
一、 學歷和工作簡歷:
2004/9 - 2008/6,中國農業科學院研究生院,動物營養與飼料科學,博士,導師:羅緒剛
2001/9 - 2004/6,瀋陽農業大學,動物營養與飼料科學,碩士,導師:袁纓
1997/9 - 2001/6,吉林農業大學,野生動物保護與利用,學士,導師:白秀娟
1. Zhang, W., Bai, S., Liu, D., Cline, M.A., Gilbert, E.R. 2015. Neuropeptide Y promotes adipogenesis in chicken adipose cells in vitro. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 181, 62-70.
2. Rice BB, Zhang W, Bai S, Siegel PB, Cline MA, Gilbert ER. 2014. Insulin-induced hypoglycemia associations with gene expression changes in liver and hypothalamus of chickens from lines selected for low or high body weight. Gen Comp Endocrinol 208C:1-4
3. Bai SP, Huang Y, Luo YH, Wang LL, Ding XM, Wang JP, Zeng QF, Zhang KY. 2014. Alteration in lymphocytes responses, cytokine and chemokine profiles in laying hens infected with Salmonella Typhimurium. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 160:235-243.
4. Bai SP, Huang L, Luo YH, Wang LL, Ding XM, Wang JP, Zeng QF, Zhang KY. 2014. Dietary manganese supplementation influences the expression of transporters involved in iron metabolism in chickens. Biol Trace Elem Res 160:352-360.
5. Bai SP, Wang LL, Luo YH, Ding XM, Yang J, Bai J, Zhang KY, Wang JP. 2014. Effects of corn naturally contaminated with aflatoxins on performance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and bone mineralization of broiler chicks. J. Poult. Sci 51:157-164.
6. Bai SP, Wu AM, Ding XM, Lei Y, Bai J, Zhang KY, Chio JS. 2013. Effects of probiotic-supplemented diets on growth performance and intestinal immune characteristics of broiler chickens. Poult Sci 92:663-670.
7. Bai SP, Lu L, Wang RL, Xi L, Zhang LY, and Luo XG. 2012. Manganese source affects manganese transport and gene expression of divalent metal transporter 1 in the small intestine of broilers. British Journal of Nutrition, 108:267-276
8. Bering SB, Bai SP, Zhang KY, and Sangild PT. 2012. Prematurity does not markedly affect intestinal sensitivity to endoxins and feeding in pigs. Br. J. Nutr. 108:672-681.
9. Bai SP, Lu L, Luo XG, Liu B. 2008. Kinetic of manganese absorption in ligated small intestinal segment of broilers. Poultry Science, 87:2596-2604.
5. Bai SP, Wang LL, Luo YH, Ding XM, Yang J, Bai J, Zhang KY, Wang JP. 2014. Effects of corn naturally contaminated with aflatoxins on performance, calcium and phosphorus metabolism, and bone mineralization of broiler chicks. J. Poult. Sci 51:157-164.
6. Bai SP, Wu AM, Ding XM, Lei Y, Bai J, Zhang KY, Chio JS. 2013. Effects of probiotic-supplemented diets on growth performance and intestinal immune characteristics of broiler chickens. Poult Sci 92:663-670.
7. Bai SP, Lu L, Wang RL, Xi L, Zhang LY, and Luo XG. 2012. Manganese source affects manganese transport and gene expression of divalent metal transporter 1 in the small intestine of broilers. British Journal of Nutrition, 108:267-276
8. Bering SB, Bai SP, Zhang KY, and Sangild PT. 2012. Prematurity does not markedly affect intestinal sensitivity to endoxins and feeding in pigs. Br. J. Nutr. 108:672-681.
9. Bai SP, Lu L, Luo XG, Liu B. 2008. Kinetic of manganese absorption in ligated small intestinal segment of broilers. Poultry Science, 87:2596-2604.


