盧滋瑾,男,博士, 現任湖南大學環境科學與工程學院教師。
- 中文名:盧滋瑾
- 畢業院校:德國柏林工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:環境工程,生物工程,廢氣,廢水生物處理,項目研究,開發與管理
> 造漆廠,噴漆廠惡臭廢氣的生物淨化;
> 新型高效生物淨化器的開發;
> 新型生物填料的開發;
> 高效生物菌種及生物膜製備技術的開發;
> 造紙廢水處理, 處理後廢水達回用技術;
> 化肥廠廢水處理及零排放的工藝與技術。
1979 –1983: 就讀於上海華東理工大學, 生化工程系, 獲本科學士學位.
1985 – 1987: 就讀於無錫輕工業大學, 生物工程系, 在中國工程院院士倫世儀教授指導下獲生物環境工程理工碩士學位.
1993 –1998: 在德國柏林工業大學, 環境工程系, 獲環境工程博士學位. 指導教授為德國著名的環境工程專家W. Hegemann.
1999 –2002: 在加拿大多倫多大學化學工程與套用化學系, 從事博士後研究工作.
1983 – 1985: 環境工程師, 湖南省長沙市環境保護研究所.
> 廢水生物處理的研究; 水質監測, 分析, 評價及模擬
> 空氣與燥聲的監測分析, 評價及模擬; 環境評價及技術報告,在此期間共參與了五個大中型項目評價並負責書寫環境評價報告.
> 環境諮詢服務
> 參與湖南人造板廠新建工程的環保評價,提出集中最佳化生物處理的方案,為這廠的環保廢水處理工程節約了近百萬美元.原來該廠計畫從日本引進處理方案,耗資一百多萬美元.
1985 – 1987: 生物工程碩士研究生, 無錫輕工業大學, 生物工程系.
> 從事環境生物工程的學習研究開發
> 從事國家輕工部重點污水處理攻關項目:發酵廠污水的綜合利用與治理的研究開發
> 在攻讀研究生期間,指導過本科生微生物學實驗課,也指導本科生從事畢業論文的研究.
1988 –1990: 講師, 生物工程部及實驗室主任, 中國--德國生物技術培訓中心
> 負責生物工程, 技術的教學及研究工作
> 參與中國-德國培訓中心,校辦實習工廠及實驗室的設計及國際合作項目的管理.
> 任生物工程部及實驗室主任,出色完成了一些發酵,生物工程的技術改造項目,同時為一些發酵,釀造廠培養了一批技術人才.
1990 – 1992: 高級訪問學者, 德國柏林工業大學環境工程系.
> 從事於多個項目的廢水生物處理研究及工程設計
> 參與德國柏林大型污水處理廠的設計,(處理能力25 萬噸/日)
> 進修德國先進的污水及廢氣生物處理技術及工程設計
1993 –1998: 環境工程研究工作, 德國柏林工業大學環境工程系.
> 主要從事生物環境工程的學習及研究
> 主要從事工業廢水,(含高濃度甲醛廢水的處理).這個項目難度較大,是德國一些生產木膠公司面臨的難題.因為甲醛本身對微生物有很強殺製作用,經過努力工作,研究出新工藝,篩選培養出能降甲醛的高效微生物菌種,能有效地降解含甲醛的廢水.
1999 – 現在: 環境工程研究工作, 博士後. 加拿大多倫多大學化學工程與套用化學系.
> 主要從事生物環境工程的開發研究, 著重於廢水生物處理及大氣污染控制與惡臭氣體的生物淨化技術的研究開發.
> 出色完成了一些工業界支持的廢氣研究項目.所做的廢氣生物處理項目,得到加拿大政府及十幾家化工,造紙公司的援助.
> 在對H2S處理過程中篩選培養出一種特殊的降硫化氫的菌種,處理效率達99.9%.
> 開發了一種新型處理含油廢氣的生物淨化器,廢氣即經過2-4秒鐘生物過濾,惡臭即可消除,這項目已得到工業界套用.
Dr-Ing. LU, Zijin, Ph.D., Licensed Professional Environmental Engineer
Ph.D. Dissertation
Z. LU (1998): The Anaerobic Treatment of a High Concentrated and Formaldehyde-containing Wastewater. Ph.D. Thesis, 174 pages with 94 Figures and 27 Tables. Environmental Engineering Symposium Series, No. 8. The Technical University of Berlin, 1998
Publications in Refereed Journals
1. Z. LU & W. Hegemann (1999): Investigation on the Anaerobic Treatment of Wood-glue wastewater-Part 1: Treatment of a Real Wastewater, Wasser und Abwasser (Water & Wastewater), Vol. 140, No. 4, 1999
2. Z. LU & W. Hegemann (1999): Investigation on the Anaerobic Treatment of Wood-glue Wastewater –Part 2: Pre-treatment by H2O2 Followed by Biological Treatment, Wasser und Abwasser (Water & Wastewater), Vol. 140, No. 5, 1999
3. Z. LU & W. Hegemann (1999): Study on Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater from Wood-Glue Process, Wasser und Abwasser (Water & Wastewater), Vol. 140, No. 1, 1999
4. Z. LU, W. Hegemann (1998): Anaerobic Toxicity and Biodegradation of Formaldehyde in Batch Cultures, Water Research, Vol. 32, No. 1, 1998.
5. Z. LU, Shiyi LUN (1991): Study on Treatment of High SS Organic Wastewater with a Multistage-Baffle Anaerobic Reactor, Biogas Forum, No. 2, 1991, 4-9
6. Z. LU (1990): The Principle and Technology of Increasing the Stability of Beer, Journal of Hunan Agricultural University, No. 1, 1990, 26-28
7. Z. LU (1990): The Technique of the Treatment Comprehensive Utilisation of Distilleries Wastewater, Journal of Environment Exploration, No. 2, 1990, 40-44
8. Z. LU (1990): The Technique of the Treatment Comprehensive Utilisation of Distilleries Wastewater, Journal of Environment Exploration, No. 2, 1990, 40-44
9. Shiyi LUN, Z. LU, and et al. (1989): Treatment of Distilleries Wastewater by ABR-UASB process, China Biogas, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1989, 171-179
10. Z. LU (1988): The Sterilisation of Canned Food, Journal of Hunan Light Industrial College, No. 1 (2), 1988, 18-23
11. Z. LU (1987): Studies on the Reactors of Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Wastewater, Journal of Environment Exploration, No. 4, 1987, 46-52
12. Qiu GU, Z. LU Wen-yu ZHOU, Bin ZONG, (1984): A Preliminary Study on the Preparation and Application of Collagen-Glucose Oxidase Electrode, Journal of Antibiotics, 9 (2), 1984,132-137
13. V.S. Sologar, Zijin Lu, and D. Grant Allen (2003): Biofiltration of Concentrated Mixtures of Hydrogen Sulfide and Methanol, Environmental Progress, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2003, p129-136.
14. Zijin Lu, and D. Grant Allen (2003): Book Chapter: >The Fate, Effects and Mitigation of Atmospheric Emissions From the Forest Products Industry>,《Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest 》, Ottawa, Ontario, National research Council Research Press,2003。
Publication for Biological Gas Cleaning
1. Z. LU and D. G. Allen: Biofiltration of Mixture of Total Reduced Sulfur and Volatile Organic Compounds, TAPPI, 2001 International Environmental Conference
2. Z. LU and D. G. Allen: Biofiltration of Air Emissions From Pulp and Paper Industry, TAPPI, 2001 International Environmental Conference
3. Z. LU and D. G. Allen: High Temperature Biofiltration of Mixture Sulfur Compounds and VOCs, TAPPI, 2002 International Environmental Conference
4. Z. LU and D. G. Allen: Comparison of Autotrophic and Mixotrophic Biofilters for H2S Removal, TAPPI, 2003 International Environmental Conference
5. Z. LU and D. G. Allen: Modelling for biofiltration of TRS and VOCs, TAPPI, 2003 International Environmental Conference
6. V.S. Sologar, Zijin Lu, and D. Grant Allen (2003): Biofiltration of Concentrated Mixtures of Hydrogen Sulfide and Methanol, Environmental Progress, Vol. 22, No. 2, 2003, p129-136.
7. Zijin Lu, and D. Grant Allen (2003): Book Chapter: >The Fate, Effects and Mitigation of Atmospheric Emissions From the Forest Products Industry>,《Towards Sustainable Management of the Boreal Forest 》, Ottawa, Ontario, National research Council Research Press,2003。
Conference Proceedings
1. Zijin Lu (2000): Biofiltration of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) and VOCs to Control Air Emissions from the Pulp and Paper Industry. Presentation on the Industry Research Consortium Meeting on “Biofiltration of Pulp and Paper Air Emissions for the Control of VOCs and Air Toxins”. Pulp & Paper Centre, University of Toronto, October 30, 2000.
2. Zijin Lu (2000): Biofiltration of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) and VOCs to Control Air Emissions from the Pulp and Paper Industry. Presentation on the Industry Research Consortium Meeting on “Biofiltration of Pulp and Paper Air Emissions for the Control of VOCs and Air Toxins”. Pulp & Paper Centre, University of Toronto, August 31, 2000.
3. Zijin Lu (2000): Biofiltration of H2S to Control the Odour from Pulp and Paper Emissions. Presentation on the Industry Research Consortium Meeting on “Minimizing the Impact of Pulp and Paper Mill Discharges”. Pulp & Paper Centre, University of Toronto, June 16, 2000.
4. Zijin Lu (2000): Biofiltration of Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) and VOCs to Control Air Emissions from the Pulp and Paper Industry. Presentation on the Industry Research Consortium Meeting on “Biofiltration of Pulp and Paper Air Emissions for the Control of VOCs and Air Toxics”. Pulp & Paper Centre, University of Toronto, March 9, 2000.
5. Z. LU, W. Hegemann (1996): Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion for Treatment of Organic Wastewater Containing High Formaldehyde, Environmental Conference in Berlin, in German, October 1996.
6. Z. LU, W. Hegemann (1994): Anaerobic Treatment of Wastewater From Wood Industry Using Anaerobic Filter Reactor, Environmental Industry Conference in Munich, 1994.
Authorship of Technical Reports and Proceedings
1. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 7 (September 01 - 30, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, October 10, 2000.
2. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 6 (August 01 - 31, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, August 31, 2000.
3. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 5 (July 01 - 31, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, July 31, 2000.
4. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 4 (June 01 - 30, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, June 30, 2000.
5. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 3 (May 01 - 31, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, May 31, 2000.
6. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 2 (April 01 - 30, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, April 30, 2000.
7. Characterization and Enhancement of the BIOSCRUB Process for the Treatment of Terpenes. Progress Report 1 (March 01 - 31, 2000). Submitted to CMS Group Inc., Concord, Ontario, Canada, and IRAP Ontario, Canada. Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, March 31, 2000.
8. Anaerobic Treatment of a High Concentrated and Formaldehyde-containing Wastewater. Technical University of Berlin, March 1998.
9. Z. LU, Xianlong Zhang & Tian Zhiao (1985): The Environmental Impact Assessment of Hunan Medicinal Production Factory, Hunan Environmental Science and Research Institute, (in Chinese), 1985
10. Z. LU & Xianlong Zhang (1984): The Environmental Impact Assessment of Hunan Wood-processing Factory, Hunan Environmental Science and Research Institute, (in Chinese), 1984