



  • 軟體名稱:相機混合
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.52MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
在假期或在一個聚會上,組成你的照片在飛行中混合和分享他們用攝影機直接通過郵件或在Facebook嗎 ! 你想送你的假期的明信片給你的朋友或構成一個紀念品和朋友聚會的照片嗎 照相機組合讓您混合2、3或4圖片到一個。 選擇你喜歡的布局和利用不同的阿瑞斯拍照或導入它們從你的牌庫。 移動,縮放和旋轉你的圖片使用習慣性動作,做出完美的拼貼畫。 你可以改變框架根據你的願望。 一旦這張照片組成,您可以將其保存到你的圖書館,將它發布在網際網路上或通過郵件傳送它。 不要等待,現在試試看! 警告:免費版不包含所有特性。解鎖他們只有0,99美元! On vacations or at a party, compose your photos on the fly with Camera Mix and share them directly by mail or on Facebook! Do you want to send a postcard of your vacations to your friends or to compose a souvenir photo of a party with friends Camera Mix let you mix 2, 3 or 4 pictures into one. Choose the layout you like and tap into different ares to take photos or import them from your library. Move, zoom and rotate your pictures using the habitual gesture to make the perfect collage. You can change the frame according to your wishes. Once the photo is composed, you can save it to your library, publish it on the internet or send it by mail. Don't wait, try it now ! Warning: The free version does not include all features. Unlock them for only 0,99$!


