


  • 中文名:盧乃吉
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:統計方法與大數據分析
  • 任職院校:哈爾濱工業大學經濟與管理學院


2002.9-2007.6 羅徹斯特大學數學系,數學博士學位
1998.9-2002.6 南京大學數學系,數學學士學位
2014. 9 - 哈爾濱工業大學管理學院,研究員、碩士生導師
2010. 10- 2014.8 羅徹斯特大學醫學院,研究助理教授
2007. 9- 2010.9 羅徹斯特大學醫學院,博士後研究員




Annals of Biometrics and Biostatistics雜誌編委
Austin Statistics雜誌編委


1. Lu, N., Tang, W., He, H., Yu, Q., Crits-Christoph, P., Hui, Z. and Tu, X.M. (2009). On the impact of parametric assumptions and robust alternatives for longitudinal data analysis.Biometrical Journal.51,4:627-643.
2. Lu, N., Zhang, H., Ma, Y. and Tu, X.M. (2011). Robust Inference for Intraclass Correlation Coefficients. JSM 2011 Proceeding: 318-329.
3. Lu, N., Gunzler, D., Zhang, H., Wu, P., X.M. and Kowalski, J.(2014): Functional Response Models for Intraclass Correlation Coefficients. Journal of Applied Statistics. 41(11), 2539-255
4. Lu, N., Han, Y., Chen, T., Gunzler, D.D., Xia, Y., Lin, J.Y. and Tu, X.M. (2013): Power analysis for cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry, 25: 259-262.
5. Lu, N. (2014). Social network endogeneity and its implications for statistical and causal inferences. In 142nd APHA Annual Meeting and Exposition (November 15-November 19, 2014). APHA.
6. Gunzler, D., Lu, N., Tang, W., Wu, P., and Tu, X.M. (2013) A Class of Distribution-free Models for Longitudinal Mediation Analysis. Psychometrika.79(4), 543-568
7. Wu, P., Gunzler, D., Lu, N., Wymen, P. and Tu, X.M.(2014) Causal Inference for Community-based Multi-layered Intervention Study. Statistics in Medicine. 33(22), 3905-3918.
8. Feng, C., Wang, H., Lu, N., and Tu, X. M. (2013). Log-transformation: Applications and interpreatation in biomedical research. Statistics in Medicine. 32(2)230-239.
9. Zhang, H., Lu, N., Feng, C., Thurston, S., Xia, Y. and Tu, X.M. (2011) On Fitting Generalized Linear Mixed-effects Models for Binary Responses using Different Statistical Packages. Statistics in Medicine 30(20), 2562-2572
10. Schiavenatoa, M., Byersb, J., Scovannerc, P., McMahona, J., Xia. Y.,Lu, N. and He, H. (2008). Neonatal pain facial expression: Evaluating the primal face of pain. Pain. 138, 2:460-471.
11. Jungquist, C.R., Chris O, Matteson-Rusby, S., Smith M., Pigeon, W., Xia, Y., Lu, N. and Perlis, M. (2010). The Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia in Patients with Chronic Pain. Sleep Medicine. 11:302-309.
12. Pigeon, W., May, P., Perlis, M., Ward, E., Lu, N. and Talbot, N. (2009). The effect of Interpersonal Therapy for Depression on Insomnia Symptoms in a Cohort of Women with Sexual Abuse Histories. Journal of Traumatic Stress. 22,6:634-638.
13. Grabovich, A., Lu, N., Tang, W., Tu, X.M. and Lyness, J. (2010). Outcomes of Subsyndromal Depression in Older Primary Care Patients. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 18(3):227-235.
14. Silenzio, V.M.B., Duberstein, PR, Wan, T., Lu, N., Tu, X.M. and Homan CM. (2009) Connecting the invisible dots: Reaching lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents and young adults at risk for suicide through online social networks. Social Science and Medicine, 69(3):469-474.
15. Cerulli, C., Cerulli, J., Santos, E., Lu, N., He, H., Johnson, K.A., White, A.M. and Tu, X.M. (2010) Does the Health Status of Intimate Partner Violence Victims Warrant Pharmacies as Portals for Public Health Awareness, Advocacy and Facilitation. Journal of the American Pharmacist Association. 50(2):200-6.
16. Britton, P.C., Bossarte, R., Lu, N., He, H., Currier, G., Crilly, J., Richardson, T., Tu, X.M. and Knox, K.(2010) Prevalence, correlates, and symptom profiles of depression among men with a history of military service. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 45(6):621-629
17. Poleshuck, E. L., Talbot, Lu, N., Su, H., Tu, X., Chaudron, L., Gamble, S., & Giles, D. E. (2009). Pain as a predictor of depression treatment outcomes in women with childhood sexual abuse. Comprehensive psychiatry, 50(3), 215-220.
18. Talbot, N., Chaudron, L., Ward, E., Duberstein, P., Conwell, Y., O’Hara, M., Tu, X., Lu, N., He, H. and Stuart, S. (2011) A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Women with Sexual Abuse Histories. Psychiatric Services, 62(4):374-80.
19. Cort, N.,Gamble, S. A., Smith, P. N., Chaudron, Lu, N, He, H. and Talbot, N. (2012). Predictors of Treatment Outcomes among Depressed Women with Childhood Sexual Abuse Histories. Depression and Anxiety. 29(6):479-486.
20. Chen, S., Conwell, Y., Vanorden, K., Lu, N., Fang,Y., Ma, Y and Chiu, H. (2012) Prevalence and natural course of late-life depression in China primary care: A population based study from an urban community.Journal of Affective Disorders. 141(1): 86-93.
21. Conner, K.R., Bohnert, AS., McCarthy, JF., Valenstein M, Bossarte R, Ignacio R, Lu, N, Ilgen MA.(2012) Mental disorder comorbidity and suicide among 2.96 million men receiving care in the Veterans Health Administration health system. Journal of Abnormal Psychology122(1), 256-263.
22. Feng, C., Wang, H., Lu, N. and Tu, X. M. (2013). Response to comments on ‘Log transformation: Application and interpretation in biomedical research’. Statistics in medicine, 32(21), 3772-3774.
23. KoltzEffect, B.R., Russell, D., Lu, N, Bonfiglio, TA, Varghese S.(2013) Effect of Thin Prep® imaging system on laboratory rate and relative sensitivity of atypical squamous cells, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion not excluded and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion interpretations. CytoJournal 10(1):6-21.
24. White, A.M., Lu, N ,Cerulli, C. and Tu, X.M.(2014) Exploring benefits academic-community research training: Rochester's suicide prevention training institutes. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education and Action. 8(1), 125-137.
25. Feng, C. Wang, H., Tu, X. M., Xia, Y., and Lu, N. Some theoretical comparisons of negative binomial and zero-inflated Poisson distributions. Communications in Statistics, theory and Methods. In press.
26. Homan, C., Lu, N., Tu, X., Lytle, M. C., &Silenzio, V. (2014). Social structure and depression in TrevorSpace. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative work & social computing (pp. 615-625). ACM.
27. Conner, K.R., Bossarte, R., Lu, N., Kaukeinen, K., Chan, G., Wyman, P., Tu, X.M., Goldston, D., Houston, R., Bucholz, K. and Hesselbrock, V. (2014) Parent and child psychopathology and suicide attempts among children of parents with alcohol use disorder. Archives of Suicide Research. 18(2):117-130.
28. Feng, C., Wang, H., Lu, N., Chen, T., He, H., Lu, Y., Tu, X.M., Goldston, D., Houston, R., Bucholz, K. and Hesselbrock, V. (2013) Log-transformation and Its Implications for Data Analysis. Shanghai Archives of Psychiatry. 26(2), 105-109.
29. Bossarte, R.M., Karras, L., Lu, N., Tu, X.M., Stephens, B., Draper, J. and Kemp, J.E. (2014). Associations between the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Suicide Prevention Campaign and calls to related Crisis Lines. Public Health Reports, 129(6): 516-525.
30. Chen, R., Chen, T., Lu, N., Zhang, H., Wu, P., Feng, C. and Tu, X.M. (2014) Extending the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test to longitudinal data analysis with covariates. Journal of Applied Statistics, 41 (12), 2658-2675.
31. Conner, K. R., Bossarte, R. M., He, H., Arora, J., Lu, N., Tu, X. M., & Katz, I. R. (2014). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Suicide in 5.9 Million Individuals Receiving Care in the Veterans Health Administration Health System. Journal of Affective Disorders 166:1-5.
32. Conner, K. R., Wyman, P., Goldston, D. B., Bossarte, R. M., Lu, N., Kaukeinen, K., Hesselbrock, V. M. (2014). Two studies of connectedness to parents and suicidal thoughts and behavior in children and adolescents. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 158: 1-12.
33. Ellen L. Poleshuck, E.L., Gamble, S.A., Bellenger, K., Lu, N., Tu, X.M., Sorensen, S., Giles, D.E., Talbot, N. (2014). Randomized controlled trial of Interpersonal Psychotherapy versus Enhanced Treatment as Usual for women with co-occurring depression and pelvic pain. Journal of psychosomatic research, 77(4), 264-272.
34. Xia, Y., Lu, N., Katz, I., Bossarte, R., Arora, J., He, H. and Tu, X. M. (2015). Models for surveillance data under reporting delay: applications to US veteran first-time suicide attempters. Journal of Applied Statistics, 69, 1-16.
35. Chen, S., Conwell, Y., He, J., Lu, N. and Wu, J. (2015). Depression care management for adults older than 60 years in primary care clinics in urban China: a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Psychiatry, 2(4): 332-339.
36. (2015). On Performance of Parametric and Distribution-free Models for Zero-inflated and Over-dispersed Count Responses. In press.
1. Tu, X.M, White, A. and Lu, N. (2013) Social Networking: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook. Nova Science Publishers, New York.
2. Xia, Y., Lu, N., Zhang, H., Gunzler, D., Zubenko, G.S. and Tu, X.M. (2012) Statistical methods and issues in the study of suicide. In Frontiers in Suicide Prevention and Research, Editors: Lavigne, J. Nova Science, Hauppauge.
3. Lavigne J., King, DA., Lu, N, Kemp, J, Knox, KL. (2012) Pharmacist and pharmacy staff knowledge and attitudes towards suicide and suicide prevention: Lessons from a national training program in the US Department of Veterans Affairs. In Frontiers in Suicide Prevention and Research, Editors: Lavigne, J.. Nova Science, Hauppauge.
4. King, DA., Heather Von Bergen (In Memoriam), Knox, KL.,Wood,J., Stephenson,K., Chauncey, L., Lu, N,, Kaukeinen, K. and Janet E. Kemp. (2012) Operation S.A.V.E.: Suicide Prevention Training for Front-Line Employees in the US Department of Veterans Health Affairs, Editors: J. Lavigne. Nova Science, Hauppauge.
5. Tang, W., Lu, N., Chen, R. and Zhang, H. Longitudinal Data Analysis. (2012) In Modern Clinical Trial Analysis, Editors: Tang, W. and Tu, X.M. Springer Science.
6. Lu, N., White, A., Wu, P., He, H., Hu, J., Feng, C. and Tu, X.M. (2013) Implications of Social Network Endogeneity: From Statistical to Causal Inferences. Social Networking: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Outlook. Nova Science Publishers, New York.
1. 1 R01 GM108337-01 Lu/He/White (PIs), NIH, 07/01/13 – 03/31/16, 主要負責人
2. CTSI Program UL1 TR000042 Lu (PI), NIH, 07/01/14 – 06/31/16, 主要負責人
3. 1 R01 MH100298-01 Conwell (PI), NIH, 04/01/13 – 03/31/18,統計學家
4. 5 R01 CE001882-02 Conner (PI), CDC, 08/01/10 – 07/31/13, 統計學家
5. 5 R01 HL105520-02 Bisognano (PI), NIH, 04/01/11 – 03/31/16, 統計學家
6. 4 R33 DA027521-02 Tang (PI), NIH, 09/01/09 – 08/31/10, 統計學家


