


  • 中文名:盧少雲
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 職稱:教授


1. 狗牙根矮化突變體矮化抗旱機理研究(拳試30972027, 2010-2012),31萬元。
2. ABA調控草坪草抗旱性艱堡永府墊鍵的分子機理研究,國家自然科學基金(30671478,2007-2009)


1. Lu S, Chen C, Wang Z, Guo Z, Li H. Physiological responses of somaclonal variants of triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) to drought stress. Plant Cell Reports, 2009. 28(3): 517-526
2. Lu S, Wang Z, Niu Y, Chen Y, Lin J, Yan K, Guo Z. Selection of dwarf mutants of common bermudagrass and analysis for their drought tolerance. Plant Breeding, 2009. 128(2):205-209
3. Lu S, Su W, Li H, Guo Z. ABA increased drought tolerance in triploid bermudagrass involving H2O2 and NO generation.. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2009. 47: 132-138
4. Chen C, Lu S, Chen Y, Wang Z, Niu Y, Guo Z. A gamma-ray induced dwarf mutant from seeded bermudagrass and its physiological responses to drought stress. Journal of American Society of Horticulture Science, 2009. 134(1): 1-9 (並列第一達獄腳翻)
5. Zhang Y, Tan J, Guo Z, Lu S, Shu W, Zhou B. Increased ABA levels in 9 cis – epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase over-expressing transgenic tobacco influences H2O2 and NO production and antioxidant defences. Plant Cell & Environment, 2009. 32:509-519
6. Tan J, Tang H, Niu Y, Chen Y, Lu S, Guo Z. Selection of dwarf mutants of Stylosanthes guianensis. Tropical Grasslands, 2009. 43:53-61
7. Wan X, Tan J, Lu S, Wang X, Lin C, Hu Y, Guo Z. The increased tolerance to oxidative stress in transgenic tobaccos expressing a wheat oxalate oxidase gene via induction of antioxidant enzymes is mediated by H2O2. Physiologia Plantarum, 2009. 136(1):30-44
8. Lu S, Wang Z, Niu Y, Guo Z, Huang B. Antioxidant responses of radiation-induced dwarf mutants of bermudagrass to drought stress. Journal of American Society of Horticulture Science, 2008. 133(3): 360-366
9. Liu M, Yang J, Lu S, Guo Z, Lin X, Wu H. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.). In Vitro Cellular Development-Plant, 2008. 44:100–104
10. Zhang Y, Yang J, Lu S, Cai J, Guo Z. Over-expressing SgNCED1 in tobacco increases ABA level, antioxidant enzyme activities and stress tolerance. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2008. 27:151-158
11. Lu S, Peng X, Guo Z, Zhang G, Wang Z, Wang C, Pang C, Fan Z P, Wang J. In vitro selection of salinity tolerant variants from triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and their physiological responses to salt and drought stress. Plant Cell Reports, 2007. 26 (8): 1413-1420
12. Guo Z, Huang M, Lu S, Zhao Y, Zhong Q. Differential response to paraquat induced oxidative stress in two rice cultivars on antioxidants and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2007. 29: 39-46
13. Lu S, Wang Z, Peng X Guo Z*, Zhang G, and Han L. An efficient callus suspension culture system for triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and somaclonal variations. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2006. 87(1): 77-84
14. Guo Z, Ou W, Lu S, and Zhong Q. Differential responses of antioxidative system to chilling and drought in four rice cultivars differing in sensitivity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2006. 44:828-836
15. 郭振飛,盧少雲.狗牙根生物技術與抗逆育種研究進展. 中山大學學報(自然科學版),2006, 45(增刊2):6-11
16. 盧少雲,彭新湘,郭振飛。利用生物技術提高三倍體狗牙根抗逆性。草地學報,2006. 14(2):196-197
17. Lu S, Guo Z, Lu J, Zhong J, Han L. Effect of abscisic acid on chilling injury of centipedgrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 2005, 10: 862-8661.
18. Qin C, Lu S, Yang J, Guo Z, Han L. Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of manilagrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 2005, 10: 555-557
19. Guo Z, Tan H, Zhu Z, Lu S, Zhou B. Effect of intermediates on ascorbic acid and oxalate biosynthesis of rice and in relation to its stress resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2005. 43:955-962
20. Lu S, Guo Z, Peng X. Effects of ABA and S-3307 on drought resistance and antioxidative enzyme activity of turfgrass. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 2003. 78(5): 663-666
21. Zhang G, Lu S,,Chen, TA, Funk CR, Meyer, WA. Transformation of triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis cv. TifEagle) by means of biolistic bombardment. Plant Cell Reports. 2003. 21:860-864
22. 盧少雲, 陳斯平, 陳斯曼, 梁瀟, 郭振飛. 三種暖季型草坪草脯氨酸含量和抗氧化酶活性對乾旱的反應. 園藝學報, 2003. 30(3): 303-306
23. 盧少雲, 郭振飛, 陳永傳. 狗牙根的組織培養及其矮化變異體研究初報. 園藝學報, 2003. 30(4): 482-484
24. 盧少雲,陳斯曼,陳斯平,郭振飛. ABA、多效唑和烯效唑提高狗牙根抗旱性的效應. 草業學報, 2003. 12(3): 100-104
25. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 草坪草逆境生理研究進展. 草業學報, 2003. 12(4):7-13
26. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 狗牙根的組織培養及植株再生. 植物生理通訊.2003. 39(6):626
27. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 草地早熟禾的組織培養和植株再生. 植物生理通訊.2003. 39(4):355


1. 南方牧草和草坪草抗逆性研究。2008年,廣東省科學技術三等獎(A03-0-3-01)。
2. 體細胞無性系變異草坪草育種方法。2004年,國家發明專利(021149712)。


2.參與承擔 “高級植物生理學”、“草業生物技術”、“植物科學研究技術”等研究生課程。
6. Tan J, Tang H, Niu Y, Chen Y, Lu S, Guo Z. Selection of dwarf mutants of Stylosanthes guianensis. Tropical Grasslands, 2009. 43:53-61
7. Wan X, Tan J, Lu S, Wang X, Lin C, Hu Y, Guo Z. The increased tolerance to oxidative stress in transgenic tobaccos expressing a wheat oxalate oxidase gene via induction of antioxidant enzymes is mediated by H2O2. Physiologia Plantarum, 2009. 136(1):30-44
8. Lu S, Wang Z, Niu Y, Guo Z, Huang B. Antioxidant responses of radiation-induced dwarf mutants of bermudagrass to drought stress. Journal of American Society of Horticulture Science, 2008. 133(3): 360-366
9. Liu M, Yang J, Lu S, Guo Z, Lin X, Wu H. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro) Hack.). In Vitro Cellular Development-Plant, 2008. 44:100–104
10. Zhang Y, Yang J, Lu S, Cai J, Guo Z. Over-expressing SgNCED1 in tobacco increases ABA level, antioxidant enzyme activities and stress tolerance. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 2008. 27:151-158
11. Lu S, Peng X, Guo Z, Zhang G, Wang Z, Wang C, Pang C, Fan Z P, Wang J. In vitro selection of salinity tolerant variants from triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and their physiological responses to salt and drought stress. Plant Cell Reports, 2007. 26 (8): 1413-1420
12. Guo Z, Huang M, Lu S, Zhao Y, Zhong Q. Differential response to paraquat induced oxidative stress in two rice cultivars on antioxidants and chlorophyll a fluorescence. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2007. 29: 39-46
13. Lu S, Wang Z, Peng X Guo Z*, Zhang G, and Han L. An efficient callus suspension culture system for triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon transvaalensis × C. dactylon) and somaclonal variations. Plant Cell, Tissue & Organ Culture, 2006. 87(1): 77-84
14. Guo Z, Ou W, Lu S, and Zhong Q. Differential responses of antioxidative system to chilling and drought in four rice cultivars differing in sensitivity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2006. 44:828-836
15. 郭振飛,盧少雲.狗牙根生物技術與抗逆育種研究進展. 中山大學學報(自然科學版),2006, 45(增刊2):6-11
16. 盧少雲,彭新湘,郭振飛。利用生物技術提高三倍體狗牙根抗逆性。草地學報,2006. 14(2):196-197
17. Lu S, Guo Z, Lu J, Zhong J, Han L. Effect of abscisic acid on chilling injury of centipedgrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 2005, 10: 862-8661.
18. Qin C, Lu S, Yang J, Guo Z, Han L. Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of manilagrass. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal. 2005, 10: 555-557
19. Guo Z, Tan H, Zhu Z, Lu S, Zhou B. Effect of intermediates on ascorbic acid and oxalate biosynthesis of rice and in relation to its stress resistance. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2005. 43:955-962
20. Lu S, Guo Z, Peng X. Effects of ABA and S-3307 on drought resistance and antioxidative enzyme activity of turfgrass. J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 2003. 78(5): 663-666
21. Zhang G, Lu S,,Chen, TA, Funk CR, Meyer, WA. Transformation of triploid bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon x C. transvaalensis cv. TifEagle) by means of biolistic bombardment. Plant Cell Reports. 2003. 21:860-864
22. 盧少雲, 陳斯平, 陳斯曼, 梁瀟, 郭振飛. 三種暖季型草坪草脯氨酸含量和抗氧化酶活性對乾旱的反應. 園藝學報, 2003. 30(3): 303-306
23. 盧少雲, 郭振飛, 陳永傳. 狗牙根的組織培養及其矮化變異體研究初報. 園藝學報, 2003. 30(4): 482-484
24. 盧少雲,陳斯曼,陳斯平,郭振飛. ABA、多效唑和烯效唑提高狗牙根抗旱性的效應. 草業學報, 2003. 12(3): 100-104
25. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 草坪草逆境生理研究進展. 草業學報, 2003. 12(4):7-13
26. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 狗牙根的組織培養及植株再生. 植物生理通訊.2003. 39(6):626
27. 盧少雲, 郭振飛. 草地早熟禾的組織培養和植株再生. 植物生理通訊.2003. 39(4):355


1. 南方牧草和草坪草抗逆性研究。2008年,廣東省科學技術三等獎(A03-0-3-01)。
2. 體細胞無性系變異草坪草育種方法。2004年,國家發明專利(021149712)。


2.參與承擔 “高級植物生理學”、“草業生物技術”、“植物科學研究技術”等研究生課程。


