

祝惠,女,1983年生,博士,研究員,碩士生導師,主要從事面源污染形成過程與機理、污染水體生態淨化技術與理論、植物修復、污染物環境行為與生物地球化學過程等方面的研究工作。在農田氮素遷移轉化與同位素示蹤技術、人工濕地淨化技術與理論等方面取得重要研究成果。擔任國際水協會中國青年委員會委員(IWA-China YWP)。主持國家自然科學基金青年基金、面上基金、973計畫子課題等科研項目6項。發表學術論文近50篇,其中以第一作者和通訊作者發表SCI論文13篇。擔任Water Research, Ecological Engineering等10餘家SCI期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:祝惠 
  • 國籍:中國 
  • 職業:碩士生導師 
  • 畢業院校:中國科學院東北地理與農業生態研究所 
  • 學位/學歷:博士/研究生 
  • 專業方向:環境科學 
  • 職務:研究員 




  • 2008-09--2011-07 中國科學院東北地理與農業生態研究所 博士學位
  • 2006-09--2008-07東北師範大學 碩士學位
  • 2002-09--2006-07 吉林化工學院 學士學位


2014-11--2015-11 加州大學伯克利分校 訪問學者
2013-12--今 中國科學院東北地理與農業生態研究所 副研究員
2011-07--2013-11 中國科學院東北地理與農業生態研究所 助理研究員


2015-01--2016-12 國際水協會中國青年委員會委員(IWA-China YWP)
2014-11--今 中國環境科學學會會員
2014-11--今 國際水協會會員


1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目: 高鐵高錳地下水灌溉對稻田氮素遷移轉化的影響及機理(2015-2018, 主持人)
2. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)課題"大江大河三角洲濱海濕地生態系統類型與演化"之子課題"大江大河三角洲大規模圍填海活動時空演進過程"(2013-2017, 主持人)
3.中科院黑土區農業生態重點實驗室開放基金項目: 黑土區土壤氮素轉化對水熱條件的回響及作用機理(2013-2015, 主持人)
1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目: 外源鐵輸入對水田氮素麵源污染輸出影響的同位素示蹤研究(2012-2014, 主持人)
2. 環保部水質良好湖泊環境保護項目之課題: 興凱湖流域農村、農田及畜禽養殖面源污染負荷調查(2013-2014, 主持人)
3. 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目之課題"面源污染的輸出負荷及其對界江界湖的影響研究"(2009-2012, 副主持人)


1.2014年獲第14屆國際水協會"濕地系統與水污染控制"專業學術會議(14th International Conference "Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control")最佳海報一等獎,第一作者;
2. 2014年獲得中科院東北地理與農業生態研究所先進工作者稱號;
3. 2013年獲得中科院東北地理與農業生態研究所先進工作者稱號;
4. 2010年獲吉林省科學技術進步三等獎,第五作者;
5. 2011年獲得中國科學院"朱李月華獎學金"優秀博士生獎;


1.Zhu H, Yan BX, Xu YY, et al. Removal of nitrogen and COD in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands under different influent C/N ratios. Ecological engineering. 2014, 63:58-63.
2.Zhu H, Zhu LL, Yan BX, et al. Accumulation of Lead, Zinc, and Copper in Scalp Hair of Residents in a Long-Term Irrigation Area Downstream of the Second Songhua River, Northeast China. Human and ecological risk assessment. 2014, 20:137-149.
3.Zhu H, Yan BX, Khan S, et al. Nitrogen loss via lateral seepage from paddy field: A case study in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 2013,11(1):841-845.
4.Zhu H, Xu YY, Yan BX, et al. Snowmelt runoff: A new focus of urban nonpoint source pollution. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2012, 9(12), 4333-4345.
5.Zhu H, Yan BX, Cao HC, et al. Risk assessment for methylmercury in fish from the Songhua River, China: 30 years after mercury-containing wastewater outfalls were eliminated. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.2012, 184:77-88.
6.Zhu H, Yan BX, Pan XF, et al. Geochemical characteristics of heavy metals in riparian sediment pore water of Songhua River, Northeast China. Chinese Geographical Science. 2011, 21(1): 195-203.
7.Zhu H, Yan BX. Analysis of correlations among mercury, iron and manganese in sediment of the Songhua River. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, (518-523):1451-1451.
8. Zhang Y,Zhu H*, Yan BX, et al. Nutrient removal in different overlying water layers and their variation in pore water of drainage ditches in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2013, 51:5599-5607.
9. Zhang Y,Zhu H*,Yan BX. Vertical distribution and temporal variation of nitrogen, phosphorous and carbon in ditch sediment in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.2013, 22(8):2265-2272.
10. Zhang Y,Zhu H*,Yan BX, et al. Effects of plant and water level on nitrogen variation in overlying and pore water of agricultural drainage ditches in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water. 2014, 42(4): 386-392.
11. Xu Y, Yan B,Zhu H*. Nutrient composition of paddy leaf dew in Sanjiang Plain, China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science. 2013, 63, (2):97-106.
12. Xu Y, Yan B,Zhu H*. Dew Condensation Monitoring in a Wetland Ecosystem in the Sanjiang Plain. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2013, 22(5): 1351-1356.
13. Xu YY, Yan BX, Luan ZQ,Zhu H*. Dewfall variation by large-scale reclamation in Sanjiang Plain. Wetlands. 2012, 32(4):783-790.
14. Xu YY,Zhu H*, Tang J, Lin YZ. Chemical compositions of dew and scavenging of particles in Changchun, China. Advances in Meteorology. 2015. DOI: org/10/1155/2015/104048.
15.祝惠,閻百興.三江平原水田氮的側滲輸出研究.環境科學,2011, 32(1): 108-112.
16.祝惠,閻百興,張豐松.粒級、pH和有機質對汞在松花江沉積物表面吸附解析的影響.環境科學,2010, 31(10): 2315-2320.
17.祝惠,閻百興.三江平原水田磷的輸出及遷移過程.濕地科學,2010, 8(3): 266-272.
18.祝惠,閻百興,張豐松.松花江沉積物中主要組分對汞吸附的貢獻.環境化學,2010,29(5): 865-869.
19.祝惠,閻百興, 李宏偉.松花江沉積物中總汞及汞形態的演化.生態與農村環境學報,2010, 26 (3): 210-214.
20.祝惠,閻百興,張鳳英.松花江魚體中重金屬的富集及污染評價.生態與農村環境學報,2010, 26(5): 492- 496.
21.張燕,祝惠*, 閻百興,等. 排水溝渠爐渣與底泥對水中氮、磷截留效應.中國環境科學, 2013, 13(6):1005-1010.
22.李源, 袁星,祝惠*. 含水量對黑土區土壤氮素轉化及土壤酶活性的影響研究. 土壤學報, 2014,45(4):847-852.
23.李源,祝惠*, 袁星, 閻百興. 乾濕交替對黑土氮素轉化及酶活性影響的模擬研究.乾旱區資源與環境.(錄用待刊)
24.潘曉峰,祝惠*,閻百興等. 外源鐵補給對潛流人工濕地脫氮效率影響的模擬研究. 濕地科學.(錄用待刊)
  1. Yang YH, Yan BX,Zhu H. Estimating soil erosion in Northeast China using 137Cs and 210Pbex. Pedosphere. 2011, 21(6): 706-711.
2. Guan JN, Yan BX,Zhu H, Wang LX, Lv DA, Cheng L. Flux characteristics of total dissolved iron and its species during extreme rainfall event in the midstream of the Heilongjiang River. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2015, 30:74-80.
3. Yang YH, Yan BX,Zhu H, Wang LX. Effects of water and soil conservation practices on reducing pollution from agricultural nonpoint source in Northeast China. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, 356-360: 2473-2478.
4. Xu YY, Yan BX, Luan ZQ,Zhu H, Wang LX. Application of Stable Isotope Tracing Technologies in Identifying the Transformation Among Waters in the Sanjiang Plain. Chinese Geographical Science. 2013, 23(4):435-444.
5. Xu YY, Yan BX,Zhu H. Dew amount in marsh monitoring in the Sanjiang Plain. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014,522-524:34-37.
6. Xu YY, Yan BX,Zhu H. Dewfall monitoring in wetland ecosystem. Advanced Materials Research. 2014, 864-867:883-886.
7. Xu YY, Yan BX,Zhu H. Meteorological Factors Affected Dew Condensation in Marsh Ecosystem. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 535:360-363.
8. Liu XQ, Yan BX, Liu SY,Zhu H. Influence of outside environmental variations on ammonia nitrogen adsorption characteristics of HVMT/PC/EPDM composite. Environmental Earth Science. 2013, 69(80):2541-2548.
9. Wang LX, Yan BX, Pan Xiaofeng,Zhu H. The spatial and temporal variation and factors controlling the concentration of total dissolve iron in rivers, Sanjiang Plain. Clean-Soil Air Water. 2012, 40(7):712-717.
10. Wang LX, Yan BX, Pan XF,Zhu H. The Distribution and Output of Dissolved Carbon in Typical Rivers of Sanjiang Plain, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2013, 22:508-515.
11. Zhang Y, Yan BX, Yang YH,Zhu H. Nutrient removal in drainage ditches at different growth stages under low initial concentrations in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. 2015, 24 (1):19-24.
12. Wang XH, Yuan X, Hou ZG, Miao J,Zhu H, Song CT. Effect of di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on microbial biomass C and enzymatic activities in soil. European Journal of Soil Biology. 2009, 45(4):370-376.
13. Guan JN, Yan BX, Wang LX,Zhu H, Cheng Long. Variation in the total dissolved iron output and iron species during an extreme rainfall event: a case study of the Songhua River. CLEAN-Soil Air Water. In press.
14. Guan JN, Yan BX, Xu YY, Wang LX,Zhu H. Characteristics of total dissolved iron output and its species during different flood events in the Songhua River. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin. In press.
15.苗靜,祝惠,王鑫宏,袁星. DOP與Pb單一及複合污染對土壤酶活性影響.環境科學研究, 2009, 22(7): 856-861.
16.賈會娟,祝惠,袁星,王朝霞.克百威與鎘單一及複合污染對土壤好氣性自生固氮菌數量的影響. 農業環境科學學報, 2007, 26: 529-532.
17. 潘曉峰,閻百興,祝惠,王莉霞.三江平原水田灌溉-排水過程中鐵形態變化及輸出貢獻.環境科學學報, 2010, 30(5): 1087-1092.
18.王莉霞,閻百興,潘曉峰,祝惠.三江平原農田排水溝渠鐵的輸出及形態變化.地理研究. 2011,30(10):1818-1824.
19.徐瑩瑩,閻百興,王莉霞,劉樹元,祝惠.三江平原毛苔草沼澤露水中金屬含量研究.濕地科學,2011,9(1): 69-74.
21.鄧志強,閻百興,李旭輝,祝惠.人工浮床技術開發與套用研究進展.環境污染與防治. 2013,35(5):88-92.
22.李源,袁星,祝惠.凍融交替對黑土區土壤氮素轉化及土壤酶活性的影響研究.土壤通報. 2014, 51(5):1103-1109.
23.徐瑩瑩,閻百興,湯潔,祝惠.稻田露水對水稻生長的影響研究.中國農業生態學報. 2014, 22(12), 1433-1439.
1. 發明專利:一種新型氨氮吸附材料的製備, 第3作者, 專利號: CN201010622074.0
2. 發明專利: 手持式土壤孔隙水採樣器, 第4作者, 專利號:201010592968.X
3. 發明專利:一種用於控制農田排水中氮磷的生態溝渠設計方法, 第3作者, 專利號: CN201210504156.4.
4. 發明專利:一種降低稻田面源污染側滲的生態田埂, 第3作者, 專利號: CN201310373032.1
5. 發明專利: 高硼生物有機肥及其製作方法, 第5作者, 專利號: CN201310250215.4.


1. The 14th International Conference “Wetland Systems for water pollution control. Poster presentation. 2014, Shanghai.
2. International Conference on Resources, Environment, and Regional Sustainable Development in Northeast Asia. Poster presentation. 2014, Changchun.
3. The 7th Annual Meeting and Academic Seminar of HT+ Eco-Partnership. Oral presentation. 2013, Changchun.
4. The 13th International Conference “Wetland Systems for water pollution control”. Oral presentation. 2012, Perth, Australia.
5. The International Conference on Contaminated Land, Ecological Assessment and Remediation (CLEAR) . Oral presentation. 2012, Hangzhou.
6. International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Ecological Remediation in Industrial Regions. Oral presentation. 2009, Shanghai.
7. 2013年水資源生態保護與水污染控制研討會.口頭報告.2013,哈爾濱.
8. "生態系統碳氮循環與水循環研究最新進展"學術交流會.口頭報告.2011,長春.
9. "三江平原農業開發與濕地保育的水資源可持續利用學術研討會".口頭報告.2010, 三江站.
10. "2010中國水環境污染控制與生態修復技術高級研討會" .2010,南昌.


