



  • 書名:研究生綜合英語3
  • 作者:曾道明、陸效用
  • ISBN:9787309064889
  • 頁數:407
  • 定價:38.00元
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2009-3


《研究生綜合英語3(修訂版)》共有十個單元,每單元包括課文和補充閱讀兩篇課文。《研究生綜合英語3(修訂版)》強調語言基本功的訓練和語言實用能力的培養,因此在每單元的第一篇課文後均配有大量練習,其中包括回答問題(Comprehension Questions)、話題討論(Topics for Discussion)、辭彙(Vocabulary)、短文填空(Cloze)、翻譯(Translation)和寫作(Writing)。
每一單元中的翻譯技能(Translating Skills) 體現了本書特色。這一部分簡要介紹了翻譯領域的一些理論知識,並通過實例剖析,概述了翻譯技能的實際運用。此外,還提供了一些翻譯佳作供學生欣賞,以便進一步提高運用英語的實際能力。
每一單元中還增設了補充材料(Additional Work)和諺語(Proverbs)。補充材料包括兩個部分:習語學習和閱讀欣賞。習語與課文無關,主要供語言基礎較好或希望參加國際英語考試的學生使用。閱讀欣賞主要介紹一些文學價值較高的散文、小說和詩歌等,以提高學生的文學修養。諺語通常與課文內容有關,旨在加深學生的文化底蘊。


Unit One
Text A Question of Degree
Further Reading College Pressures
Translating Skills Translation:General Introduction
Unit Two
Text The Middle Class
Further Reading The Class Significance of Language
Translating Skills Diction:A Basic Training
Unit Three
Text How We Listen to Music
Further Reading From Composer to Interpreter to Listener
Translating Skills Conversion and Inversion
Unit Four
Text Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem
Further Reading Just Do What the Pilot Tells You
Translating Skills Amplification,Omission and Repetition
Unit Five
Text Untruth and Consequences
Further Reading The Ways We Lie
Translating Skills Negation,Division and Condensation
Unit Six
Text Escape and Interpretation
Further Reading To Read Fiction
Translating Skills Ways to Deal with Passives and Culture-Specific Rhetorical Figures(1)
Unit Seven
Text Fashion and Status
Further Reading Civilian Uniformities
Translating Skills Ways to Deal with Passives and Culture-Specific Rhetorical Figures(2)(continued)
Unit Eight
Text Can Ethics Be Taught
Further Reading The Insufficiency of Honesty
Translating Skills Approaches to the Translation of Long Sentences and Idioms (1)
Unit Nine
Text The Lost Generation
Further Reading Why Its Called the "Me"Generation
Translating Skills Approaches to the Translation of Long Sentences and
Unit Ten
Text Women and the Myth of Consumerism
Further Reading Portrayal of Women in Advertising
Translating Skills Styles of Translation


