




1989.9~1993.6, 浙江大學化學工程專業工學學士學位;
1993.9~1996.6, 北京化工大學化學工程專業工學碩士學位,導師施力田、黃雄斌教授;
2013.7~2014.2 卡內基梅隆大學化學工程系訪問學者,導師Lorenz T. Biegler教授;


2004.9~2010.9副教授,2006.3 獲碩士生導師資格;





1. Chenglin Zheng, Fei Zhao, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen∗, Flexibility index and design of chemical systems by cylindrical algebraic decomposition, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2021(144), 107142
2. Shuhui Zhang, Fei Zhao, Chenglin Zheng, Lingyu Zhu, and Xi Chen*, SyPSE: A Symbolic Computation Toolbox for Process Systems Engineering Part II: Design for PSE Applications, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2021, 60, 16317−16329
3. Zheng C, Zhao F, Zhu L*, Chen X*. Analytical solution of volumetric flexibility through symbolic computation [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 239: 116643.
4. Udomwong K, Robin A, Kuprasertwong N, Padungwatanaroj O, Tula A, Zhu L, Zhou L, Wang S, Gani R*, Wang B. ProREFD: Tool for Automated Computer-Aided Refrigerant Design, Analysis, and Verification[M]//Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2021, 50: 457-462.
5. Kuprasertwong N, Padungwatanaroj O, Robin A, Udomwong K, Tula A, Zhu L, Zhou L, Wang B, Wang S, Gani R*. Computer-Aided Refrigerant Design: New Developments[M]//Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2021, 50: 19-24.
6. Zheng C, Zhao F, Zhu L, Chen X*. Flexibility index and design of chemical systems by cylindrical algebraic decomposition[J]. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2021, 144: 107142.
7. Liu X, Mao Y, Yu S, Zhang H, Hu K, Zhu L, Ji J, Wang J*. An efficient and recyclable Pickering magnetic interface biocatalyst: application in biodiesel production[J]. Green Chemistry, 2021, 23(2): 966-972.
8. Zhang H, Yu S, Cao S, Liu X, Tang J, Zhu L, Ji J, Wang J*. Stabilizing triglyceride in methanol emulsions via a magnetic pickering interfacial catalyst for efficient transesterification under static conditions[J]. ACS omega, 2021.
9. Zhang S, Lou X, Xu R, Dai C, Xu N, Yan Q, Chen M, Sun X, Zhu L, Yun J*, Kirsebom H. Hydrophobic cryogels prepared via cryo-polymerization as oil carriers for biosynthesis of sophorolipids[J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 161: 107677.
10.Wang J, Cao W, Zhu L, Wang J, Lakerveld R*. Emulsion-assisted cooling crystallization of ibuprofen[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 226: 115861.
11.Wang J, Li J, Cao W, Zhu L, Lakerveld R*. An ion-specific electrolyte non-random two-liquid segment activity coefficient model with improved predictive capabilities for aqueous electrolyte solutions[J]. Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2020, 517: 112605.
12.Wang J*, Zhu L, Lakerveld R. A Hybrid Framework for Simultaneous Process and Solvent Optimization of Continuous Anti-Solvent Crystallization with Distillation for Solvent Recycling[J]. Processes, 2020, 8(1): 63.
13.Zheng C, Zhao F, Zhu L, Chen X*. Flexibility Analysis of High-dimensional Systems via Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition[M]//Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. Elsevier, 2020, 48: 1195-1200.
14.Zheng C, Zhao F, Zhu L, Chen X*. Operational flexibility analysis of high-dimensional systems via cylindrical algebraic decomposition[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59(10): 4670-4687.
15.樓紅楓,張舵,祝鈴鈺,李艷君,徐祖華,王凱,邵之江. 空分下塔動態機理模型約簡及參數估計[A]. 中國自動化學會過程控制專業委員會、中國自動化學會.第31屆中國過程控制會議(CPCC 2020)摘要集[C].中國自動化學會過程控制專業委員會、中國自動化學會:中國自動化學會過程控制專業委員會,2020:1.
16.Tao J, Wang J, Zhu L*, Chen X. Integrated design of multi-stage membrane separation for landfill gas with uncertain feed[J]. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 590: 117260.
17.陶堅, 王建黎, 祝鈴鈺*. 兩級空氣膜分離系統的設計最佳化[J]. 高校化學工程學報, 2019, 33(6): 1482-1489.
18.Fanglin Shao, Xiang Li, Lingyu Zhu, Han Gong, Xi Chen*. Optimal Scheduling of the Multigrade Parallel Distillation Column System with a Continuous-Time Formulation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58, 23225-23237, (2019).
19.Jun Tang, Xue Zhou, Shixiong Cao, Lingyu Zhu, Lingling Xi, and Jianli Wang, Pickering Interfacial Catalysts with CO2 and Magnetic Dual Response for Fast Recovering in Biphasic Reaction[J], ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 16156−16163.
20.Tingting Guan, Yawei Gao, Manman Pan, Yuwei Wu, Songhong Zhang, Linhong Xu,Lingyu Zhu, Junxian Yun, Slug flow hydrodynamics of immiscible fluids within a rectangular microchannel towards size-controllable fabrication of dextran-based cryogel beads[J], Chemical Engineering Journal,2019,369,116–123.
21.貢晗, 李紅陽, 施佳琪, 陶堅, 祝鈴鈺*. 基於可靠度的冷卻水泵網路操作最佳化[J]. 高校化學工程學報, 2019, 33(3): 692-698.
22.貢晗,李紅陽,萬德貴,章淵昶,紀彭,祝鈴鈺*,泵能效評估系統在循環水系統管理中的套用,計算機與套用化學,2019, 36(5):555-557.
23.Fei Zhao, Chenglin Zheng, Shuhui Zhang, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen*. Quantification of process flexibility via space projection. AIChE Journal, 65(10): e16706, (2019).
24.韓建福,富敏霞,祝鈴鈺,貟軍賢. L-苯丙氨酸製備的研究進展[J]. 生物加工過程, 2019, 17(2):117-124.
25.Jian Tao, Jianli Wang, Lingyu Zhu*, Xi Chen. Integrated design of multi-stage membrane separation for landfill gas with uncertain feed. Journal of Membrane Science. 590, 1-17, 2019
26.富敏霞,祝鈴鈺,貟軍賢,乳酸脫氫酶的分離純化及其催化合成苯乳酸的研究進展,化工進展,2018, 37(12), 4814-4818
27.Zhao, fei; chen, xi; zhu, lingyu, a novel method to find all physical solutions of constrained chemical engineering models in polynomial equations, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(18): 6377-6390, 2018
28.Zheng, chenglin; chen, xi; zhu, lingyu, simultaneous design of pump network and cooling tower allocations for cooling water system synthesis, Energy, 150: 653-669, 2018
29.Yan, wengang; zhu, yucai; zhu, lingyu, identification of systems with slowly sampled outputs using lpv model, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 112: 316-330, 2018
30.Kang, jiayuan; zhu, lingyu; xu, shenjun, equation-oriented approach for handling the perturbed-chain saft equation of state in simulation and optimization of polymerization processes, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(13): 4607-4622, 2018
31.Luo, yingyan; zhang, qi; zhu, lingyu, optimal operation of parallel distillation systems with multiple product grades: an industrial case study, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 111: 210-224, 2018
32.Fei Zhao, Xi Chen and Lingyu Zhu. Process Analysis on Multiple Solutions of Semi-algebraic Systems[C]// Proceedings of the 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering – ESCAPE 27 , 2017, Spain, Barcelona, 2059~2064
33.祝鈴鈺,施佳琪,鄭成霖,陳曦,離心泵網路的節能設計與操作最佳化:綜述與展望,高校化學工程學報,31(6),1245-1258, 2017
34.Fei Zhao, Xi Chen, Lingyu Zhu, A hybrid numerical-symbolic solving strategy for equation-oriented process simulation and optimization, AIChE Journal, 63(7):2764-2780, 2017
35.Weiyu Jian, Lingyu Zhu, Zuhua Xu, Xi Chen*, A variable selection method for soft sensor development through mixed integer quadratic programming, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 167, 85–95, (2017).
36.Danyan Zhou, Kai Zhou, Lingyu Zhu, Jun Zhao, Zuhua Xu, Zhijiang Shao, Xi Chen*, Optimal Scheduling of Multiple Sets of Air Separation Units with Frequent Load-change Operation, Separation and Purification Technology, 172, 178–191, (2017).
37.Yun, Junxian; Lou, Xiaoling; Han, Jianfu, Guan, Jintao, Zhu, Lingyu,Separation of antibodies and albumin proteins from cattle serum by monolithic cryogels, New Biotechnology. 33(S): S204-S205, JUL 25 2016
38.Shan, Lishen, Gao, Yunling; Zhang, Yuanchang, Yu, Wubin, Yang, Yujun, Shen, Shaochuan, Zhang, Songhong, Zhu, Lingyu, Xu, Linhong, Tian, Bing, Fabrication and Use of Alginate-Based Cryogel Delivery Beads Loaded with Urea and Phosphates as Potential Carriers for Bioremediation, 250th National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), Boston, MA, AUG 16-20, 2015 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,55(28): 7655-7660, 2016
39.Zhao, Fei; Chen, Xi; Zhu, Lingyu,Simplification of Equation-Oriented Models through the Digraph Method, 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) , Portoroz, SLOVENIA, JUN 12-15, 2016, 26th European Symposium On Computer Aided Process Engineering (Escape), Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 38A: 973-978, 2016
40.Ma, Yannan; Weng, Jinzu; Shao, Zhijiang, Chen, Xi, Zhu, Lingyu, Zhao, Parallel Computation Method for Solving Large Scale Equation-oriented Models,12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE) / 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE),Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31-Jun 04, 2015 Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
41.Qiwen Fu, Lingyu Zhu*, Xi Chen., Complete Equation-Oriented Approach for Process Analysis and Optimization of a Cryogenic Air Separation Unit, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 54,12096-12107, (2015).
42.Liuzhen Jiang, Kai Zhou, Lingyu Zhu*. Equation-oriented Modeling of Multi-stream Heat Exchanger in Air Separation Units, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 37, 371-376, (2015).
43.W Chen , Z Shao, L Zhu, X Chen, Homotopy with second-order correction based backtracking method for chemical process simulation, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53,15080-15088,
44.W Chen , L Zhu, X Chen, Z Shao, Sensitivity Embedded Homotopy-Based Backtracking Method for Chemical Process Simulation,10th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation,June 12-14, 2013, Hangzhou, China
45.徐申駿,祝鈴鈺*,陳曦,基於聯立法的PC-SAFT狀態方程模型,計算機與套用化學, 32(12),1453-1456, (2015).
46.簡葳璵、徐祖華、祝鈴鈺、陳曦,MC-UVE-GA-PLS算法用於精餾軟測量輔助變數選擇,計算機與套用化學, 11期, 1343-1346, (2015)
47.張沅、章淵昶、祝鈴鈺*,基於分析的真空精餾系統操作最佳化,計算機與套用化學, 32(12), 1479-1482,(2015)
48.祝鈴鈺*, 姜波, 任奕丞,基於集合算法的複雜精餾塔建模與求解,浙江工業大學學報,2014, 42(2): 152-156
49.祝鈴鈺*, 李建輝, 陳平,基於火用分析改造熱泵精餾流程的設計方法,浙江工業大學學報,2014, 42(5):483-486
50.W Chen, L Zhu, X Chen, Z Xu, Z Shao, Sensitivity-based Mnemonic Enhancement Optimization (S-MEO) for Real-time Optimization of Chemical Process, Proceedings of the 23rd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
51.Chen, Xi; Li, Zhaohua; Wan, Wei; Zhu, Lingyu; *Shao, Zhijiang A master-slave solving method with adaptive model reformulation technique for water network synthesis using MINLP, Separation and purification technology, 2012, 98, 516-530
52.李德新,姜波,任奕丞,祝鈴鈺,蔣鵬飛,周立芳,基於集合算法的高純度精餾塔分段建模方法, 化工學報, 2012,63(9),2710-2715
53.祝鈴鈺,李德新,任奕丞,陳曦, Lorenz T. Biegler, Aggregate models based on wave propagation theory for high purity distillation columns, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2012, 31, 1587- 1591
55.Lingyu Zhu, Dexin Li, Yichen Ren, Xi Chen, Lorenz T. Biegler.Aggregate models based on wave propagation theory for high purity distillation columns. 11th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering. 2012. Accepted
56.祝鈴鈺, 周莉芳,錢積新.熱耦合空分流程變負荷特性分析與模擬方法.化工學報, 2011, 62(8), 2232-2237
57.Zuhua Xu, Jun Zhao, Xi Chen, Zhijiang Shao, Jixin Qian, Lingyu Zhu, Zhiyong Zhou, Haizhong Qin, Automatic load change system of cryogenic air separation process, Separation and Purification Technology, 2011, 81(3), 451-465.
58.Daqing Tian, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen, et. al. Nested Heuristic and Gradient-based Method for Generalized Disjunctive Programming, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering,2010
59.Daqing Tian, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen, et. al. Object-Oriented Disjunctive Programming with a Nested Heuristic and Gradient-Based Solver for Chemical Process Synthesis,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2010, 49, 1779–1791
63.Lingyu Zhu, Zhiqiang Chen, Xi Chen, Zhijiang shao, Jixin Qian, Simulation and optimization of cryogenic air separation units using a homotopy-based backtracking method, Separation and Purification Technology, 2009, 67(3), 262-270
64.祝鈴鈺, 陳智強, 陳曦, 邵之江, 錢積新. 大規模變工況流程模擬的回溯同倫法.高校化學工程學報, 2009, 23(4), 690-695
65.Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen, Zhijiang Shao, Jixin Qian. Soft Sensor for Distillation Column Feeds.2009 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, June 17-19 2009, Guilin, China.
66.陸曉艷, 祝鈴鈺, 姚克儉.多雜質水網路超結構模型及其同步設計法研究.化工環保, 2009, 29(3),242-245
67.Daqing Tian, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen, Zhijiang shao, Jixin Qian.Nested Heuristic and Gradient-based Method for Generalized Disjunctive Programming. 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering - PSE2009, August 16-20, 2009, Salvador, Brazil.
69.Xi Chen, Zhaohua Li, Jing Yang, Zhijiang Shao, Lingyu Zhu, Nested Tabu Search (TS) and Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) Method, Combined with Adaptive Model Reformulation for Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis (HENS), Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47, 2320-2330
70.王吉林, 祝鈴鈺, 許軼, 姚克儉.基於OPC通訊的實時流程模擬技術研究.現代化工, 2008(增刊), 174-176
71.張正江, 祝鈴鈺, 邵之江, 陳曦, 錢積新.基於大規模嚴格機理模型的數據校正.高校化學工程學報, 2008, 22(5), 877-882
72.Zhaohua Li, Lingyu Zhu, Daqing Tian, Xi Chen. A nested method for water networks synthesis.18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering , Aug. 2008, Prague, Czech.
73.Lingyu Zhu, Zhiqiang Chen, Xi Chen, Zhijiang shao, Jixin Qian. An algebraic homotopy based backtracking method for simulation of air separation process under widely varying load conditions.18th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, 2008, Czech, Prague
74.姚克儉, 王良華, 祝鈴鈺, 俞曉梅.Improving Efficiency of Multiple Downcomer Tray Performance by Various Tray Structure Modifications. SESSION 4, DISTILLATION SYMPOSIUM,2007 AIChE Meeting, 2007
75.俞曉梅, 祝鈴鈺, 姚克儉. Study on Two Phase Flow in Tray Downcomers – Backmixing and Choking Tests. SESSION 3, DISTILLATION SYMPOSIUM,2007 AIChE Meeting, 2007
78.Lingyu Zhu,Xiaomei Yu, Kejian Yao,Lianghua Wang. Promotions for Further Improvementsin Multiple Downcomer Tray Performance. Ind.Eng. Chem. Res.. 2004.43(20) 6484-6489.
79.張世忠,吳鐵鎖,祝鈴鈺,姚克儉,脫戊烷塔的瓶頸分析與擴能改造,乙烯工業, 2004, 16(3), 19-21
80.祝鈴鈺.陳曦.溶劑脫水塔產品組成的線上自學習軟測量模型.第五屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會(WCICA'04) ,2004
81.祝鈴鈺,劉保柱,呂永軍.乙烯精餾塔的瓶頸分析及擴能改造.石油化工. 2003. 32(8). 700-703.
82.俞曉梅.祝鈴鈺.姚克儉,塔板與填料複合技術在吸收穩定系統中的套用.石油化工. 2003.32(4) 321-324.
83.陳平.祝鈴鈺.姚克儉.高純度苯甲酸連續精餾分離工藝設計.上海化工.2002.27(11) pp14-16
84.陳平.俞曉梅.祝鈴鈺.熱鉀鹼脫碳塔的操作穩定區設計.化學工業與工程技術. 2002. 23(5) 29-31
85.陳平.俞曉梅.祝鈴鈺DJ型碳丙脫碳和熱鉀鹼脫碳的擴能設計與套用.化肥工業. 2002. 29(3). 10-12
86.俞曉梅,祝鈴鈺,王良華,李育敏,朱菊香.板式塔中氣液兩相流乳化態的研究. 化工進展(增刊).2002
87.祝鈴鈺.多降液管塔板的設計及研究進展. 化學工程(增刊).2002
88.俞曉梅,祝鈴鈺,陳平.DJ型丙碳脫碳塔的傳質性能. 化學工程(增刊).2002
89.黃雄斌,閆憲斌,施力田,祝鈴鈺.固液攪拌槽內液相速度的分布. 化工學報.2002
90.姚克儉,祝鈴鈺.複合塔板的開發及其工業套用. 石油化工.2001
91.祝鈴鈺,俞曉梅,姚克儉.含碳稀氨水處理的過程模擬與最佳化. 化學工藝研究進展.2000
92.王淼森,祝鈴鈺.含氨工藝冷凝液和脫碳廢水低壓汽提回收工藝及套用. 大氮肥.2000
93.姚克儉,張頌紅,祝鈴鈺.夾點技術在精餾系統最佳化中的套用. 石油化工.2000


95.章淵昶,劉華彥,孫勤,祝鈴鈺.化工設計課程成果導向教學改革. 第十二屆大學化學化工課程報告論壇論文集,高等教育出版社,2018
96.劉保柱,祝鈴鈺,章淵昶,基於Maple Excel外掛程式的化工原理教學因次分析系統開發,計算機與套用化學,34(8),645-648,2017
98.祝鈴鈺,許軼,姚克儉,化工設計課程群的項目式教學改革實踐.化工高等教育. 29(2). 37-40,2012.
99.祝鈴鈺.許軼.姚克儉.對工程基礎課程教學方法的研究與實踐.中國大學教學. 2004(3). 33-34


