


2003-09~2008-06 浙江大學,博士
1999-09~2003-07 湖南科技大學,本科
2023-04~至今, 中國科學院空天信息創新研究院, 研究員
2020-03~2023-03,中國科學院空天信息創新研究院, 副研究員
2019-08~2020-06,美國波士頓大學, 訪問學者
2012-03~2019-08,中國科學院遙感與數字地球研究所, 副研究員
2012-02~2012-07,澳大利亞墨爾本大學, 訪問學者
2011-05~2012-01,中國科學院遙感套用研究所, 助理研究員
2008-07~2010-04,中國科學院遙感套用研究所, 博士後、助理研究員
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Lu, S., Wu, B., Yan, N., Wang, H. 2011. Water body mapping method with HJ-1A/B satellite imagery. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 3(13): 428-434.
Lu, S., Wu, B., Li, F. 2011. Wetland pattern change in Hai Basin. Journal of Remote Sensing, 15(2): 349-371.
Lu, S., Zou, L., Shen, X., Wu, W., Zhang, Z. 2010. Multi-spectral remote sensing image enhancement method based on PCA and IHS transformation. Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A, 16(6): 453-460.
Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L., et al. 2008. Remote sensing image enhancement method of the fault thermal information based on scale analysis: A case study of Jiangshan-Shaoxing fault between Jinhua and Quzhou of Zhejiang Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51(5): 1047-1057.
Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L., et al. 2008. An integrated classification method for Thematic Mapper imagery of plain and highland terrains. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 9(6): 858-866.
Lu, S., Shen, X., Zou, L. 2006. Land cover change in Ningbo and its surrounding area of Zhejiang Province, 1987-2000. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 7(4): 633-640.
Fang, C., Lu, S., Li, M., Wang, Y., Li, X., Tang, H., Ikhumhen, H.O. 2023. Lake water storage estimation method based on similar characteristics of above-water and underwater topography.
Li, M., Lu, S., Du, C., Wang, Y., Fang, C., Li, X., Tang, H., Ali Baig, M.H., Ikhumhen, O. 2022. Time-series surface water reconstruction method (TSWR) based on spatial distance relationship of multi-stage water boundaries. International Journal of Digital Earth, 15(1): 2335–2354.
Tang, H., Lu, S., Baig, M.H.A., Li, M., Fang, C., Wang, Y. 2022. Large-Scale Surface Water Mapping Based on Landsat and Sentinel-1 Images. Water, 14: 1454.
Wang, Y., Lu, S., Zi, F., Tang, H., Li, M., Li, X., Fang, C., Ikhumhen, H.O. 2022. Artificial and Natural Water Bodies Change in China, 2000–2020. Water, 14: 1756.
Chen, Y., Lu, S., Zhou, J., Ali Baig, M.H., Chen, F., Tang, H., Zhang, Y., Yang, X., Ge, L. 2021. Hydrological ecosystem changes and impacts after the Zonag Lake outburst in Hoh Xil of Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X 6: 100064.
Zhai, Z., Lu, S., Wang, P., Tang, H., Liu, D., Han, Q., Guo, J., Liu, X., Wei, T. 2021. Ocean Chlorophyll-a retrieval using GF1-WFV data-a case study of the central Bohai Sea. IOP Conference Series: Earth Environmental Science, 626: 012021.
Tang, H., Lu, S., Cheng, Y., Ge, L., Zhang, J. 2019. Analysis of dynamic changes and influence factors of Lake Balkhash in the last twenty years. Journal of Groundwater Science and Engineering, 7(3): 214-223.
Ikhumhen, H.O., Li, T., Lu, S., Matomela, N. 2020. Assessment of a novel data driven habitat suitability ranking approach for Larus relictus specie using remote sensing and GIS. Ecological Modelling, 432: 109221.
Ikhumhen, H.O., Li, T., Lu, S., Matomela, N. 2020. Larus relictus HABITAT HIERARCHICAL EVALUATION BASED ON A DATA DRIVEN APPROACH. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 19(12): 2217-2229.
Du, H, Xue, X., Wang, T., Lu, S., Liao, J., Li, S., Fan, Y., Liu, X. 2022. Modeling dust emission in alpine regions with low air temperature and low air pressure – A case study on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). Geoderma, 422: 115930.
Zhao, G., Yao, P., Fu, L., Zhang, Z., Lu, S., Long, T. 2022. A Deep Learning Method Based on Two-Stage CNN Framework for Recognition of Chinese Reservoirs with Sentinel-2 Images. Water, 14: 3755.
Zhang, S., Ma, Y., Chen, F., Liu, J., Chen, F., Lu, S., Jiang, L., Li, D. 2020. A new method for supporting interpretation of paleochannels in a large scale — Detrended Digital Elevation Model Interpretation. Geomorphology, 369: 107374.
Zhang, Q., Jin, J., Zhu, L., Lu, S. 2018. Modeling of water surface temperature of three lakes on the Tibetan Plateau using a physically based lake model. Atmosphere-Ocean.
Li J., Guo, Y., Wang, Y., Lu, S., Chen, X. 2018. Drought Propagation Patterns under Naturalized Condition Using Daily Hydrometeorological Data. Advances in Meteorology.
Zhang, L., Lu, D., Li, Q., Lu, S. 2018. Impacts of socioeconomic factors on cropland transition and its adaptation in Beijing, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77: 575.
Zhang, L., Li, X., Lu, S., Jia, K. 2016. Multi-scale object-based measurement of arid plant community structure. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(10): 2168-2179.
Zhu, W., Wu, B., Lu, S. 2014. An improved empirical method for large spatial scale surface soil heat flux estimations. Earth and Environmental Science, 17: 1-6.
Baig, M.H.A., Zhang, L., Wang, S., Jiang, G., Lu, S., Tong, Q. 2013. Comparison of MNDWI and DFI for water mapping in flooding season. IEEE IGARSS, 2876-2879.
Xing, Q., Wu, B., Zhu, W., Lu, S. 2013. The improved ET calculation in winter by introducing radar-based aerodynamic roughness information into ETWatch System. IEEE IGARSS, 1824-1826.
Wu, W., Zou, L., Shen, X., Lu, S., et al. 2012. Thermal anomalies associated with faults: a case study of the Jinhua–Quzhou basin of Zhejiang Province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 33(6): 1850-1867.
Wu, W., Zou, L., Shen, X., Lu, S., et al. 2012. Thermal infrared remote-sensing detection of thermal information associated with faults: A case study in Western Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 43: 110-117.
Zhang, X., Wu, B., Li, X., Lu, S. 2012. Soil erosion risk and its spatial pattern in upstream area of Guanting reservoir. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(1): 221-229.
Ouyang, N., Lu, S., Zhu, J., Wu, B., Wang, H. 2011. Wetland Restoration Suitability Evaluation at the Watershed Scale - A Case Study in Upstream of the Yongdinghe River. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 10: 1926-1932.
Wang, H., Wu, B., Lu, S., Li, J., Ouyang, N. 2011. Water resources estimation model based on remote sensing evapotranspiration. ISWREP, 2: 936-939.
Li, R., Shi, J., Zhao, T., Wang, T., Lu, S. 2020. Soil moisture estimation based on Landsat-8 and Modis in the upstream of Luan River Basin China. IGARSS 2020 - 2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYMPOSIUM , pp.4922-4925.
Wang, L., Liu, H., Zhong, X., Zhou, J., Zhu, L., Yao, T., Xie, C., Ju, J., Chen, D., Yang, K., Zhao, L., Lu, S., et al. 2022. Domino effect of a natural cascade alpine lake system on the Third Pole, PNAS Nexus, 1: 1–9.
Guo, H., Liang, D., Sun, Z., Chen, F., Wang, X., Li, J., Bian, J., Wei, Y., Huang, L., Chen, Y., Peng, D., Li, X., Lu, S., Liu, J., Shirazi, Z. 2022. Measuring and evaluating SDG indicators with Big Earth Data. Science Bulletin, 67(17): 1792-1801.
盧善龍, 賈立, 蔣雲鐘, 王宗明, 段洪濤, 沈明, 田雨, 盧靜. 2021. 聯合國可持續發展目標 6(清潔飲水與衛生設施)監測評估:進展與展望. 中國科學院院刊, 36(8):904-913.
盧善龍, 金繼明, 賈立等. 2017. 基於MODIS MOD09Q1的青海、西藏湖泊水面數據集(2000~2012). 中國科學數據, 2(2).
盧善龍, 肖高懷, 賈立等. 2016. 2000~2012 年青藏高原湖泊水面時空過程數據集遙感提取. 國土資源遙感. 28(3): 181-187.
盧善龍, 吳炳方, 李發鵬等. 2010. 河川徑流遙感監測研究進展. 地球科學進展, 25(8): 820-826.
牛振國, 盧善龍, 朱亮. 2017. 白洋淀流域地表水和濕地減少嚴重. 中國科學院專報信息, 112. 中辦國辦採納.
王 輝, 盧善龍, 丁俊, 邱玉寶, 唐海龍, 閆強. 2020. 氣候變化對南極冰面湖的影響研究—以埃默里和拉森A冰架為例. 極地研究, 32(3): 322-335.
馬小奇, 盧善龍, 馬津等. 2019. 基於地形參數的湖泊水儲量估算方法——以青藏高原納要錯為例. 國土資源遙感. 31(4), 167-173.
翟召坤, 盧善龍, 暴柱等, 2018. 基於GF-1衛星WFV數據的潘家口水庫水質參數遙感估算模型研究. 中國水利水電科學研究院學報, 16(4): 297-306.
馬津, 盧善龍, 齊建國, 翟召坤. 2019. 水文資料缺乏區河流流量遙感估算模型研究與套用. 測繪科學, 44(5): 184-190.
翟召坤, 盧善龍, 王萍等. 2017. 基於NSIDC海冰產品的FY北極海冰數據集最佳化. 地球信息科學, 19(2): 143-151.
王浩, 盧善龍, 吳炳方, 李曉松. 2013. 不透水面提取及套用研究進展. 地球科學進展, 28(3): 327-336
歐陽寧雷, 盧善龍, 吳炳方, 朱建軍, 王浩. 2012. 流域尺度濕地恢復及可行性評價——以白洋淀流域為例. 濕地科學. 10(2): 200-205.
王京, 盧善龍, 吳炳方等. 2010. 近40年白洋淀濕地土地區覆被變化分析. 地球信息科學學報, 12(2): 292-299.
陳喜芬, 吳文淵, 盧善龍, 徐俊鋒, 張登榮, 胡潭高. 2021. 基於Keyhole和Landsat MSS融合影像的土地利用變化監測研究——以杭州灣南岸為例. 北京師範大學學報(自然科學版), 57(06): 845-853.
孫玉燕, 張磊, 盧善龍, 劉紅超. 2020. 基於動態NDSI閾值的每日積雪監測方法. 地球信息科學學報, 22(2): 298-307.
肖高懷, 侯淑濤, 盧善龍等. 2015. 基於Saxton 模型的土壤水分特徵柵格化計算平台研究. 東北農業大學學報. 46(5): 68-74.
王立輝,於順利,周晉峰,盧善龍. 2021. 羅布泊及周邊地區植物區系和植被特徵兼論植被的恢復與保護.綠色科技, 23(18): 1-5.
王浩, 吳炳方, 李曉松, 盧善龍. 2011. 流域尺度的不透水面遙感提取. 遙感學報, 15(2): 288-400.
武文波, 姬翠翠, 李曉松, 盧善龍等. 2010. 影響土壤水蝕的環境因子分析. 中國水土保持, 5: 36-38.
羅海靜, 資鋒, 陳玲, 張微, 盧善龍. 2015. 高分一號衛星在國土資源領域的套用及前景. 衛星套用, 3: 41-43.
吳炳方, 周月敏, 閆娜娜, 曾源, 熊雋, 李曉松, 盧善龍, 張磊. 2009. 區域生態遙感的發展與未來. 遙感學報, 13(s1): 138-144.
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《三北防護林工程生態環境效應遙感監測與評估研究》, 科學出版社, 2016.
青藏高原湖泊過程及其與大氣相互作用的高解析度模式發展和模擬研究, 負責人, 國家任務, 2017-01--2020-12
面向水資源管理的天然水循環要素遙感監測技術研究, 負責人, 國家任務, 2017-07--2020-12
資源環境承載力綜合評價技術系統集成與套用, 負責人, 國家任務, 2017-01--2020-12
一帶一路可持續發展指標選擇與示範, 參與, 中國科學院計畫, 2018-10--2022-12
湖泊演變與氣候變化回響, 參與, 國家任務, 2019-11--2022-10
地球大數據支撐水安全可持續發展目標研究, 負責人, 中國科學院計畫, 2021-01--2022-12
長江源卓乃湖-鹽湖流域河流與湖泊水系統變化研究, 負責人, 國家任務, 2022-01--2025-12
興都庫什-喜馬拉雅區域可持續發展遙感評估與能力建設, 負責人, 國家任務, 2022-01--2024-12
青海省河湖水繫結構穩定性及災變風險研究, 負責人, 地方任務, 2021-11--2024-12


