碩士英語綜合教程 1(碩士英語綜合教程1)

碩士英語綜合教程 1




  • 書名:碩士英語綜合教程 1
  • 作者:李欣、游建榮
  • ISBN:9787560539171、7560539173
  • 頁數:257
  • 定價:33.80元
  • 出版社:西安交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2011-7
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16




Unit 1 Low-CarbonEconomy
Text A Creating a Low-Carbon Economy
Text B Living a Low-Carbon Lifestyle
Unit 2 A Harmonious Society
Text A Building a Harmonious Society
Text B China: Roused by Disaster
Unit 3 Culture Shock
Text A The Rotary Youth Exchange Experience: Culture Shock
Text B Understanding Interpersonal Relationships in the Chinese Context
Unit 4 Artificial Intelligence
Text A The Future of Artificial Intelligence
Text B Revenge of the Nerds
Unit 5 Success and Happiness
Text A The Assessor of Success (adapted) /o8o
Text B Why We're Happy
Unit 6 UrbanLife
Text A How the City Hurts Your Brain, and What You Can Do about It
Text B The New Age Cavemen and the City
Unit 7 Mass Media
Text A A TV Critic in the Post-TV World
Text B What Is Mass Media?
Unit 8 New Applications of Waste Materials
Text A Not Just for Tree Huggers
Text B Going Green
Unit 9 Car Culture
Text A Cars Paradise Found and Paradise Lost
Text B The Birth of the American Auto industry
Unit 10 Famous Persons' Biographies
Text A Louis Pasteur
Text B Autobiography of John F. Nash
Unit 11 World Cultural Heritage
Text A Heaps of History
Text B Terracotta Army
Unit 12 Wisdom and Beliefs
Text A Ponds
Text B Metaphysics


