工學碩士(材料加工)、理學博士(凝聚態物理),曾以高級訪問學者身份留學德國亞琛工業大學從事合作研究。1998年起任合肥工業大學教授,博士生導師,現任金屬液/固加工研究所所長。中國機械工程學會高級會員,中國鑄造學會理事,中國機械工程學會“編譯出版工作委員會”委員,中國鑄造學會“鑄鐵技術專委會”委員;合肥工業大學學術委員會委員,合肥工業大學學報自然科學版編委,合肥工業大學教代會主席團執委會委員;擔任國家自然科學基金、863計畫項目、科技部國際合作項目、教育部重點項目、博士點基金、科技部科技型企業創新基金等類項目的評審專家;擔任《Mater Sci & Eng. A》、《Mater. Lett.》、《J of Alloys & Compounds》、《J of Non-Cryst. Sol.》、《Applied Phys A》、《Chin. Phys. Lett》、《Phys. Lett A》、《Chin. Phys.》、《China Foundry》、《鑄造》、《材料熱處理學報》、《農機學報》、《物理學報》、《中國科學》、《科學通報》、《自然科學進展》等二十餘種中外學術期刊審稿專家。
本科生:《材料成形原理》,《合金設計原理及製備技術》,《鑄件形成理論基礎》,《焊接冶金學》,《金屬焊接性》,《有色合金及熔煉》,《鑄造合金及熔煉》,《Welding Skill &Technology》,《鑄造專業英語》;
近年所指導的研究生:在全國博士論壇上獲“論文二等獎”、“優秀論文獎”各1人;獲校優秀博士論文1人;獲“省優秀碩士論文”1人;獲合肥工業大學研究生“優秀畢業論文特等獎”、“優秀畢業論文二等獎” 各1人;獲校“優秀畢業研究生”稱號3人;在合肥工業大學研究生科技活動中,獲“十大科技標兵”稱號2人,獲優秀論文一、二、三等獎多人。
[1] F. Q. Zu, L. N. Mao, C. M. Hu, J. Chen, Z. Y. Huang, Y. C. Liu and M. Q. Liu, Effects of liquid–liquid transition on solidification of Sb–10 wt-%Cu alloy, Materials Science and Technology, 26 (11): (2010)1353-1157.
[2] Xianfen Li, Fei Zhang, Fangqiu Zu, Xue Lv, Zhenxing Zhao, Dongdong Yang, Effect of liquid– liquid structure transition on solidification and wettability of Sn–0.7Cu solder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 505: (2010) 472–475
[3] Jin YU, Hui-zhen YANG, Fang-qiu ZU and Wei XU, The Study of Liquid-liquid Structural Transition of PbSnBi Ternary Alloy, Advanced Materials Research 152-153: (2011) 242-247
[4] Fang-Qiu Zu, Zhong-YueHuang, Zhi-ZhiWang, XiaoCui,Xiao-YunLi,Abnormal solidification of Bi–Te alloys induced by liquid structural states,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 13: (2010) 86–91;
[5] Liu, LJ; Liu, MQ; Zu, FQ; Huang, ZY; Hu, CM; Mao, LN,Influence of temperature-induced liquid-liquid structure transition on directional solidification microstructure of Sn-Bi40wt-% alloy,PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 48 (3): (2010)329-336;
[6] Huang, ZY; Zu, FQ; Chen, J; Ding, GH,The dependence of phase selection in peritectic solidification of Bi-Te40 on cooling rates and liquid states,INTERMETALLICS 18 (5): (2010) 749-755;
[7] ZY Huang, Y Xi, FQ Zu , XF Li, GH Ding, J Chen,On the correlation between solidified microstructures and liquid structural states in Bi-40 wt%Te alloy, Journal of Crystal Growth 311 (Aug 2009) 4129–4133;
[8] F-Q. Zu, J Chen et al.,A new viewpoint to the mechanism for the effects of melt overheating on solidification of Pb-Bi alloys,J. Mater. Res., 24(7), Jul 2009:2378-2384;
[9] Li, XF; Li, JG; Zu, FQ, et al.,Liquid-liquid structure transition and its effect on solidification of Sn-Sb alloy,KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS 47 (2):109-113 ;
[10]Li, XF; Li, JG; Zu, FQ; Hu, CM; Yi, X,Reversible resistivity-temperature anomalies of liquid Pb-Bi-Sn alloys,PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 47 (6):673-680 2009;
[11]XF Li,CM Hu,FQ Zu, ZY Huang, MQ Liu, Temperature-Induced Reversible Change of Electrical Resistivity in Sn–Bi Melts, Int J Thermophys,V30,N3,Jul 2009: 1040-1047
[12]Fang-Qiu Zu; Xian-Fen Li; Jin Yu; Lan-Jun Liu; Yun Xi;Zhi-Hao Chen; Jie Chen; Guo-Hua Ding; Zhong-Yue Huang,New physical phenomena: temperature-induced liquid-liquid transition in alloys and its effects upon solidification, Symposium on Extraction and Processing Division held at the TMS 2009 Annual Meeting and Exhibition, FEB 15-19, 2009 San Francisco CA,EPD CONGRESS 2009, PROCEEDINGS, 525-533( 2009);
[13]Sun QQ,Liu LJ,Li XF,Zu FQ,A new understanding of melt overheating treatment of Sn-20Sb from the viewpoint of the TI-LLST,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL 25 NO 1 (Jan 2009) pp35-38;
[14]Jie Chen, Fang-Qiu Zu; Zhong-Yue Huang, Qi-Qiang Sun and Xian-Fen Li, Temperature dependences of structure and physical properties of eutectic InSn49.1 melt, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS,Vol. 47, No. 1, February 2009, 95–102;
[15]Guohua Ding, Fangqiu Zu, Hurst’s empirical law in the probability of atomic distribution in liquids, PHYSICS LETTERS A 373 (Feb 2009) pp749–753;
[16]Chen Jie; Zu Fang-qiu; Huang Zhong-yue, et al. A new viewpoint of the mechanism of effect of melt overheating treatment, Journal of Zhengzhou University Engineering Science 03 2009 pp 14-19
[17]Jie Chen, Fang-Qiu Zu Xian-Fen Li, Guo-Hua Ding, Hon-Sheng Chen, and Li Zou, Influence of a Liquid Structural Change on the Solidification of the Alloy CuSn30, METALS AND MATERIALS INTERNATIONAL, Vol. 14, No. 5 (Oct 2008), pp569-574,
[18]Zou L, ZU FQ, Li XF, Chen ZH et al, Electronic transport properties of liquid InSn20 alloy, PHASE TRANSITIONS, Volume 81, Issue 10October 2008 , pages 889 – 896;
[19] Chen HS, Zu FQ etal, The effect of melt superheating on the melt structure transition and solidified structure of Sn–Bi40 alloy, SCIENCE IN CHINA (E), 51(9) 2008: 1402-1408
[20]ZU FQ, CHEN ZH, ZOU L, Kinetics of liquid–structure change of In–Sn and In–Pb melts, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 46(No.4), August 2008, 433–441;
[21] Zu, FQ; Yu, J; Xu, W, et al., Reversibility of temperature-induced liquid transition in Pb26Sn42Bi32 melt: Experimental evidence with electrical property, CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS, Vol 25 (N4) Pages: 1384-1387 Published: 2008;
[22]Zu FQ, Yi X, etal, Observation of a reversible liquid-liquid structural change in Pb-Sn melts with electrical resistivity, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS B 22(21)2008:3683-3693
[23]Li XF, Zu FQ, Liu LJ, Li JG etal, Effect of Sn on reversibility of liquid–liquid transition in Bi–Sb–Sn alloys, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS Volume 453, 508-512(2008)
[24]Zu FQ, Ding GH, et al.,Change in solidification behavior of Bi-Sb10 alloy after liquid structural transition,JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, v 310, n 2, 397-403(2008)
[25]Li XF, Chen HS, Zu FQ etal, Kinetics of Liquid Structure Transition of Sn-(40wt%)Bi Melt, CHINESE PHYS. LETT. 25 317-320(2008);
[26]Li XF, Zu FQ etal, Effect of liquid-liquid transition on solidification of Bi-Sb10 wt% alloy, PHASE TRANSITIONS, v 81, n 1, 43-50(January, 2008);
[27]Ding, GH; Zu, FQ, Morphological analysis on the pair distribution function of liquid In-Sn20, PHYSICS LETTERS A, 369, 503-505(2007);
[28]Chen ZH, Zu FQ, Li XF et al, Kinetics of the liquid-liquid transition of Pb-Sn melts, KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS 45 (6) 299 - 303 (2007);
[29]Zu FQ, ZHOU B, LI XF, YI X, Effect of liquid-liquid structure transition on solidification of Sn-Bi alloys, TRANS. OF NONFERROUS METALS SOC.OF CHINA, 17(2007) 893;
[30] Li XF, Zu FQ, et al, Hump phenomenon on resistivity-temperature curve in liquid Bi, Sb and their alloys, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS, v 45, 531-539(Oct 2007)
[31]Chen YP, Liu LJ, Zu FQ etal, Effects of the melt structure transition on the micro-structure of Sn-30Sb alloy by forced cooling, SPECIAL CASTING AND NONFERROUS ALLOYS, 27-6, 485-487(June2007);
[32]Li XY, Wu W, Zu FQ etal, Influence of SG modification on as-cast and heat-treated microstructures of high manganese steel, FOUNDRY, v 56, n 11, 1151-1154(2007);
[33]Zhou B, Zu FQ, Liu LJ, Li XF, Irreversibility of the liquid-liquid structure transition and its effect on the solidification of Pb-Sb30% alloy, FOUNDRY, v 56, n 7, (2007)750-753;
[34]Zhi-Hao Chen, Fang-Qiu Zu, Xian-fen Li, Jin Yu, Yun Xi and Rong-rong Shen, Temperature-induced liquid–liquid transition process in eutectic Pb–Sn melt explored from kinetic viewpoint, J. PHYS.: CONDENS. MATTER 19 (2007) 116106 (8pp)
[35]Jin Yu, Wen-Qi Wang, Fang-Qiu Zu, Strengthening mechanism of RE multi-compound inoculation, FOUNDRY, v 56, n 12, December, 2007, p 1312-1315
[36]Ding, GH; Zu, FQ; Yu, J; Xi, Y; Zhang, Y; Fractal analysis on temperature-induced discontinuous structural change of the liquid In-80%Sn alloy, ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 42 (12): (2006)1259-1261
[37]Zu FQ, Xi Y et al, Effects of compound formation on liquid structure in Cu-Sn melts as a function of temperature, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 44, (2006)543-550;
[38]Guo J, Zu FQ, Chen ZH, et al., Attempt to depict glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses using the criterion of the total relaxation time at the glass transition, JOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS 352 (36-37): (2006)3859-3863;
[39]Ding GH, Zu FQ, Li XF, et al., Fractal analysis of the structure of liquid In-80wt%Sn alloys, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 55 (8): (2006)4188-4192;
[40]Yu J, Zhang Y, Zu FQ, et al.,The abnormal changes of electrical resistivity in liquid Pb-In alloys, PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF LIQUIDS 44 (4): 401-408 AUG 2006;
[41]Zu FQ, Li XF, Ding HF, et al., Electrical resistivity of liquid Bi-Sb alloys, PHASE TRANSITIONS 79 (4-5): 277-283 APR-MAY 2006;
[42]Li XF, Zu FQ, Ding HF, et al., High-temperature liquid-liquid structure transition in liquid Sn-Bi alloys: Experimental evidence by electrical resistivity method, PHYSICS LETTERS A 354 (4): 325-329 JUN 5 2006;
[43]Zu FQ, Shen RR, Xi Y, et al., Electrical resistivity of liquid Sn-Sb alloy, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 18 (10): 2817-2823 MAR 15 2006; Shen RR,
[44]Zu FQ, Li Q, et al., Study on temperature dependence of resistivity in liquid In-Sn alloy, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 73 (2): 184-187 FEB 2006;
[45]Li Q, Zu FQ, Li XF, et al., The electrical resistivity of liquid Pb-Bi alloy, MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 20 (4): 151-158 FEB 10 2006;
[46]Xi Y, Zu FQ, Liu LJ, et al.,Abnormal solidification of Pb-Sn alloy induced by liquid structure transition,KOVOVE MATERIALY-METALLIC MATERIALS 43 (6): (2005)432-439;
[47]J. Guo, F Q Zu etal, Exploration of a new method in determining the glass transition temperature of BMGs by electrical resistivity, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, V135(n1-2), 427-430(2005July);
[48]X.F. Li, F.Q.Zu et al., Unusual change of electrical resistivity with temperature in liquid Pb-Sn alloys Physica B, 358:126-131 (May 2005),
[49]F.Q. Zu, X.F. Li, L.J. Guo, H. Yang, X.B. Qing, Z.G. Zhu, Temperature dependence of liquid structures in In–Sn20: diffraction experimental evidence, Physics Letters A 324 (2004) 472–478;
[50] Z.G. Zhu, F.Q. Zu et al, Internal friction method: suitable also for structural changes of liquids,Mater. Sci. &Eng. A-STRUCT 370 (1-2). 427-430 (2004);
[51]Y. Xi, F.Q. Zu,, X.F. Li et al, High-temperature abnormal behavior of resistivities for Bi-In melts, PHYS LETT A 329 (3): 221-225 AUG 23 2004;
[52]Chen, ZH; Liu, LJ; Zhang, B, et al. Glass transition kinetic property of novel bulk Zr-Al-Ni-Cu (Nb,Ti) amorphous alloy, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 53(11): (2004)3839-3844
[53]F.Q. Zu, Z.H. Chen, J.J. Tao et al, Corrosion resistance of Zr-Al-Ni-Cu(Nb) bulk amorphous alloys, TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 14 (5): Oct 2004 Vol.14 No.5
[54]Y.Feng, Zheng HW, Zhu ZG, Zu FQ,et al,The microstructure and electrical conductivity of aluminum alloy foams, MATER CHEM PHYS 78 (1): 196-201( FEB 3 2003)
[55]F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Observation of an anomalous discontinuous liquid structural change with temperature, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 89,125505(2002).
[56]F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Liquid-Liquid Transition in Pb-Sn Melts, Physical Review B 64, 180203(2001), published as “RAPID COMMUNICATIONS”.
[57]F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Relative Energy Dissipation: Sensitive to Structural Changes of Liquids, Chin. Phys. Lett.19, 94 (2002).;
[58]B.Zhang, F.Q.Zu etal, Behavior of Internal Friction in Zr57Al10Ni10Cu15Nb5 Bulk Glass Metal, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 14, 7461(2002).
[59]Y.Feng, Z.G. Zhu, F.Q. Zu etal, Electrical conductivity of aluminum alloy foams,Chin. Phys. Lett. 19, 1501 (2002).
[60]F.Q. Zu, Z.G. Zhu et al, Post-melting Anomaly of Pb-Bi melts Observed by Internal Friction Technique, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONDENSED MATTER 13, 11435 (2001).
2005年:批准為安徽省高等學校 “學科拔尖人才”;
2004年:被收入英國IBC(劍橋國際傳記中心)出版的《2000 Outstanding Scientists of 21st Century》(21世紀2000名傑出科學家);
近10年來連續被收入美國出版的《Who’s Who in ……》;
1998年:“新型Fe-C合金材料—球狀石墨鑄鋼的研究”,獲原機械工業部“科學技術進步獎二等獎” (第一);
Ø 96-97年:與德國亞琛工大同行合作完成德國“大眾”公司攻關項目“汽車發動機曲軸新材質(ADI)的成分及生產工藝最佳化”,國際著名材料及凝固專家P.R. Sahm 教授作如此書面評價:“祖先生…為該項目的圓滿完成做出了關鍵性貢獻”
科研成果入選:九年義務教育三年制初級中學教科書——物理 第一分冊——引言;