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  • 中文名:白志毅
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1978年8月
  • 性別:男




2009年1月-2011年12月:上海市科委地方院校能力建設項目 “三角帆蚌抗病品系基因輔助選育研究”參與。


2014年12月:三角帆蚌“申紫1號” 被全國水產原種和良種審定委員會認定為新品種(品種登記號GS-01-011-2014),通訊聯繫人。
2006年12月: “康樂蚌”被全國水產原種和良種審定委員會認定為新品種(品種登記號GS-02-001-2006),參與。
2005年12月: “新吉富”羅非魚被全國水產原種和良種審定委員會認定為新品種(品種登記號GS-01-001-2005),參與。




2013年6月:授權國家發明專利“一種貝類雷射標記方法” (ZL201110030365.5)李家樂,付龍龍,白志毅,金武,朱文彬。
2013年04月:授權國家發明專利“一種三角帆蚌幼蚌DNA活體取樣方法”(ZL 201110455655.4)羅明、李家樂、白志毅、郭詩照。
2012年11月:授權國家實用新型專利“一種適於養殖淡水貝類的軟圍隔”(ZL 201220023931.X)白志毅、趙永超、李家樂。
2011年11月:授權實用新型專利“複式三角帆蚌稚蚌培育裝置”(專利號:ZL 201020676879.9)。白志毅、李家樂、馮冰冰、張根芳。


Bai Zhiyi, Han Xuekai, Luo Ming, Lin Jingyun, Wang Guiling, Li jiale. Constructing a microsatellite-based linkage map and identifying QTL for pearl quality traits in triangle pearl mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii). Aquaculture.doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.11.08.
韓學凱, 李家樂, 王照旗, 白志毅. 三角帆蚌四核苷酸重複微衛星的開發及特徵分析. 生物技術通報, 2014, (6): 139-144. (通訊作者)
Zhiyi Bai, Jingyun Lin, Keyi Ma, Guiling Wang, Donghong Niu, Jiale Li. Identification of housekeeping genes suitable for gene expression analysis in the pearl mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii, during biomineralization. Mol Genet Genomics, 2014, 289(4):717-725.
王照旗,韓學凱,白志毅,李家樂. 三角帆蚌紫色選育系1齡階段內殼色及生長性狀的遺傳參數估計. 水產學報, 2014, 38(5):644-650.
Liu, Xiaojun., Dong, Shaojian., Jin, Can., Bai, Zhiyi., Wang, Guiling. Li, Jiale*. Silkmapin of Hyriopsis cumingii, a novel silk-like shell matrix protein involved in nacre formation. Gene.doi:10.1016/j.gene.2014.11.006.
Xilei Li; Zhiyi Bai; Hongrui Luo; Guiling Wang; Jiale Li*. Comparative analysis of total carotenoid content in tissues of purple and white inner-shell color pearl mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii. Aquaculture International, 2014, 22(5): 1577-1585.
Li XL, Bai ZY, Luo HR, Liu Y, Wang GL, Li JL.Cloning, differential tissue expression of a novel hcApo gene, and its correlation with total carotenoid content in purple and white inner-shell color pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. Gene, 2014, 538(2): 258-265.
Gui Hong Fu, Zhi Yi Bai, Jun Hong Xia, Xiao Jun Liu, Feng Liu, Zi Yi Wan, Gen Hua Yue. Characterization of the LECT2 gene and its associations with resistance to the big belly disease in Asian seabass. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2014, 37:131-138.
Zhiyi Bai, Hanfeng Zheng, Jingyun Lin, Guiling Wang, Jiale Li. Comparative analysis of the transcriptome in tissues secreting purple and white nacre in the pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8(1): e53617.
Gui Hong Fu, Zhi Yi Bai, Jun Hong Xia, Feng Liu, Peng Liu, Gen Hua Yue. Analysis of Two Lysozyme Genes and Antimicrobial Functions of Their Recombinant Proteins in Asian Seabass. PLOS ONE, 2013, 8 (11): e79743.
XZ Chang, JL Li, ZY Bai, XL Li. Cloning and expression analysis of the 37-kDa laminin receptor precursor gene from Hyriopsis cumingii. Genetics and molecular research, 2013, 12 (4): 6130-6139.
Yongchao Zhao, Zhiyi Bai, Longlong Fu, Yue Liu, Guiling Wang, Jiale Li. Comparison of growth and pearl production in males and females of the freshwater mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii, in China. Aquaculture international, 2013, 21:1301-1310.
Yue Liu, Zhiyi Bai, Qingqing Li, Yongchao Zhao, Jiale Li. Healing and regeneration of the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii Lea after donating mantle saibos. Aquaculture, 392–395 (2013) 34–43.
Jing-Yun Lin, Ke-Yi Ma, Zhi-Yi Bai, Jia-Le Li. Molecular cloning and characterization of perlucin from the freshwater pearl mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii. Gene, 2013, 526(2):210-216.
Yubang Shen, Zhiyi Bai, Shizhao Guo, Jiale Li. Polymorphic microsatellite Loci for population genetics of the hard shelled mussel, Mytilus Coruscus. Conservation genetics resources, 2013, 5: 121-123.
夏秀琳,汪桂玲,白志毅,李家樂. 三角帆蚌鈣網蛋白基因cDNA的分子特徵與表達分析. 水產學報,2013,37(5):40-47.
林靜雲, 白志毅, 李家樂. 三角帆蚌 (Hyriopsis cumingii) Perlucin 蛋白原核表達條件的最佳化及表達產物的鑑定. 生物技術通報, 2013 (7): 114-118.
Zhiyi Bai, Ming Luo, Wenbin Zhu, Jingyun Lin, Guiling Wang, Jiale Li. Multiple paternity in the freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii (LEA, 1852). Journal of Molluscan Studies, 2012, 78(1):142-146.
羅明,白志毅,李應森,李家樂. 三角帆蚌微衛星位點篩選及多態性分析. 淡水漁業,2012,42(1):80-84.(通訊作者)
Z. Y. Bai, Z. Y. Zhu, C. M. Wang, J. H. Xia, X. P. He and G. H. Yue. Cloning and characterization of the calreticulin gene in Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). Animal, 2012, 6(6):887-893.
白志毅, 汪桂玲, 李家樂. 三角帆蚌外套膜表達的免疫相關基因篩選. 淡水漁業, 2011, 40(5): 80-82.
Longlong Fu, Zhiyi Bai, Wu Jin, Genfang Zhang, Jiale Li. Evaluation of laser labeling on growth and survival of the freshwater pearl mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii. Aquaculture international, 2012, 20(3): 431-441. (co-first author)
金武,李家樂,付龍龍,白志毅,劉越,趙永超. 三角帆蚌早期階段生長性狀遺傳參數估計.水產學報,2012,36(8):1209-1214.
Wu Jin, Zhiyi Bai, Longlong Fu, Genfang Zhang, Jiale Li. Genetic analysis of early growth traits of the triangle shell mussel, Hyriopsis cumingii, as an insight for potential genetic improvement to pearl quality and yield. Aquaculture international, 2012, 20(5): 927-933.
Bai ZY, Yuan YM, Yue GH, Li JL (2011) Molecular Cloning and Copy Number Variation of a Ferritin Subunit (Fth1) and Its Association with Growth in Freshwater Pearl Mussel Hyriopsis cumingii. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22886.
Chun Ming Wang, Zhi Yi Bai, Xiao Ping He, Grace Lin, Jun Hong Xia, Fei Sun, Loong Chueng Lo, Felicia Feng, Ze Yuan Zhu, Gen Hua Yue. A high-resolution linkage map for comparative genome analysis and QTL fine mapping in Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer. BMC Genomics 2011, 12:174.
汪桂玲, 蘇 翔, 李家樂, 白志毅. 背角無齒蚌基因組(GT)n微衛星DNA特徵分析. 生態學雜誌, 2011, 30(1): 1-6.
Jun Hong Xia, Xiao Ping He, Zhi Yi Bai, Gen Hua Yue. Identification and Characterization of 63 MicroRNAs in the Asian Seabass Lates calcarifer. Plos one, 2011, 6(3):e17537.
Bai ZY, Niu DH, Li JL. Development and characterization of EST-SSR markers in the freshwater pearl mussel (Hyriopsis Cumingii). Conservation Genetics Resources. 2011, 3(4):765-767.
白志毅, 汪桂玲, 李家樂.三角帆蚌組織蛋白酶L基因的克隆和序列特徵與進化分析.生物技術通報,2011,6:104-111.
Zhiyi Bai, Feng Liu, Jiale Li, Genhua Yue. Identification of Triploid Individuals and Clonal Lines in Carassius Auratus Complex Using Microsatellites. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2011; 7(3):279-285.
Gen Hua Yue, Jiale Li, Zhiyi Bai, Chun Ming Wang, Felicia Feng. Genetic diversity and population structure of the invasive alien red swamp crayfish. Biological Invasions, 2010, 12: 2697-2706.
Zhiyi Bai, Yuxin Yin, Songnian Hu, Guiling Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Jiale Li. Identification of genes potentially involved in pearl formation in freshwater pearl mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii) by expressed sequence tag analysis of mantle. Journal of shellfish research, 2010, 29(2): 527-534.
袁一鳴, 李家樂, 汪桂玲, 白志毅. 三角帆蚌β-肌動蛋白基因的cDNA全長克隆及表達分析. 水產學報. 2010, 34(6):34-43.
潘彬斌, 李家樂, 白志毅. 池塘養殖三角帆蚌性腺發育與生殖周期組織學研究. 上海海洋大學學報, 2010, 19(4): 452-456
汪桂玲, 李家樂, 白志毅. 三角帆蚌五個野生群體線粒體DNA16SrRNA遺傳特性. 生態學雜誌. 2010, 29(2): 377-381.
J. L. Li, G. L. Wang, Z. Y. Bai. Genetic diversity of freshwater pearl mussel (Hyriosis cumigii) in populations from five largest lakes in China revealed by inter-simple sequences repeat (ISSR). Aquaculture International, 2009, 17(4):323-330.
Zhiyi Bai, Yuxin Yin, Songnian Hu, Guiling Wang, Xiaowei Zhang, Jiale Li. Identification of Genes Involved in Immune Response, Microsatellite, and SNP Markers from Expressed Sequence Tags Generated from Hemocytes of Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Hyriopsis cumingii). Marine biotechnology, 2009, 11(4):520-530.
劉士力, 李家樂, 張根芳, 汪桂玲, 白志毅, 潘彬斌. 三角帆蚌稚蚌形態發育與生長特性. 水產學報, 2009, 33(4): 604-609.
賈名靜, 李家樂, 牛東紅, 白志毅. 長江中下游褶紋冠蚌十個群體COI基因序列變異分析. 動物學雜誌, 2009, 44(1): 1-8.
劉士力, 李家樂, 張根芳, 許式見, 汪桂玲, 白志毅. 背角無齒蚌稚蚌形態發育與生長特性. 上海海洋大學學報, 2009, 18(3): 269-274.
J. L. Li, G. L. Wang, Z. Y. Bai. Genetic variability in four wild and two farmed freshwater pearl mussel Hyriopsis cumingii from Poyang Lake in China estimated by microsatellites. Aquaculture, 2009, 287: 286-291.
Feng Liu, Jun-hong Xia, Zhi-yi Bai, Jan-jun Fu, Jia-le, Li* and Gen Hua Yue*. High genetic diversity and substantial population differentiation in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) revealed by microsatellite analysis. Aquaculture, 2009, 297: 51-56.


