu Y, Qin X, Johnson CH (2012) Dephosphorylation of the core clock protein KaiC in the cyanobacterial KaiABC circadian oscillator proceeds via an ATP synthase mechanism. Biochemistry 51:1547-58.
12.Qin X, Byrne M, Mori T, Zou P, Williams DR, McHaourab H, Johnson CH (2010) Intermolecular associations determine the dynamics of the circadian KaiABC oscillator. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107: 14805-14810.
11. Qin X, Byrne M, Xu Y, Mori T, Johnson CH (2010) Coupling of a core post-translational pacemaker to a slave transcription/translation feedback loop in a circadian system. PLoS Biol 8: e1000394.
10. Xu Y, Mori T, Qin X, Yan H, Egli M, Johnson CH (2009) Intramolecular regulation of phosphorylation status of thecircadian clock protein KaiC. PLoS One 4: e7509
9. Woelfle MA, Xu Y, Qin X, Johnson CH (2007) Circadian rhythms of superhelical status of DNA in cyanobacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104:18819-24.
8. Mori, T, Williams DR, Byrne MO, Qin X, Egli M, Stewart PL, and Johnson CH (2007) Visualizing the Ticking of an in vitro Circadian Clockwork. PLoS Biol 5: e93.
7. He H, Tang Y, Qin X, Xu W, Wang Y, Liu X, Liu X, Xiong S, Li J, Zhang M, Duan M (2005) Construction of a eukaryotic expression plasmid encoding partial S gene fragments of the SARS-CoV and its potential utility as a DNA vaccine. DNA Cell Biol 24: 516-520.
6. Hong-Xuan H, Lei C, Cheng-Min W, Kai Z, Yi T, Xi-Ming Q, Ming-Xing D. (2005) Expression of the recombinant fusion protein CP15-23 of Cryptosporidium parvum and its protective test. J Nanosci Nanotechnol 5: 1292-1296.
5. Zhang QZ, Qin XM, Dong HL, et al. (2005) Efficient protection of H5N1 influenza virus DNA vaccine delivering by electroporation in mammalian and avian system. Prog Biochem Biophys 32: 726-733.
4. He H, Zhao B, Liu L, Zhou K, Qin X, Zhang Q, Li X, Zheng C, Duan M. (2004) The humoral and cellular immune responses in mice induced by DNA vaccine expressing the sporozoite surface protein of Cryptosporidium parvum. DNA Cell Biol 23: 335-339.
3.Qin XM, Duan MX, Deng B, Zhang QZ, et al. (2004) Isolation and identification of a new thymic peptide from calf thymus. Biochemistry (Mosc) 69: 921-925.
2. HE HX, QIN XM, ZHANG QZ, TANG Y, et al. (2004) Cloning of HA Gene of H9N2 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus and Immune Protection Test of Its DNA Vaccine. Prog Biochem Biophys 31: 163-166. (in Chinese)
1.Zhang QZ, Qin XM, Liang L, Duan MX, et al. (2003) Construction and Expression of Avian Influenza Virus HA Gene Eukaryotic Vectors. Prog Biochem Biophys 30: 483-487. (in Chinese)


