這張卡召喚·特殊召喚成功的場合:可以從對方卡組上面把3張卡確認,用喜歡的順序回到對方卡組上面。在自己或者對方回合:可以把這張卡解放,之後選擇自己場上1隻“SPYRAL”怪獸;那隻怪獸的攻擊力上升對方場上的卡數量×500。可以從自己墓地把這張卡和1張“SPYRAL”卡除外,之後選擇自己墓地1隻“SPYRAL Super Agent”;那隻怪獸加入手卡。
If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can look at the top 3 cards of your opponent's Deck, and if you do, place them on top of their Deck in any order. During either player's turn: You can Tribute this card, then target 1 "SPYRAL" monster you control; it gains 500 ATK for each card your opponent controls. You can banish this card and 1 "SPYRAL" card from your Graveyard, then target 1 "SPYRAL Super Agent" in your Graveyard; add it your hand.