



  • 中文名:秦中伏
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:日本東北大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:建設項目管理、工程糾紛管理、工程保險與擔保等
  • 就職院校:浙江大學建築工程學院土木工程系土木工程管理研究所


主要社會任職:日本建築學會會員(1996-),日本CM協會會員(1999-)、中國建築學會會員(2005-)、Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering雜誌評審專家(2010-)、浙江省科學技術委員會工程經濟專業委員會委員(2011-)、浙江省科學技術委員會綠色建築專業委員會副主任(2011-)。


  • 建設項目管理
  • 工程糾紛管理
  • 工程保險與擔保
  • 建築工程經濟
  • 綠色建築與建築工業化







[1] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,基於系統動力學的綠色施工監管演化博弈分析及對策研究,2018.8-2019.7,在研、主持。
[2] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,可再生能源建築套用資源量化與示範項目評審機制研究,2017.8-2018.7,已結題、主持。
[3] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,浙江省城鎮居民節能意識和節能行為現狀分析,2016.8-2017.7,已結題、主持。
[4] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,可再生能源在城市建設中規模化套用研究,2015.11-2016.10,已結題、主持。
[5] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,基於進化博弈理論的綠色建築市場演化機理及對策研究,2015.11-2016.10,已結題、主持。
[6] 國網浙江省電力公司檢修分公司,直升機、無人機和人工協同巡檢技術體系及效果評估研究,2015.8-2016.10,已結題、主持。
[7] 浙江省住房和城鄉建設廳指令性課題,浙江省建設領域人才隊伍建設和科技發展“十三五”規劃研究,2014.8-2016.8,已結題、主持。
[8] 浙江省住房和城鄉建設廳指令性課題,浙江省建築節能及綠色建築發展“十三五”規劃研究,2014.8-2016.8,已結題、主持。
[9] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,運輸及碳化對RAC生命周期碳排放的影響研究,2014.11-2015.10,已結題、主持。
[10] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,城鎮既有建築維護管理現狀與對策研究,2013.11-2014.10,已結題、主持.
[11] 浙江省建設科研和推廣項目,浙江省勘察設計行業發展歷程與對策研究,2013.11-2014.10,已結題、主持。
[12] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,綠色學校建築評價體系構建研究,2012.11-2013.10,已結題、主持。
[13] 浙江省電力公司電力經濟技術研究院,技經實驗室平台建設可研研究及造價分析功能快速展現,2012.11-2013.10,已結題、主持。
[14] 浙江省建築節能資金補助項目,城鎮既有建築維護管理研究,2011.10-2012.03,已結題、主持。
[15] 杭州市濱江區農村多層住宅建設管理中心,杭州市濱江區農轉居拆遷安置房14區塊(四、五期)項目可行性研究,2010.7-2010.8,已結題、主持。
[16] 浙江省人事廳、科技廳,錢江人才計畫項目,信息和權力不對稱條件下建設工程糾紛博弈分析,2008.1-2009.12,已結題、主持。
[17] 杭州市濱江區農村多層住宅建設管理中心,杭州市濱江區農村多層住宅第14區塊可行性研究,2008.5-2008.6,已結題、主持。
[18] 上海易居房地產研究院,杭州城市及房地產市場研究報告,2008.1- 2008.3,已結題、主要參與人。
[19] 萬科南都房地產有限公司,杭州地區住宅施工企業資信評價,2007.6- 2008.2,已結題、主持。
[20] 湖州市建設局,湖州市小康示範村建設方案技術經濟評價研究,2006.6-2007.8,已結題、主要參與人。
[21] 浙江大學基建處,浙江大學西溪校區經濟適用房建設工程項目可行性研究,2005.9-2005.12,已結題、主持。
[22] 浙江省人民政府,浙江省構建建築強省評價體系研究,2005.7-2006.6,已結題,主要參與人,浙江省科技進步三等獎。
[23] 竹中育英會建築研究助成,Searching Efficient Equilibriums of Metagame Analysis by Considering the Incentive and Pareto's Optimum,2004.4-2006.3 ,已結題,主持。
[24] 日本東北大學大學院工學研究科合作研究,Managing Conflicts Management in Practicing CM/PM,2004.4-2005.3 ,已結題,主持。
[25] 日本東北大學大學院工學研究科合作研究,Metagame Management of Conflict in Condominiums Reconstruction,2003.4-2004.3,已結題,主持。
[26] 日本東北大學大學院工學研究科合作研究,Metagame Analysis of Conflict in Urban Redevelopment,2002.4-2003.3,已結題,主持。
[27] 日本學術振興會(JSPS)2000-2001年度獎勵研究,Metagame Management of Conflict in Construction Project,2000.4-2002.3,已結題,主要參與人。
[28] 日本學術振興會(JSPS)1998年度獎勵研究,Conflict Model and Decision Support System in Building Construction,1998.4-1999.3,已結題,主要參與人。


[1] Qin Z, Wei W. Research on Green Constrution Supervision Mechanism Based on Evolurtionary Game[J]. World Journal of Social Science Research, 2018(3):98-102.
[2] Chen, Jun; Qin, Zhongfu, Study on the Influence Mechanism of Urban Residents' Energy-Saving Awareness on Energy-Saving Behaviors, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Information and Computer Science (ICEMC) , Shenyang, CHINA, 2017(73), 238-245, EI
[3] Qin Z, Wei W. Qin M. Study on the Green Constrution Supervision Based on Evolurtionary Game Theory[C]. Internatonal Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Medicine. 2017, 1034-1040, EI
[4] 秦敏,秦中伏.基於政府最低交通量擔保的高速公路PPP項目價值研究.世界科技研究與發展,2016(38),1325-1331.
[5] Zhongfu Qin, Xiaolong Lei, Liqing Meng. Research on Forecasting the Cost of Residential Construction Based on PCA and LS-SVM. ACSR-Advances in Comptuer Science Research, 2016(45), 84-88, CPCI
[6] 秦中伏,雷小龍,翟東,金靈志. 基於SVM和LS-SVM的住宅工程造價預測研究[J]. 浙江大學學報(理學版),2016(03),357-363.
[7] Min Qin, Zhongfu Qin. Research on evaluation of the minimum traffic volume guarantee in PPP highway projects. Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Project Management, 2016, 131-135, EI
[8] 黃建峰,丁建,姜雲土,許楊勇,孟利清,秦中伏. 輸電線路固定翼無人機巡檢效率評估研究.電網與清潔能源(2016).
[9] 付晶,邵瑰瑋,高召霞,許楊勇,秦中伏,孟利清.輸電線路固定翼無人機巡檢經濟性分析與模型構建.電網與清潔能源(2016).
[10] 付晶,蔡煥青,高召霞,秦中伏,李婧平.輸電線路無人機巡檢安全性評價指標量化模型.電網與清潔能源(2016).
[11] 蔡煥青,邵瑰瑋,付晶,秦中伏,孟利清,高召霞.輸電線路無人機巡檢質量評估模型構建.電網與清潔能源(2016).
[12] Jing Xu, Hanning Fu, Jingping Li, Zhongfu Qin. Transmission Line Collaborative Evaluation Index Inspection Benefit Set. International Conference on Electronic, Mechanical, Information and Management Society. 2016.
[13] Jianfeng Huang, Jing Xu, Liqing Meng, Zhongfu Qin. The Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation Model of Manual Inspection in Transmission Line. International Conference on Electronic, Mechanical, Information and Management Society. 2016.
[14] Zhongfu Qin, Jingping Li, Zhongyang Xu. Research on the Evolution Mechanism and Countermeasures of Green Building Market Based on Evolutionary Game Theory. ACSR-Advances in Computer Science Research, 2015(45), 332-336, CPCI
[15] Zhongfu Qin, Xianrong Wei, Jingping Li. The sensitivity analysis of hypergame equilibrium. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2015(125),694-698 ,CPCI
[16] Zhongfu Qin, Liqing Meng, Shulian Wu. Establishment of the Real Estate Bubble Warning Indicator System and Early Warning. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research,2015(125),316-321,CPCI
[17]Zhongfu Qin, Xianrong Wei, Jingping Li, The sensitivity analysis of hypergame equilibrium, International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control, 2015,EI
[18]QIN Zhong-fu, MENG Liqing, WU Shulian, Establishment of the Real Estate Bubble Warning Indicator System and Early Warning, 3rd International Conference on Education Reform and Management Innovation, 2015, EI
[20]Haizhen Wen, Xiaoqing Bu, Zhongfu Qin, Spatial effect of lake landscape on housing price: A case study of the West Lake in Hangzhou, China,Habitat International, 2014,44:31-40
[21]QIN Zhong-fu, LI Han-fei and Wei Xian-rong,The Correction Algorithm of Coalition’s Allocation with Random Payoffs,Advances in intelligent systems research, 2014, 1101-1104, EI
[22]Zhongfu QIN, Youtao SHU, A Power-Dilemma Model for Demolition Conflict Analysis From the Perspective of Social Psychology, Advanced Material Research, Vols, 671-674, 2013, 3073-3078, EI
[23]Zhongfu QIN,Nannan SUN,Haizhen WEN,Application and Advancement of Recycled Aggregate Concrete,Materials Review,2013, 27:142-146
[26]Zhongfu QIN, Fang HUA, Haizhen WEN, Bailu CAO, Development of a Foresight Incentive Algorithm and Its Application in Construction Conflicts, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 11 (2012) , No. 2,307-312,SCI
[27]Zhongfu QIN, Qiongjie QIU, Haizhen WEN, Considering Equilibrium Accessibility in Conflict Resolution over Demolition Disputes, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management IEM 2011 Special Session Within Mass 2011 MASS, Zhengzhou, China, 2011.8, EI
[28]Zhongfu QIN, Qiongjie QIU, Haizhen WEN, Considering Equilibrium Accessibility in Conflict Resolution over Demolition Disputes, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management IEM 2011 Special Session Within Mass 2011 MASS, Zhengzhou, China, 2011.8, EI
[31]QIN Zhongfu, Fang HUA, Hua TANG: Stability Analysis of Cooperation between Owners and Contractors in the Construction Market, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, Vol. 9 (2010) , No. 2, pp.409-414 (in English), SCI
[33]權力不確定條件下房地產糾紛的衝突分析,工程管理論文集(2008),pp.89-96, 2008.10,秦中伏,阮連法
[34]Analysis of Relation between Peasant-workers and Construction Quality in China, Proceedings of Twenty-four Symposium on Building Construction and Management of Projects, pp.33-40, 2008.7 (in Japanese), Zhongfu QIN, Lianfa RUAN, Shuzo FURUSAKA, Hua TANG, Fang HUA
[35]QIN Zhongfu, Takashi OMI, Koichi ISHIZAKA, Shuzo FURUSAKA, and Takashi KANETA,A Method for Formulating the Constituent Elements of Metagame Analysis,Proceedings of Twentieth Symposium on Organization and Management of Building Construction, Jul., 2004 (in Japanese)
[36]QIN Zhongfu, Takashi KANETA, Shuzo FURUSAKA, Koichi ISHIZAKA and Takashi OMI,Metagame analysis of conflict over urban development,Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of Architecture Institute of Japan), No. 554, pp. 247-254, May, 2002 (in Japanese)
[37]QIN Zhongfu, Takashi KANETA, Shuzo FURUSAKA, Takashi OMI and Koichi ISHIZAKA,Decision Support System using Metagame Analysis for Conflict in Building Construction,Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of Architecture Institute of Japan), No. 554, pp. 251-258, Apr., 2002 (in English)
[38]ISHIZAKA Koichi and Zhongfu QIN,Statistical Analysis of Relation Between Birth Rate and Housing Condition,Journal of Architecture, Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of Architecture Institute of Japan), No.533, pp.157-164, Jul., 2000 (in Japanese)
[39]KANETA Takashi, Zhongfu QIN, and Shuzo FURUSAKA,Conflict Model and Decision Support System in Building Construction,,Proceedings of Fifteenth Symposium on Organization and Management of building Construction, pp.41-48, Jul., 1999 (in Japanese)
[40]KANETA Takashi, Zhongfu QIN and Shuzo FURUSAKA,Conflict Model and Decision Support System in Building Construction,,Part 1. Methodology for Modeling a Conflict problem,Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, pp.1131-1132, Sep., 1999 (in Japanese)
[41]QIN Zhongfu, Takashi KANETA and Shuzo FURUSAKA,Conflict Model and Decision Support System in Building Construction,Part 2. Case Study for State Own Housing in China,Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, 1133-1134, Sep., 1999 (in Japanese)




