- 中文名:田英芳
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:腦損傷與修復的分子機制
- 任職院校:陝西師範大學
2006年 畢業於西安交通大學醫學院,獲博士學位。
2008年1月至2011年11月 在美國加州大學戴維斯分校做博士後研究。
1998年至2008年 歷任西安交通大學醫學院助教,講師,副教授。
2.主持陝西省科技攻關項目:精神方面疾病研究——孤獨症患者分子診斷標記的研究與開發2012K16-03-05, 2012.01-2014.12, 3萬元
1.Tian Y *( 田英芳), Stamova BS, Jickling GC, Xu H, Liu DZ, Ander BP, Bushnell C, Zhan X, Turner R, Davis RR, Verro P, C. Pevec WC, Hedayati N, Dawson DL, Khoury J, Jauch EC, Pancioli A, Broderick JP, and Sharp FR. Effects of gender on gene expression in the blood of ischemic stroke patients, J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2012 May;32(5):780-91.(SCI, 醫學2區,IF: 5.457)
2.Stamova BS, Tian Y(田英芳,共同第一作者), Jickling GC, Xu H, Liu DZ, Ander BP, Bushnell C, Zhan X, Turner R, Davis RR, Verro P, C. Pevec WC, Hedayati N, Dawson DL, Khoury J, Jauch EC, Pancioli A, Broderick JP, and Sharp FR. The X-chromosome has a different pattern of gene expression in woman compared to men with ischemic stroke, Stroke. 2012, 43(2): 326-34 (SCI, 醫學1區, IF:7.041)
3.Tian Y *(田英芳), Liao IH, Zhan X, Gunther JR, Ander BP, Liu D, Lit L, Jickling GC, Corbett BA, Bos-Veneman NG, Hoekstra PJ, Sharp FR. Exon expression and alternatively spliced genes in Tourette Syndrome. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011, 156(1):72-8. (SCI, 醫學2區, IF:4.126)
4.Apperson ML, Tian Y(田英芳,共同第一作者), Stamova B, Ander BP, Jickling GC, Agius MA, Sharp FR. Genome wide differences of gene expression associated with HLA-DRB1 genotype in multiple sclerosis: a pilot study.J Neuroimmunol. 2013 Apr 15;257(1-2):90-6. (SCI, 醫學3區, IF:2.901)
5.Tian Y*(田英芳), Stamova B, Ander BP, Jickling GC, Gunther JR, Corbett BA, Bos-Veneman NG, Hoekstra PJ, Schweitzer JB, Sharp FR. Correlations of gene expression with ratings of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity in tourette syndrome: a pilot study. BMC Med Genomics. 2012 Oct 30;5:49.(IF:3.766)
6.Tian Y*(田英芳), Stamova B, Jickling GC, Xu H, Liu D, Ander BP, Bushnell C, Zhan X, Turner RJ, Davis RR, Verro P, Pevec WC, Hedayati N, Dawson DL, Khoury J, Jauch EC, Pancioli A, Broderick JP, Sharp FR.Y Chromosome Gene Expression in the Blood of Male Patients With Ischemic Stroke Compared With Male Controls.Gend Med. 2012, 9(2):68-75 (IF:1.823)
7.Tian Y*(田英芳), Apperson ML, Ander BP, Liu D, Stomova BS, Jickling GC, Enriquez R, Agius MA, Sharp FR. Differences in exon expression and alternatively spliced genes in blood of multiple sclerosis compared to healthy control subjects. J Neuroimmunol. 2011, 230(1-2):124-9.PMID: 20920832 (SCI, 醫學3區, IF:2.901)
8.Tian Y*(田英芳), Liao IH, Gunther JR, Liu D, Ander BP, Stamova BS, Lit L, Jickling GC, Xu H, Zhan X, Sharp FR. GABA- and acetylcholine-related gene expression in blood correlate with tic severity and microarray evidence for alternative splicing in Tourette syndrome: A pilot study. Brain Res. 2011 1381:228-36. ;(SCI, 醫學3區, IF:2.665)
9.Tian Y*(田英芳), Green PG, Stamova B, Hertz-Picciotto I, Pessah IN, Hansen R, Yang X, Gregg JP, Ashwood P, Jickling G, Van de Water J, Sharp FR. Correlations of gene expression with blood lead levels in children with autism compared to typically developing controls. Neurotox Res. 2011, 19(1):1-13. PMID: 19921347 (SCI, 醫學2區, IF:3.015)