1. <!--[endif]-->Tian, Y.P., Valkonen, J.P.T. Genetic determinants of Potato virus Yrequired to overcome or trigger hypersensitive resistance to PVY strain group O controlled by the gene Nyin potato. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 26: 297-305. 2013
2. <!--[endif]-->Tian Y.P., Hepojoki, Ranki, H., J., Lankinen, H., Jari Valkonen, J.P.T. Epitopes mapping in coat protein of PVY reveals possible exceptions during serological detection and its applications. Plos One,DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115766. 2014
3. <!--[endif]-->Tian Y.P.and Valkonen, J.P.T. Recombination of strain O segments to HCpro-encoding sequences of strain N of Potato virus Ymodulates necrosis induced in tobacco and in potatoes carrying resistance genes Ny or Nc. Molecular Plant Pathology, Accepted. DOI:10.1111/mpp.12231, 2015
5. <!--[endif]-->Mbanzibwa, D.R., Tian, Y.P.(co-first author),Mukasa, S.B., Valkonen, J.P.T. Cassava Brown Streak Virus(Potyviridae) Encodes a Putative Maf/HAM1 Pyrophosphatase Implicated in Reduction of Mutations and a P1 Proteinase That Suppresses RNA Silencing but Contains No HC-Pro. Journal of Virology. 83: 6934-6940. 2009
6. <!--[endif]-->Gao R, Tian Y.P.(co-first author),Wang J., Yin X, Li X.D., Valkonen J.P.T. Construction of an infectious cDNA clone and gene expression vector of Tobacco vein banding mosaic virus(genus Potyvirus). Virus Research. 169:276-281. 2012
7. <!--[endif]-->Haikonen T, Rajamäki M-L, Tian Y-P, Valkonen J.P.T. 2013. Mutation of a short variable region in HCpro protein of Potato virus A affects interactions with a microtubule-associated Protein and induces necrotic responses in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26: 721-733. 2013.
8.<!--[endif]-->Haikonen T, Rajamäki M-L, Tian Y-P, Valkonen J.P.T. 2013. Mutation of a short variable region in HCpro protein of Potato virus Aaffects interactions with a microtubule-associated Protein and induces necrotic responses in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions26: 721-733. 2013.
9. <!--[endif]-->Mbanzibwa, D.R., Tian, Y.P.,Tugume, A., Patil, B. L., Yadav, J. S., Bagewadi, B., Abarshi, M. M., Alicai, T., Changadeya, W. & other authors. Evolution of Cassava brown streak disease-associated viruses. Journal of General Virology, 92: 974-987. 2011
10.<!--[endif]-->Mbanzibwa, D. R., Tian, Y. P.,Tugume, A. K., Mukasa, S. B., Tairo, F., Kyamanywa, S., Kullaya, A. & Valkonen, J. P. T. Simultaneous virus specific detection of the two cassava brown streak-associated viruses by RT-PCR reveals wide distribution in East Africa, mixed infections, and infections in Manihot glaziovii. Journal of Virological Methods. 171: 394-400. 2011
11.<!--[endif]-->Mbanzibwa, D.R., Tian, Y.P.,Tugume, A., Mukasa, S, Tairo, F., Kyamanywa, S., Kullaya, A., Valkonen, J.P.T. Genetically distinct strains of Cassava brown streak virusin the Lake Victoria basin and the Indian Ocean coastal area of East Africa. Archives of Virology. 154: 353-359. 2009
12.<!--[endif]-->Tian,Y.P., Zhu, X.P., Liu, J.L., Yu, X.Q., Du, J. Kreuze, J. and Li. X.D. Molecular characterization of 3′-terminal genome of TuMV isolates from China and evidence for purifying selection. Journal of Phytopathology, 155, 333-341. 2007
13.<!--[endif]-->Tian, Y.P., Liu, J.L., Yu, X.Q., Lei, L.P., Zhu, X.P., Valkonen, J.P.T and Li, X.D. Molecular diversity of Tobacco vein banding mosaic virus. Archives of Virology, 152: 1911-1915. 2007
14.<!--[endif]-->XVI international congress on Molecular plant-microbe interactions (MPMI), Tian, Y.P,and Valkonen, J. P. T. Helper component proteinase of Potato virus Yas a virulence determinant in Plants (Oral Presentation), Rhodes, Greece, 2014
15.<!--[endif]-->The 18th Triennial conference of the Eurpean association for potato research, Tian, Y.P., Kirchner, S., Hiltunen, L., Valkonen, J.P.T. The current PVY population affecting potatoes in Finland (Poster), Oulu, Finland, 2011.
18.<!--[endif]-->2nd PVYwide meeting, France, 2009
19.<!--[endif]-->XIV international congress on Molecular plant-microbe interactions (MPMI), Mbanzibwa, D. R., Tian, Y.P, Tugume, A. K., Mukasa, S. B., Tairo,F., Kyamanywa , S., Kullaya , A., Valkonen, J. P. T. Genome structure of Cassava brown streak virus reveals novel features for the family Potyviridae (Poster), Quebec, Canada, 2009